"Cf %loft VOL. VIII NO. 59. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1897. PRICE-3 CENT-S. WILD ?Hasreceived a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO.10O8 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh everyl week. Only in packages- 60e a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. 1 TilE WHIST CLUB. Dr. Gray on The Slums. D. Ge. W. Grey, wht will lecture A Permanent Organization IS nder thausiices of the Godd(Gov- }Effected. emnent Club toinorrs evening, is - ~speintndeint In citrge of tlbsoscial The University Whtist Club hel its sttleaent sptttesl by :the 31'rwa-d second, meeting last evening in Rose 5Movemnt in Chicago. ii, st which tue a permanentitorgan- V'this "tttsvetnt" is sit orgatizet e- izatious was effected. The temporary fort tswatdstriaitil rsftsrtts altng si- ettsirntan, Mr. H. Bowen, iwto Ietiisatal issit itsi5sr ue eover frott the previos eting, ecallet Posssd at Hull House. Dr. Gray Srings the assenblage to rder. After ~ie Itois task a lotg expet ettc in pil ritittes had been read atnd accepted stlsropisi and reforiti torik wich- en- the cottumited appointed to frtinte a irttly dts -him ftr tie dities of iis c'tsstittitisntaatle ifs report. lisitist. 1rotiinerttiattng tioeco- The conttbtt on rcotutersed fo-teted with te oratizalon ae lowed in geteral ouflineteft ideas Lutier Iatfitit Mills, C. C. ^Bonnet and given its Tacodny's Daily. Its fo- D. Alice . Stockiam. fTse residet ]awittg additions, however, were'ntde ttdnons-esislet woerts nube 1)7. ttpotnusotion, atid incrporatetd: 'lTe work is carried .ottlrstgi coa- 1. Thssnightoftef isregulatne eeklytimess, in ill tweny-six, oisitti'iits tst teutigs was set ftr Thursdaty, sui- live departienis, phYysica, itsdustrial,1 jest to change atty ek tit lTittrs. esiteatisisral so:a id i siisunl,es- day conlictedi seriotsly with ohisr in tedail stmphtasis ieing 5Plcedituo it'e terests. various clubs and the kinderarfei. 2. The timne for oening pity was bil at 7:30 o'clck: all players wits Dr. Novy and Vaughan at Detroit. cmitt later are nt privileged to ctt in ait any regular itieting. P'rof. Frederick G. Noy, of lbs Uni- Terim play ias adoptedl . lthe versity, the recenty appcaed iien- sorest method of develspitnig scisitiic her of bbs state bhoard of health, left wshist. Vie usci lid of proceedurs ive ill Wesfiteday f or Detoit to attedt sie tie in acocranuce with the rules for Saniary convention 'hellters tdy duplicate play a4sustggestetid uin ts and tomorrow. Dr. Novy reds a American AWhist League regublis. paper this afternoon n "Germs, Whats -. No studtet while atteniding el- They are and How They Produce Di- Slege can be mails an hontorary rn rsease." Tomorrow eveing Prof. V. er. Other tifing corrections were C. Vaughan, idirector, of ts Stats' sigegted and apps-vd, but this cos- Laboratory of Hygiee in this ciy, sitution was in general adoped asre-addrlesses the coivnin in discussion isoltiect iy the esniitti'e. si the subject, "Consumptio, Iits R- As soon as ftse costitstien had been striction and Prevention," from ^a si- 0s 1tisfactoily atnendcd ansi accepted, nIffe sandpoint. tnossatsiatoss for pesident wets called That Detroit Motor Line. ftc r. I+. E. Burkitardt,'98 L, and But- l er latu-b, '00, were the opposinig cats- That Detroit, Atn Atbot c~d Ylsi- diae;Laut a lctdotacos hEetrcf lty ees nso'- vote. Leotnarsi D. Versler ln&d tste- lylat lcrc. Wiestit ea tdifromiess tiss et 'toated cndl Ise itr sresidet w e rnted ia franch-iise Sy 'Iet fwsttift mptiaa. d for the ' ire'sidSey of Wa ye. Thisals for a5Z2) cntt S pon Sifr, Verder's delinatisis M, fistsfrotna Detroit to Wsyn with Bsrklorst was declared tstnas- round trips at 41 cents. 'Ts compfasy mn s i(ce. C. tF. Jons fot sectn- nst.ts-ll tickes for 1; ens pser5 fuary sit 4 D. Vet-ierfer t reasurer,sill. Te agreementstt is to hasve rie hid tile unanluos vole of fts assei- lists conipeted to Wayne June 1. Isisge. The four officers tamsed consti- 1898S. -Tiers will Ihlirtsremin~ais isi fife the executive oseid. Vie en- Itsmilses before stdents stesy ite to hirsisip cominsittee will e ausouned Detroit onthe i "tiotr.'