4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BooTH, Pres. W. AsoeLD~,1st Vie-res Best effects for season ' 97-Black, J. V. SnENHAN,2 vicepres T he to re S m o in g lue Bron, Dab;Greyand JOHN OC WA z, AstCashier TheciStorereSmokingiGre- and te Savins -Baik, $$ to $0. Transacts a general Banking busi- ackets!ness. R e ~eady for YouG ODPyD' . Cr. Main and Hurie .Street,. r jU 117 MAIN STREET. - Capil, X55,00. Surpus, $30,0. Transact a 1I. Knur, Pre. C. E. OnEENe, Vice-re IN OUR--EULR F RPED. I. SEt6eesCashier. S1 DETA 1IHE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Shoe Departm 't W salTpa EonS 5doe o Ru~ ngenhes nrlB Ornied under theeQenerai Banking Laws a of histate. Receives deposits, buys ad !M1 MEN'S (FANCY SHIRTS of the ddetication. Safety de soss oes hi rent. THIS WEEK SATURDAY quality usually sold at $1.50 for Harrian 'Vice-Pean ()as E~iiscsck, FIRST NATIONAL BAN K it Ann Arbor ! 5 CENTS. Oranied 185 ' C apita, 5ii,00. Surpus and rots, 54,05 Transacts a generi aning usines. Foreign exchange ought andend. Furnish n _ letters f credit. aeWAGNER & CO., ED. KINNE Pres. HARRISON sOULE. FOR NE D Y k. w. LARiCoN. ashier. FO O E AY ~ .~ ~123s a S. Main St. Furnishers i C fl MAJOR & CO., Ladies' Rubbers. Lamps Expressly 4. Students' Use The Artisticdertr "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," Have a complete line of A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from Wal Paper, Paints, Oli, Window ting Rubbers with every pair $1.00 to $2.50 each. Shades, Room Mouldngs, Etc. of Lai+ he odia a I Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Seilyo ieitro eoaig for $2.50 and upwards. ht light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- painting, frescoing, tnting and paper red in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. Fr hanging. Only the best of worklen _______sale only by employed. Work guaranteed. 21 sut XinStee. DEAN & 00M PANY. C. g. MAJOR & CO., R The Artistic Decorator, fUNIVERSITY NOTES. Eastern Football Prospects. f io Ii law larlsent xwll 'ave work Pineton will gradate ily three K LI..E IN Satirday as u suedt he ds'a tregulr' plays, sayshe Ainlis meatss'ii wiloelcf-yshe Ovaat.itoi, oiiIrisS.teian: Ce-ain Cochrsn, isgt Thusdeoay.TA U1 Bssi'rt llsegsai, '00 E., rettirnesdto essd; anosussi and Ktlly, ivsly---FOR---- - °7N -eCllegu i'iiosdsy evening-fone his i tcsan Ic. lplaed four years ansi is i r.IE1'iAD VLI. 1 11011osi in Engle wood, 11., were hee on~sSquo tly neligible Io pray aissi !vsscaslled by ihe ilness andt deathli of It is traaet i .hw es'r, tiat Kelly Latest Novelties in Fll iis Sister. imay0rSiurn and tske a pot graduates and Winter Oarments. A U. of ?M. Alumnii Assoiationi hss c -esoo. Reiter will attensithe Se ss Owing; to the inclement weather hent-s Cgos ized at Romouine . uns ary nxt year and will an le COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. many ladies were debatred ftom VThere soe fifty nesbers. aiiong thies eligible. Anng oher In ionesig e+a - One block west of Ceverity. tbebeefi o lb aove0 r w .. B. Eldredge, '54, ansi J h.tacok- did-faW's for ack of the lne f-sosti mahlsblastfturday nd aloufrgh uas-s her, 't3.wiltbe Ayres, G. tatlihrsshoCrae iind maels audyadatog < eadour trade was unusually large. Irnest H. Plsomsa n, a graduna1e o fotr. Wheeler aisd Baird wuill both We want everybody in the City to the lwdeipatneiit, is sid obl ii'fIo retirn. ie Captain ias sot ov,,n share alike this exceptional offer yoongis'tmayor in tie tUnteduStaesleen elected. we make them, merely for the Ois isni iiaity A. hler, Crawford In tie itne, tHolt, roswdi,Reooti, purpose of c-ensy. Kai,sa, asd iso is a straig'~t Itow.rss ansI lllebs'sid, wil all re- Fire Confections Disnert, aisdire-ceived a 1sbigssnor- tri to colee. Tis will kave sihe Eon Eons and Introducing Our Great t, altoiigi the teen is iatirally end position ob ild Repsulcain. tHe is sal to be a Ise.Harvard loses both ends, '[Cptoin Chocolates. $ . 0sding "otlilsr of grieat 4-igity ailiCaliOtsnd Mkotlton; WuVrVe, $3lr.0020 ATWSHNTN TET si'iad a fine orator withl-si acs kl, Bosve a nd askell, gnard.;20EATWSITO SRET Ladies'y, FineFootwear._ 'sndut arrison,squarter-back; aid1of 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' Fin Footwear. Jefferson's Reception. the substitutes, Staw i adit _____________,___ Briownr, tizeis. snd Slbs .i. f-le 'OE'TTICAL!T Satisfied that once tried eer of to' faculty wiso hae eily pla c.sit ill he. diffiult t oil~ will prove their worth for not roes ived tickets for the Jeffersoii ar hie ends and gusrds, iii which Mel Giiespie tace er of Mandlin,.Bano and 0 ita. Instructor in he University wear and comfort. recital -f-r next -Teday cai obtain ios.itiis there is a derhofinatrial schoi of Music. to yess experiece as fliessi st Serotary Wade's office. The At tiarvaid. a eacher. Call at Ann Aror Music C's. "j resesved ois oill be for the fauly At l'enmssylvani, 0atin Minds, . tre to arage for hous. 555 Wlrlght Peters &COs. aisd Ohaltoreal A. eaiati' nni sbes ftakon, I boks .and Boyle, wl ntre; and tis rs t of the pause will be s , n trn, but as all the subs titts r- HOLKES' LIVERY tEtotPeReed &l pbCic'somngaktherospctsireor_ totE--s a uum onn ak h popd.if'S A L . P. Ree & Cos.stmrg tem next seso.ST B E Geo. W. apbell, fo'merly of F. f-. ~9~ ~ - $250 3.0i$.5 AD$4004areusbarbr slopon p Sate t.. tois'13Ot lRENT--uite of roks, furnace 509E.iberty St, $2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e 50e3m0p$.5lN $.0~22Xoyedi by W. A. ItoDenald at, heat, hr wood flitsh, newly funish- Central location. Good Service Shesa ar f ai'Rb 106 HI. Waist.in tn s-t., Whreho will e. 520.It. effectin St., eas-half block hers with every pair sold Sat- b dae~ alo iftd encnps.TYTE urdav, Dec. 11. - ToledoC A Good Pocket Knife for 26 Cents. Steam A Better One, Warranted, for 60 Cents.Lanr Lan r A K. ~ . A.""" ."""."And SAVE 25 PER ENT on wha on ame 7 NO13 E.Washnt S t owsaig or 1aundry work. Leave :Orders- M un-rner s ruw ore GorIFou th e I ' aoth Main Sree.