THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publshed Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the Collect, year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGAN Orrn=t1Tmees buildig, 32 S. Main St. be- tweeu Liberty ad William Sts. M,&tAAING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 9. ATICLI(; cEDITOR Il B. StotLMNio , '511 .. 0. Hi. HAN, 'iS E. L. Gsetete, 'S L.BULRo L AMB, '. . S. StMSS, '. 1. A. CaarestLL, 'S, F. A. Feemt, 'iIE. A. CAeacE, '9. G. D. t1OSPNTT, '. 7. Ri. Wotatow, '8 G31D.dexstxc', 'S1I. The subscription price cf the Daly i P-50 for the cllege yea, with a reglarc deliery, befoeenoon eueli day.8Noticecout- tions, ad oiler oiSStee inteded lee pulic- tionamt: bei.hladed ia at the Daily oftieebe- lt'e e pit in., cc mailed to the eior before 31 p. Dn., oi thc day ptevotoiStatcan-hilh tha'e epet~led tiapapear. realtas, piIutstxmay Sbe llcctThe Daly Offc, IMeye's cr Steiet's Newtatdl, oe with llutus~tlsx atacer Saetheex ill tee- tee a iccee Sby reprtintgcpomply at thi offtce atnyfailure cf carrier io deiere paper. Among the Colleges. Lehl-iISul, the Englioll oarsmanli, will roach,'lithe Harvrd Icew amaiii this taiti-Nemnlill, teiewet kon 1113- tier,ihas eitered 111e Lnivesiy o' Ptennsylvania. Jewset, a former s1t11 half-ack 511 IMieigii's eleven, is coallig' Ie Yp- situti Nrtols. B-. M5. Carr i15play13igl31Cerlrushtil01 the Co('Sege of Phyicians loll Sr- gent'a eamat (Cbieago. Harvard's teceail teamt as 1110(,oi- slttdaverages 185 pounstape111'm1a1. It is the ieaviest tehmi iIlhe contry. spadinig', Offiial Fctbal (itide for 181971 cntains an excellent cut of Michigan's '1382 team nd111lseail 111 videni ceul of .1 1'. 1.Bennet.'11. It is qutie prbable llhat Maaer Hulghleswill 1111(1eerl'mor11000galls ai11the present scledle. If511otey will lbe playedl 10 te lliill'of 1th0 wveek. (Caspar WhitneOy 11 last week's 110- pIe's Wteekl, miakes 551110 pertnent1 ti iirkcshi regad to Ntre 11n110'li- v015ity'S athletic lpolic-y anlsay it shlouldIbe placeell'1111tiebNack lst lileug 59v111 Holy ('ra. At th11 d11a.1ineel of Ithe Nesv York atill '1111age Ahletice>%sseliaieiis Ield ie New YoXrk Saturdlay, Wefes, the wonertfullGeorgetwvnlsprntler, lo- 101(1 ehe world's r'crd fr l1t) yardis, makinig the dsance i 15 3-a511 511110;. I',l'al'it'i, forerly'lo'f Wiscosill I-'iisersity, 0w11 11o111tle 11i1hunh oic Calspar Wtnley's 110110aiiseletien a-f a11 All-Anilericaul Cllee Basebal team11 was made during ,he siuue, S u tsital. Caspr failedl 7( see any treOstrit teamis Iplay last 9021, c~OiS- qutettly "A'l-Ameria remainsin ithe -east. 'file, teals elhosen is as follos:V Pitchler, C. TL. Paine, Jr., Harvard; -c-tcher, D. 1D. Seutiell, Harvard; irs t ase, A. S. IRodmnteBronse- eond base, 1P. HatighltiHavar:' thiiid base, 1. Lettoin, Yle'hiet stol) W. D. Phillips, Brown, loll hielt P. Hasten, Princeton; ceanerfeldaid eaptain, -. 9M. 'eatot' Yale riht field, J. Bradley, Pelaielaco Subsi- tutes - Pitcher, Jayne, Pinceti; -ealeber, Kafe', Pincton, infield Pruitz, Brown; out-fBld RBd, Hat- Alonzo A. Stagg in Print, " '11 tball lit 11 theelt" is floe 11i1le111 a11 article 'in SJai'11i12 a t lle by A. A. Sllge-,013 13 iJcagI 1Uni- vc0-Aty.'