THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. sm n Ā® f Pubiished Daiy (Sun tys excepte) drin he ollge yaa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ornis: Times building, 329 S Main St. be tween Liberty and William St. MIANAGIN EDITQO J. F. THOMAS 'OS 1L. ISUINESS AMANAG ERI 0.,T. HANS, 'tO L. EDITORtS 1H. B. SKILLMAN '18 L., Athletics. E. L. Gasan,'91 . - - - Monda: BUTLat LAMB, ', - - - Tuesdy 0. D. llEssoyw. 'OS. Wednesa T. R. WOOtmOW, '8. - Turda: A. CAMPBoELL, '9- - - -Frida L1. 4. AMI'ne., 'i, - - Saturda The subscription price of the Daily is $2.( for the college year, with a regular deliver before noo each day. Ntices, commnica tions, aud other mtter intended fr publica tion must be anded in at the Daily office be fore zi p. in., or mailed to the editor beforeĀ£ p. i., of the day previous to that on whil they are risetd to aper. Subsriptions may be left at The Dill Offiee Meyer's or Stofflet's Nestad, or with usiness Manager. Suberibers will con fer a faor by reporting pomply at ths office any failure of carriers to deliver aer ('1nsdoresl trosile sas xp(r ieiicl lst yeorillitgling the eiior to replort their ioisis 151o'itlly toitls 9t3icliig'oltcioio llTe aokin -gsttisg out the annu110 is hart enongh with out this unnesco;sary 'veXatiMii7loll1dc- lay. LEvery S'nior51soldl 10102.1to sedinllg in hs inamue at onc. Thirosighithe cout0Vt yof te re- issue of tho AtllelcAsociaifl 111d the irloioiger of the floo;b~l team th Dily owilie ble csoo, 1o give I coil- plete reciort Of Ilein1ance,' Iofte A,oohu5t o11'nl 112(2of the footill season. Thiis is 0 new' d015011011'lclt 21111011.e'tllii wvl i istilli )11ecolltsi by tie mew'- tiers of t l Assesiois. Jonas In Complimented. Ito~prisr Weekly of Doc t. tl, obr (lins'a ftne lorrait of sld pys aHigh ctlliillret Fe'Alets.Jonas. Iiie clilig the '11115l011125 Nwy York will 1Olve this witer it sys: "Agin,ores Alsets Joas, the 'Spanlliod, s brillilt anld 0S tempera- ulilttallaplayr 05as ert Could wis'" 21h012agasinIi t devocs this 152 'ragiw 'i to Anin Arsr's greti lnlsi'11: "Alberiso os is (of Ilhe (11210l tg as G illieo-bornl in Madrid in 120.0. 1asd wos a (1lild lproigy 1as0a.0C11' poesr before tielad-12soas welv's. Ito: studisd'alt Br'tssels and cried a0w0y honors; an1d1 lfter fairly slor lg on a tianl-lall.1er's aiduous s'aree, ltcl" ,rnptetd itherol'ially 'to ce. pInl of leelintein. ih4reic is solietiilg f rasitllre SO developed and1)1 clichd; 11t1 in Jons lyslotoltlerli sar(5t11 al inwtirr'l'd. He is a playe'8r f lhe liet Tank, at seriosus 011(1olint llerreter n as -aU eliiiitist, ands Rub'istein2 piopliesied wisely(f a futre lnowVfas10. r'souiiiilg. 'ti-lisn. F'rnt, ihasolf, (ee- mollty, Asstvia and Elag~nd- have ten srong prises of 'this ong Md- rileno. HlIa oonci=herd trarelyi New York, hbut his inart here is made." Geo. W.COanpbol, fm'mely of F. H. Wa'r:)Len abe spornO 9il tot .ti1 nw empoyed byW. A. Mcon'd at 70 E. Wlr-hlny I t., wher1 'rh will be ple se ilto'If his frit81.. An All-Western Eleven. 'Choefollowiing maelihav bon lnamoed 9 by Mr. RllphlT. Itoland~l, 0110 of tlie Wbot footb'allsolii'i'olslain tio Wst, 11s "an ll-lWesten Leanto, a1 n ie 1111, in anyl estimaltion;,would 11111110 thi sironges a mlliS'atln of payr,:" Itigihlt ceI-oioe , Wis sil. R iglt gsard-'Clsez (,'pt., Obeli,. Cater- CGaoa'aulgh, Cl-to. Y Left takl'- ilSaciey "oapt.), 1111. yyLeft ed-tKsnned7y, Ohi.'-lg.o. y ( ar''hak"'-s'liler, ilinos. y Iiglit liof-H'lte rehc:'g.' (ap.), Leftl'half--'oches, Wisconsin. b ull tback-'Gardner, 1Wioemusil. cente11r; P150cl, 11110101s; Mll, o- - 're Daine,01nd(; tClrke, Cilegoi, 81111'2" htel' alk; Peels, -Ws-oosi, 'half btick; y _l re (cat.) P'trdue, full bok. T F sur of 1110 temlre .10railt'iicag, sithree If15113 Wieoioin.1two")fromIiiliii 1 ots, ail on0e1'each froiii Oberlii l liligai. Mrit. lHooglenli ays: "'fIe liose stellil is pied oe oia 15'defenlsi'e eMll'l'thaa iloorwise , )I 1d o t 1111111k it woolild e foind sanilg w'elli it came111'tI adathiiig Ite al" The H. M. Phillips Prize. '10110Americanl l'lilosoplicl Sciety Iof phil.dehplia, 1announcel-(' hal~~t '1 osviiid of the Hiry M. Pillilps irie will e mode dtri'nigt1-lie 'a' 1(K0, 05- says for the samie to Dei l te poses' 50)11 of Hle soci(1t' befslore heitst 81119 of ?Alay, 18919. 