THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. It Attracts Attention Stock of Furishings -for ewn. tSee onor window for Bargains. $400 oSweaters.. .................$3 45 Swatr$32& 50 Sweaters............$2 85 $200Sweaters............ $1.39 A Special on $1.00 Gloves for ..............69c. fW'See or window for Bargains MAIN STREET, S. AW IM 1MAIN STREET, S. See the much talked of Aluminum Mandolin that have a good tone and do) not warpeor chect at the ANN ARBOR MUSIC C0. 205-207 B. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunnday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. S OUTH. 8:42a. m. *7:0a.m, 012.25 am. 11:10 a. n. 4:46 p. m. ' 8:45p. M. *Rurn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILMORIE, Agont W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Tnledn 0. Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ox. d 7 B., N. Y., Chi -- 811 N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Maii-5-----918 0. R.BEnenAso ---i1 10 Pacific Ex.---12 3B *N. S. Limited... 8 ill P. @astern Ba.0--- 47 Western Ex.--1 38 A M. G. R. &K. Ex.. 5B5 D. N. Expresn---- 5 B0 Chi. Nt. Bxa---9 47 Atiantic Ox.-7 20 t *North Shore Limited lo an extra faretrain to be a charge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. U..NItOGLOS, B. 3W. HAYOS, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Axt.. Ann Arhor U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322z SOUTtl STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Flair Dressing up stairn Did friends tall again. We wecome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI., RENTSGHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone 0.O ANN ARBOR ENOCH DIETERLE, ERiBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Day or Night. No. 1ie East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 12. RANDALL, THE PHOTOG3RAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. AWN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, mEHrnt Call and See Us, CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF-FIRST-CLASS. Orders for aii Fratersity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Bunic Co. or at Residence,l710lGsddes ave. P. S. - Wiii tahe pupilsnon Piano and is sight reading an =above named Places, A. J .Johnston. Advertise in The Daily J. JnSCHLEEBDIS. 340 S. STATE STREET Book Binding..........25 cents an~d op Solid Gold Fountain Pens... .t.0 and op. Waterman snd Wirt Pens in sto-,k and Pens tRpaired, Whoinsale and Retail Paper, 3% lbs. of Lin- en Paper for 50c. NOW is She time to join tile ciasse Grangeir's Soho( TERM BEGINSV Ground Floor, Maynard Street. Wants His Saiary. At~ tho re eteITOinksgiv!i::g 01111, lO(-twOOeilow-1. sol dNelmroeki'o, 5:i C"Ioa wfOI:1:of thec i:tteI to::.1)),tt:i v( th~e gatte ,roceipts of 10:: ..ineoe D(in- force the: py:::slo:. ofoecy dut::o ii. f or serv-ices 0cooselo. VTe s::in- ogters hl e olst 7-ct received 1 -honeo::oc tolsl tohc :ae is in the lesi::io of lasW- yoro aond Iato roolilt :f II:-' liW sitisf 1 f gorly 'swrosilc:1by bocth -oilegt-s. 1 CA LENTL8Alt. Thuorsday, Dec. i-ttooi 9, Univosr- sily Iflu, WobtClub,:: oitio oif oiS- cers 3011 sUioptitoo iof conlstitutiio. Plorodoy, Dec. 9--Nooiro IE, Uiavor- -Sly Isti:l P14ologicai Soc'ioty, 7:30 1). Iil. Rteglar nloo-ting. 1i4i:1:ty,1Doec. 