. !next AMosday. Vise final hnrsisess before ts cish Inlander Board Meets. was ftse report of the committee en- trustsd with securinig roons. Ii thfits '1'Ine iander Botrsf nit yesterdy aibsence of the chairman, G. L. Miller] aftertoin sitd tisusse. generl plsu staled tht deeisive 'ant it had not for te ctiing year. ft is lrslsss is bseesn given by 'tse University -auhsor- siksfts Deceitbe t isssber assa"- fies in regard to securing a rootmsin pecissly 'inviting one. Tlese tmonhly some one of the college uikld'ngs. 'boardl meetings are an issnoatiotsits Pending their answer the committee ft ssoyo isisadradlsn zwas intructedl to fisd out 'the co o taypovnqisstcssti ff asecuing ,rooms off lbs campus. The hlr Ltsmn', '00, ins elected to the 1general sentimnest was that if outsideI ard inthe caacity of tassistant sssns could e practired at reasn- ittsines manager. aable expense, that woulti e the Freshman Spread Patrnesses. acourse to adopt. The seeting ud- Vie following aie t the list of ptrn- rjostrued to next 'Wedneday evening. esses for toe Fresltinen Sitrad, t- Vie pane of thzis 'meeting will be an- msorrow night: Dr. Eliza 'Mfosier nass' suttuceef late. te lb s enss Sarry Iutchins, As - sAn- ivew ctangihis, Martint . D'Oag, Cornell1 is reported to have received do'ont, W. P. Lombtard, W1ilits W. ch<1allenge f root Vle and Harvard tos Peilee, Vctor C. Vaigan, IFred P. row et spisng. Jordan. Medtcal Department News. Thie Calsissi wi rfHecht iiig Co. hats recently 'ittlt it'd euhiiluippe a_ miodel htospill containingitrty beds. piratest to stresistwlio of its gras- Vise mesical staff of this coitiopny ias sadie a poopsition to lt' sedical Ri- tates each year for a trsm of seivce of one ytiir. ervie itill begiss on itie 15th of fJly. Tie aipttisfntns are to he tmasde on te romumneusdta- 'ion of ftse faculty. 'PTseDeanssof fist medical detprt-. mient was recenstly inform~esd lat Dr. E. W. Moors, of ftse lass of 18-, isnpiraciticisg meiinite in airitegu- lar way in a stmall fewinisnrthiesin Mlieligan. To its i nfotitant fts rely wa sasdett Dr. Mfooes is Pmhtio- isgistit itsh ICorese, lassteist- setfs, Innus Asylusms, and hus never itrtfisesl stesiise in MIiciigas. Is- vestigation sfows that anotier ws-tnan liy st sssstefisastiissof Dr. MoYnets andsfhas obttsinted Fromn tsftsivsty 'a cettflcte -satfisigtat sits gtad- uatedlistslit 1S84. Tbiswmnossas o fbeen arrestesd for perjury, asd ts ease will soon esisse to tial. Dttcor, Novy, Iltubsertand Mcsr- rich 'were 'apiointeds a countitfe, at a seust isesitig uof the steticl c tulty, ft confer witis a comitttee frthe b lifersary fsety, to te-ew sissil resr- ga~ee iteoittinstd course sit this'it- entity asn ittidictl dep rttets. 'Thets re now tety studensts ttktng tis scotminetd courise'. atnldte medicll fassity is sissrsus thtitfit boad of regenits sfittl astitouce that after thie yeart 1902 lbs cominedssi cosie will e fts' osly costsse givest in the' nesissi tdepsartmensst, or, its other wrs, that biefore astudetiicsttrusesiterthis sedeti fhs'latlxtse esnts'favesti' aeo a ttlres yeiuts sors its thelieriry te- partmsent or in ons other iversty of eqoal standitig. 0. W. U. on the Tie Score. The folloswing, taken frsnmftse "Col- lege- Transcsrip,'"fts tieklyotutt of Ohb Wesicysta t'siiesity, i S is cosstisenfry ott itself. They al wirP 1o expisin Siswyit hsapiese: "Assetnext carts Mlcitgtnonstl, ovcr-rossiiienf Micligtts, nt caring- tntil after the gasti-wihto Sietlayod, so losig as their ciutcnsg for a godf hmi rlt'gatitwsrsatsisid. 1 ie sell they were satisie musy e see0 its thL itftchthasuthuiey-were iayed. to to stuantishihi1, the oval remining thelb msst of ftse titms witlliniIt.heir terni- toi'y, snd i it eelyasoptssssion.. Tisehissundf cry which cassss frown Mliehugan after ftse gstme, asd the su- scletaeit oion of list Athletic SBoadi si ofControl, are tar eeathi-her ig- nity. All untfairniess watin t itS ganssfatvor, 'sod 50to t0 wat still ie store. Mict~ihiis afterwardsi hit Obe- lin 16 to ." S Mr. liager read a very ineresting Impler onClouds Sir-sstte last szlight t lbseseeting of te Phlioogictal o- ciety. 'Mr. Effinger was reelected see- seinry offtse society for thisesuig Iyear. SPECIAL SALE OF STATIONERY. Best linen paper per lb. ...1Sc Best white bond paper per lb. ... 26c Envelopes per box (260)... 250 Envelopes per 1000... .....85e Visiting cards engraved and 100 cards............50 Visiting cards from old plate 500 only...............0c Monograms' made to order ironm $2.50 to s$5.0 Always the best goods at undes price.