VOL. VIIL No. 60. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1897. PRICE-3 CENTa. WILD. Has'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers,} and Overcoatings NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A |le retti's Chocolates.... Fresh everyl week. n ly in n~ka~^i r I i ; anty in pac ages~ 60c a pound. j rLew.ney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARO THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. 1__INW_A_________ I ATHENS - THEATRE: Nonday, Dec. 13,,97 rR. CLAY CLEMENT IN A Southern ientleman Prices,.....25c, 50c, 75c and $I. Just Received a Large and Elegant Ljg o 'New' PipesI Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and Werners Co.'s Chocolate Bon Bons. R E. JOLLY & CO.0 30s:south State Street. WAHR'S 3O OE6TOR E . SPECIAL SALE OF STATIONERY. Best linen paper per lb..........iToe Best white bond paper per lb.... 25c Envelopes per box (250).......... 25c Envelopes per 1000.............85e Visiting cards engraved and 100 cards....................1.50 Visiting cards from old plate 100 only.....................90c Monograms made to .order irom '$2.50 to $5.00. Always the best goods at under price. i SONG RECITAL. Mr. and Mrs. Henschel in the Choral Union Series. An entertaiameut, unique, a lost ideal in artistic excellence was giv n by Mr. and 'Mrs. Henselhel last even- ing. The program was in itself a masterpiece, containing the puorat gems of vocal musi, gathered from every source, and showed the famil- iarity of the selector with -the entire held of musical literature. Mr. and Mrs. Henschel were bOth in good voice. The selections were received wil -rapt attentionintd at treir con- clusion the large audience would show its appreciation by enthusiastic ap- plause. - Mrs. Hensehel has a voice remark- ably sweet :and expressive, though it cannot be said to be strong or of wide rnge. Buti 'in her field it would be difficult to. find an artist who odgit claim to be her equal. Her selections were rendered with the rarest deli- racy of expression. The sweet little .song "Where Be Going," received an icnterpretation so delicate and fanciful that the enraptured audience demiiand- ed an encore, which was graciously given. "Die Lorelly" received the due dramatie rendering and served to bring out the powers of the sing r. Put her excellence appeared ralther in the sweet and dainty selectrons in which the prograni abound-d. "Spling" was received with a storn of applause. Mrs. Henschel was cal- ed isack and gave "Comii' i'lro' die Mr. Heusel has a voice of rae power xxihieti he uses to fine effeet. The reitderings of Ohe "ttuined dill" -and of "Heary the Fowler," were characteized by :great strength and expression. One of the i-oast delight- ful selections was the duet "hib, that we two were maying." A feature of the concert was Mr. Hlenscliel' ac- companying, an accoicplisbn'ent for which the is justly famous. In this 'field-excepting Max Hein-. ricli-'he is corsidered to be without a rival. Dr. Geo. W. Gray. Tonight the first lecture in the course arranged by lbe Good Govern- Si"ent Club will be given in iniversity Hall by Dr. Geo. W. Gray, of Cli- cago. Dr. Gray is at the head of the "Forward Movement" :in connection with the Chicago Commons. He will spealk on 'The Slums, Their Oause and Cure." He is one of the foremost figures -in Chicago in the iresent so- cial reform movement there, and as a Senior Committees. President Simnos, of the class of '9S. has appointed tUhe following comgnit-1 tees for 'the ensuing ye: Reception Commimi'ttee Chairvan, T.' I. Woodrow; . P. Tredway, H-. . Weinsteiu, Geo. C. Stone, iussel S. Rowland, Louis A. Kreis, Miss Wini- fred E. Beman, 'Miss (Mabel G. Loder' Miss Winifred Smith, Miss Harriet L. George, Miss Mary E. Young. 1 Arrangement Comm-itiee--auirman, J. W. F. Bennett; J. DelF. Richarls Rubert S. -Danforth, Henry T. Heald, Angus Smith, Guy A. 'Miller, B. P.' Marsh, Howard Felver, :W. P. Mor-. -ell. iavi-tatioih ('tmittee- Cha-imnam, Fritz C. Hyde; George 'B. Lowrie, Die H. Trowbridge. Jon E. Butler, Miss Julia M. Angell, tiss Harriet E. Bushnell, Miss Katheriae H. Brown. Memorial Comnaitee - Chairman,- Paul W. Vooi'hies; Oscar Strauss~. Harry E. Harringtoa, A. W. Smalley, MSs Nina A. Wilber, Miss Matilda A. Harrington, Miss Louise Weinmanu. 