10-lUlircrsity ffiisl, Geco. IHecl eiin song recitaii, t~itl t nion coor se. ,Saturday. Do:. I1-leooooits GyIli., l'resiloooSp~readl. Tiiesday, Dec 31-Unoivciiy s, 13:15It. Oil., recetptionl-to *.ie )hl .i:f- fr] ,Oi:. Wedsooiy, Deec. 15,-Msui cosles- 'ture coo" A, P. Is..,Ioeetiing of (Prod- toote 'Clib, o;address by Prof. We rooes- ter. Ibomy ibtotertioesat ilo::gstrrlfcrer leo-s ntownos tore 1Fri~lby, Saterly a:Io lolly. - Youi iay twin ihelitPI- tore. Praeedslodeveled to eloority. WAN TED-Stuodent to fill tible for loi" beard ~ ot!40Pockardl of. l5 Univershity Bch( Slate Street, oppos] Terms $5.00 a semester - Offloo-427 Th CHRISTMAS ! FULLER& BERANEK, Taehem oeof - ~TAILORS ocurU. of M.":PPbs or some other noveity in Cleaniog, Pressing and Repairing. our lii. e. Work cailed for sod delivered. .. xSO1 , EADIG, 0123S. STATE ST., over ltoney'n. ~ od. a>nwE1,E.e Phone No 2'4, New State. ts at I 0. M4. MARTIN, 1 FUJNERAL DIRECTOR.. Embalming a Specialty. 0 No. h2OD FOURJi I1H AVENUE. WHEN YOU DO. Ambulasce night or bly. GRANGER'S ACADEMY.Reiec,32FfhA u. ANTON r UFEL, At the Athens. HEADPQ5 o, o~s FRn Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases. and v = Teiesropes. 11 ' dTrunks and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply, No.307 S. Main Street s We have just re- ?,c ' P 1 e V tived a large line 1a See our window. o PIPES ____ ~ HALLER'S Jewelry Store - Lowney's Chocolates -00 TO- \ W ~W. n UT.TLE'ASaeSt.. ALLEGRETIS, iS you wish. tCtAY CLEMENsT- K 0 A L Wloo wvll Ippea it utle : booes .ALLGRAESnnOFo T!, ater Monideiy, Deccc ob or.2 103,-in"A, itAltD:SOFT, CANNEL AND SJIOKELESS COALS S.ittoleri: G.yooIei~ioooiAND 002KE. X0,11 E.IVI. STA BLER, Tloe oooioouttee 'looroD: thoc oooattoo in 1W.Washington Street. Phone 8, tdooarge loareo ir;slo io I 0ooeohThe Bamnethoe uarantee. wlooety tloese oltill Ioe01iiog originsol SPALDING'S Cuir~ovo eoo& -L.oooclge rtckets igo Fot Ball Supplies For '97 li i v tem x~h'aige fr tckts go),] Bverv Rerquiie for ihe Dame. for tloe loioo-ioiioog iuiobors ,i01, tho-: Msanagero will do weil to write i-srse by regentiog :110.00tof lioner'; he fore purchaispealate u""rug store -anytiloe tofore Sattucday, The Spalding Official De.i.Aob ikt ot~ Foot Ball. o-loaoged hot-ore tiait dste swill be Can0- Adopttd by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania eeled arvard, Ctornell, and all other ieadin g uni- orled.versities. Bach ball trsted and parked, and By order of eoooonotsttee, eealed in separate tea with brass inflator Price, S$.so. W. T. T-45 hIf)NIf, llOaxraO~oOi. Spiemg'o399 Official Foes Bail Guido form, 897 Edited by WAsLTER CArP. Post- paid, jme cents. ool o 1J~t n' ingC anloestas shell tsO TintisFitsie,1usr. te Law Building. Am.6 SPAL DING & BROSmI New York Philadelphia - Single evenings 5) cents. Chicago Washington aompson Street.PIENWLTO spa reYou can FIENWLTO Do1 10YOU learn it while buying ~ T h Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, an VV8as burns.." 203 North Main street, opp. court ut received., house, Pure home made candies Lowest prices on "STRINGS and TRIM-. and ice cream, fine' California fruits, MINGS for all Instrumenis. 9 know$you will want them frat SCHAEBERLES MUSIC STORE party you are going to give. 114 Went°Liberly at., Ann Arbor. 9 JAMES KOSTAUS 1 r r t tO