THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TIlE IJMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store W. v"W.Wtoe A ..RepeatedOffve, -IN OUR Shoe Departni' THIS WEEK SATURDAY. FIREVE FOR ONE DAY Ladies' Rubbers. A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- ting Rubbers with every pair of Ladies' Shoes sold that day for $2.50 and upwards. Owinga to the inclement weather many ladies were debarred from the benefit of the above offer we made last-Saturday and although our trade was unusually large. We want everybody in the city to share alike this exceptional offer we make them, merely for the purposedo Introducing Our Great $3.00 Ladies' Fine Footwear. Satisfied that once tried will prove their worth for wear and comfort, Wright Peters & Co's. E. P. Reed & Co's. $2,50, $300, $3.50 AND $4.00 Shoes -a pair of Ladies' Rub- bers with every pair sold Sat- urdav, Dec. 11. 10865. M~ain St. and 343 S. State St. ~UNIVERSITY TEXT"-BOOKS, * NEW ANtD SECOND-HAND. HAS FULL LINES OPF NOTE. BOOKS, and ~STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain. Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GOLDEN ASCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly 4t Students' Use 'The Rochester," 'The Yate," "The Royal," 'The Perfection," "The Bertin Student," all nickle ptated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student shoutd use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure whtight, is odorless and dues not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at i0c per gallon. For sale only by DBA OMPA Y 214 South X(ain Street. 1 UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'The. Web-ter Society isill ;bud4( an ilotlion of officetrs at pits met(eting 1o- ntorrow nighlt. Dean Hurlehins of the 1,Iw delsari- nisent, i>ss been asked by the law classes to allow themi to take thewir c'.ork of' the Friday biefior vieatiorli. iext Satuuiday. Dr. E. Benlaniin Aindress.President of Bion University, will irs-lulre ai' Dee. 17, at Iowa College, Grinnell, Ia. Ir is subject will be "Robert E. Lii'." December Outing. Slight, sensatiable, and l tIsaie-ly illostrauted,* Outinig for Dscotnntx'r sel snotlaino the relsuaalon it the wont's usiac~ino of short aInd ptastdiiie. Amnong to' miany good things it co tuts te ae: "(_tri-tia-as 'NWit ekAnicit tlihe Lagnoons of L~ouisiana,"by An- dresss Wilkitison; IIIliateritio 'Il Sleek-skaneg:,' by It. 'gait Me eio: ','The Olid Stie JBoor of Bayesa Sece"' bty Harry Baa11; ~"Willi thteQuail in Decembieir," biy Ed. N. Saldys; "this- ket Ball," by A. J. Patet; "°ltie Trenid 1and Di'ift ci of aoti-g," iy A. .1. K,- iwaly; "Rtive- nczk Shooting in Win- tee," by Johii n. Wttnes-els; "T'heuigi Enropie A;wlicel," by W. a'. Strong; ".A Snowsosi' t Sin BluenoseLanil," by Frank II.iisteen; "A I'itgriniage to CGrater tube, Oiregoni," by S. Gt. Ltayne; "LoilgingoS to Lot," biy Dolrothy F. Bloutifild; "'Tie year's Giitf," fit Price Ci tiler; "Cheroket' Inditin Ball," by A. ft. Robin, sia; "The Bull-Dog,' tiy -II. W. Hunstingtoan; and l t'eusual Editorials, ipoeits 'anid records. t'OtR RENT--Suite of roots, furnace hteat, ltard wod f'utoli, neswly tu tis. - ed. 520 E. Jeffet on of., oaic-unhaltlock tir-Mnscam1puIS. Walter Camp on the West. III tela teist lostie itf Bitiltc's AWckly Wlfer('atoll writes ahs fil- Io-n: Ihi Site eat thtiersfore iiteiitt pltyets altitost t1o Itisttttes of