'ocial Commiittee-Ohairman, G'eo. C. Shirts, W. D. Herrick, B. B. Cool- idge, 'Miss Geitrude Savage, Miss Eva J. Hill. Cap and Gown Conmittee-Cloair- mtan, Sutton VaniPeti; Leon Goldsnmith, Th'a J. Knapp, Louise S. Thompso, Genevieve E. Mills. Atditiiig Coiamittee-Chairman, . W. Turner, Charles J. Rice. Joe Jefferson Will Be Here. Prof. Trueblood received a letter trom Josepih Jefferson, stating that he would be here on iTuesday morning. lis car will be attached at Detreit 00 the early noriing traii. Mr. Je- fcrson will be accompanied by the members of his family and a uiiitr of his troupe.. Special seats will be reserved for his party on the piait- form. In additio-ia to the above, prm- ineut citizens of the city, the Presi- dent, deans of the departuients, an other professors will be seated on the platform. The parquet will be e- .served for members aind holders of complimentary tickets. The gallery will be open to all. The interest usanifested 'in lis reception, bids fair to fill University Hall to the doors 2 A Personal Heard From. A postgraduate s'tudent who can skate, but can't dance would be pleas- ci to make acquintance of an agree- able lady who can dance but can't shate; object, itntual aid and 'intr ia- tioi in the two "arts". Satisfactoty referenmes given. Address B. A. D. 'Darcer, Gener'al Delivery.-'Ann Ar- bor. The I. of M. Daily is certainly pro- gressive in originating a personal COl- uim. We only hope it will continue t' publish as good personals -as the abve.-Dally Cardinal. The Brown football teain has uan- imously elected Frederick Win. Mur- phy, '99, captain for the coing year. AMturphy has played left end on Brown for the past three years. Debating Preliminaries. Three preliininaries for the Micl- ganahicago debate will be held to- night. The strongest of these is that between the Webster and Jeffersian societies. This is the final debate in the law, depa:rtient and the three winners will contest ii ithe final Uni-. versity debate. The societies of the law department are very strong this year and the xvinners in this contest will be prominent factors in the final. In tonight's contests the Webster So- ciety will be represenited by Messrs. Berkebile, Whitman and iodda. Messrs. Sha-nahan, Lacy and Dillmn will uphold the honor of the Jeffer- sounian. The Jeffemonians Ihave the aihirma- time of the question: "Resolved, That the action of the senate in rejecting the proposed arbitcation treaty with Great Britain was wise." The Web- sters will debate for the negative. Judges, Prof. B. A. Hinsdale, Dean R. Hudson, of 'the literary department, and Prof. A. C. Mvliaughlin. The Adelphi will hold its final de- bate tonight, on 'the saime question. The speakers on the affirmiative are Nye, Eaman and Dudley; on the nega- 'tive, C. B. Hurry, W. B. Harrison and C. D. Hurrey. The three winners of th'is contest vill meet the three from the Alpha Nu Thursday, 'Dec. 16, for the cho-ice of 'three debasuers to repr- sent the literary department. 'he Alpha Nu preliminary tonight will be closely contested. Messrs. M. Web- ster, Itheinfrank and Geismer will support the affirmative; and Engel- hard, Miss Quinby and Sanger, t'he negative. Prof. Novy on Germs. One of 'the most .interesting papers Thursday at the 'Sanitary eonve-ntiaaa in Detroit, is reported to have been that by Prof. Frederick G. Novy, 1. D., of 'Ann A ror, on "Geros, What 'hey A-re ami-How Tey Caus Disease." Prof. Novy said that of the vast numler of micros-opic living be- ings called germs with' which people came .in almost constant contact, the gmeat majority are prfectly harmless. Most of them are in their nature scavengers, and butt for them the earth would be covered withi layers of dead animas and tlants. They are thus i-nportant to the life of higer animais and plants. But a small nam- her of germs enter the tissues of liv- ing beings and cause disease. A quit'- ter of a mil'ion people die annually in the tJnited States from diseases due to these minuate bodies. The sim- plest class of these 'are the bacteria, which are of various shapes, or the bacillua, ball-saped and spira. If placed side by side, 25,000 would comfortably ocupy the space of one ineh. They multiply by dividing in the middle, completing the operation sometimes in the space of half an- hour. This in 48 hours, one germ may develop into 280,000,000. The poison of the disease germs is ex- I tremnely dangerous. praetical reformer Is probably the moat representative man of his class. He is in addition a brilliant and en- tertaining lecturer. Clay Clement, .who appears at the Athens Theater on iMonday evening-in "'A Southern Gentleonan," is a member of th'e Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, hav- ing joined when a student at Chicago I