THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t t OUR........ 3 'iz)tock of Furriishi.zigs for Men. Sweaters: $4- 00 Sweaters...................$3 45 $3 50 Sweaters..... .............. $2 85 $2.00 Sweaters................... $1.39 A Special on $1.00 Gloves for............ "69c. 7 F-See oorwindow for Bargsains. i~See our window for Bargains MAIN TREE, S.MAIN STREET, S. MAINSTRET, . A AWK %saEm See the much talked of Aluminum Maindolin that have a good tone and do not warp or dieck at the ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 205-207Et. Washington St. MLGHI&AN j 'The Niagara Fals Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR AND YPSILANTI Taking Effect 2Nov. 21, 0897. ANN ARBOR. YPoI. Mail and Epress -5 47 p. m. 4:05 N. Y. &BostoaSp' ---4158 5:113 *North ShoresLisatteti.. 510 -- Fast Eastern - 0-----947.. 1:12 Grand Rapids Ex-i--1 10 am. 11:25 Detroit Night Ex -55 5 6:0a.n. Atlantic laxpress.-----7 305 7150 YPSI. ANN ARBOR Boston N. Y. &Ch--7:5ami. 8 12ans Mail &Epress-8-- :00 9 iS Fast Western Exe-i:25 p. am. 1'38;,r. G. R. &Kai.Ex - :40 5 5) Chicago Night Ex--9:255 947 Facilec Express ----12:15 a.m. ii 3Q a.m *North Shorn Limited is an eatrn fare teal-, to beea charge of 5.50 tu New York than on ether trains. 0. W RUGGLES, HI. W. HAYES, G.P. & T. Agt, Chicago Acgt Ann Arhor CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders far all Fraternity parties, club danoes. etc. Leavenorersat.Ann Arbor MlusicCo. er attesidence, 1710 Ge ddes ave. P.. - Will take pupils on Piano and in ight reading at above named P1acnn. A. J1 .Thn ston. F. J. SCHLISDEAS FULLER & BERANEK; .55S SAESTLP ITake home one of TAILORS Book Binding...........25 crses and opt our ,UT. of M2." Pins or solid Gold Fountain Pens.S1,00 and op. some other novelty inf Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Waterman and Wirt Pens in nto-,1: and our lii e. Work called for arid delivered. Pens Repaired. Whcoimale and Retail Paper,. 3% lbs. of Lin- rYT A 1 ADOPING, 3 il2 S. STLATE ST., over Itosey's. en Paper for 50c. VV _JFfO~b iWELno. Phone No. 2%, New State. IBROWN['S IDRUG STORFZ CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is the plate to Regis t .r. This. Register is always consulted first by the Messengers-It's FIR. Hospital Circle Notice. At the Athens. Th'lere iiicbe atiseciing of tllos105-- No piiy of 'ilie day 111ii iducedilt le pi1al Circle of Riings' Dtiigllev s ol discossooisand tI tilencliod 110 is lie- $oslsi'elly after'nooni, Dcc. 1,it, .0 2 114 deoteed hby tihe new,i ers off Olin