'Thie solset 111)012which~i essays are to e firnished by colols'i 'ors 'is: "Tl- Dev'elopmentllOof 1100 .I w'. os Olliltraled by %'8'Deisios itela- lgto 1110 Polie P~oer of hSae. 'I'll)'1)11e0for the oininig t's~ay' wiil he $2,000. Essays mulst e addh"ssel 10 Fre-. sri'k Fraley lpresident of 1110 Amoe 10011 Philosopliiol Sociey, 101 S. Fifth st., Philadelphia. Tile essays shalli not o200in mane's 11010110ehulloted Iilhosnd 00ords. University Men Appointed. A. L. Davis, 'hiS L, peeiellI of the, Ntiolsal College elubmuln lu lb has addd ti 1Ole piltt oI'l t o.baa11150 distrito eeutive shirninos hoto is lht of lllpsiitiints. Il~e has naniesd Philo Jones", of the t'11i-elsiy of Souitern 'oalifoellia, as eriirnounnof 11h0 tb- 1(012111distrit, vhiich ch'sl ;1iises d~ts of ('olifornht '111 Nevada; acrdd 2. J.. Sickel, of BssdwvlU Inivesiy, Kn- 50, 05 'lairlllof the elet-01111is. bit, comlprising ttseoof asas, Cllrado, Utw'hnd Aizona. Yale h1111 eCeived at 00112111i11101io fi'oiii Itoevod, sggesing 11hat0a0Ia 015550 1b11tch e ,oranged Detw en the two lstitutisns. Yle hils not yet takn'ip l 11 the gamne. ht l le scess that lHarvord hashotaihi fr umany years, is sunhls 0 to waranll an at- tempxt to formo o tami. F YOU WANT THE BE4T FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 27, MS.,tea Woodard Ave.. Detroit. D~esigsnand estimates furnshed on all wrk of this ind. Before Havin~g Your Photo's Tak~en z NS WECT THE WORK ..AT.. TheBerryman Studio (Snocessor to Gibson & Clark) 112 'West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Students' Lecture Association!I Powers------------------Jan.22 Washiugton- -- -- -- -- -- - -Jan. 29 Sousa's Band- -- -- -- -- -- - -Feb. 25 Oratorical Contest -__tlarch a8 Burton_-----_____-------AprilI8 Save your money buy buying a season ticket. M l so re e ss ol ir w GUTISR nAJS >ThWash'abnn 5 heon ad' nl TahbrW"ashrnedops the nde.l A heautiful Wushborn Book contain- log portraits and letters from the De Reszkes, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Scnai- cnhi and ioo other fomous artists and teochers, mailed free upon request. Addre'ss Dept. U, LION A SEALY, Cur. Wabash Ase. and Adams St., Chicago. For Christmas! PUT A KODAK ON YOUR LIST CAN DIES The Folding Pocket Kodak is the latest addition and it is We shall have a liberal sup- so neat that every amateur ply of both Allegreti's and wants one-$10. The Eureka Lowney's ebsecolates fresh for at $4.00, the Quad. Falcon and Christmas. They will be in Premo "V" at $3.00' and the all sizes of packages and we Bullseye at $0.00 will all take will pack them for shipment good pictures and we stand or deliver them in the city at ready to take them hack if any stated time, without ex- they do not. Catalogs free. tra charge-Oslo per lb. Low- ney's Suranne I50e per lb. ATOMIZERS A Fancy Atomizer is accept - U R E able to anybody. Ours are all warranted to work and they Your sister or somebody cost from 2c to $1.20. Men use else's sister would like a new them after shaving and ladies purse. We have all the new -well ladies use them. shapes and colors. Stt t Z.X S hray THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS. AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY" CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-DIE HAVE THE. LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, PEYVER & CO., 201 andI 203 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, lkh'c THE KEITH SHOE FOR MEN-$3,50. The ";swell" shoe of the season-Is fitted with dark-brown, silk, giving it a rich and neat appear ance-Heavy double- sole,,hand made, Jersey back stay-all sizes and widths. ji9 EAST WASHINGTON STR2EET.