.1iS''101artcl(' celltai's 0911e '1)31 and 'Jtlltloalllsan'lull13"s111 11 1111 Iic'11;l.igl h line110 the1110 10 111' 91'i' the)1 100(1ever't1011 ot,La toll- t'9) y 11 ook5 11 ts1 111 St al n 11;aid'e01th11 ihi upon513 tlh 111e ~ )) 10 ,11 ich~igan nHdiand nd 'is'1111i 1 '151 1. of MiJJnsl.., was 1110befit of111" 1000(11n. As 1o a real ' ,'l1111'il ",I' l~Ie 9v(191" for10496 th110'11113100""a v ther0e + was9 110111, all) Il 1th111 t'her-c 1911 b4' 11o11' 100003110erulesslone11101111ail am1 s o)1t1Jpre-emlinly as1isd(1111 510111n0ii1 18!)15. Before aving our Ph t'st~ n INSPECT THE V K oxo AT. . (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Athletic Notes. 011' f 1101110 '.iitidel0~ 30' is 1no1090equlippling at Ann Ai-bur one Iexlchanlgeof t1110 tlra1l ''LiOcaliill 'Vs -ity footba,1lliamiisJ ofilll the 11fIinest tlephione exchlanges in1 (omipany. Day, 5w1111layed101 001110 011 110 000111319 lieUllted Stales. Tile'Noe SlabeTelephoecCtomncy yoser ~lyatM011011 HoIs SOl (13 tsa Long Distanice Station is already iiaa 01,111toa 1110relief Ior selech~oat A sstalit SeC~cryrof 81010 11111d1' Day, of Cannoil, 0., an1111s15a11ledgele stalished at the Cock Hoel, wheire users who10have been payinig exoriti- t101191310 of thle Della('11J fraloconily osmeiloils can 110w be miade viti taut prices forItvenily years 1to0a1011n- 'hlere will be a mini11g 1of13track1 candidates wi111110na few Clay.;. The thle Company's exchanges at Ypslhaniocpolv. Patronize the Ne'w Coinpa-ny. prospects w9ill be talkied ever and Oiie "Monroe, Mlt. Clelemins, St1, Clair, Port rflie public bhaasiio c9'IllltltS hoc' Avor plnedfor he alland ttni'Huon, etc., and vlw ite enormousa"death bed repentance." V 19111 is expected ifroiii 1110tealil this ye'a r. Yesterday's Football Practice. Coach l'ertc'rt ediv'idedth le scrub1s inlOto tw t'lev'ens at yesterdlay's 190110- lice andlialtetruated 111011 agaiinstthl~e 'Varsity. Thlay11ilg on boric01110.; s oloose, and th1110(1 99115onildllel'atll. flldbbliig. N ickole, Sto okel, Eganlan111 Buick w1910e1111011' tIi e' l eu 011. It 15s 'X110.'dllthbtst TakeoOf 1lst year's teamiill be oct. tomorrowv. H~i colnllig' w9ill srreiigtliei ileo lll' ma~sterial11y. Chesn Club Gossip, 'fhere JOs(111k of 5111rtillg;11.0 Chess ('11ub)shortly.'.Thiere ou~gnt I t' 11 great (1021 of entlhusiasm11 il)10f1'el ( in 1111'royal galilO.as1mnly7'of thle laooge cities 1111ve organiizedl dribls a11, 519w) ~al paperis Ihave 11051111 pblitlshl 011005 I'0111111i71. AWeno1130 1 1 ~'a111. 1100 of tinle strategists, andlit111 gal' ou lit to(lt ta lacka Jis slare of 11.101,- GDI.ASiS IN DANC3IN\G. 'T'here 10s0110 part of o51 10 bulliss Illatit 91110 'gdw-ll illitaltecl e-o mlethiod of teachingJ'1ortleli7ye1rs (If leaching'danin'lg in1 t1115cit)y, 1ith a rol offivie Jhundre'dll illast1(sta soa is a sulibcielll tlility Io impl~art 10olIul-i: tlac 011510 loreoananat. tBeginnainag '9sfor 1311- tlielen next Saturdlay dioriig ,i at10 1 oclock, ltuitioni, 123 weks,,$5. Seasoan to May Ist, $S. 1. ali for laidies cX- elsively Saturday afterdoosi at 4 o'clock. Advanced c11155 for lailea and genlelilal 'luesdayeveninlg lit 8:31) o'elork. Tuition $3-. Tsr 12 even- ings. RO1,S GtIAN GERt Gran~eT's Acad~emly. FOR WR HOT LUNCH -GO TO - TUTTL.E'S, 48 S. State St. Watch for the Annual Anouncemert Of the Cutting>'L!Reyer & Co. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR AND GIVE THECC--A CALL = Ann Arbor, Ilidr=,. 201 and 203 South Main Street. AFRJLD'~wS SHOSES are the best. A full line of latest Ladies' and G-ents." fall and winter stock. Call qn l see them.