IMP Aik lo -A-7TI 4 VOL. VIII.L No. 58. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1897. PRICE-3 CENTSa. - __ S WLD itas'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh evry week. Only in packages- 6c a pound. L owney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. fATHENS - THEATRE. Friday, Dec. 10, '97 GyBros' Just Received a Large ad Elegant Lisc of XNew Pipes!I Hot and Cold Launches at all hurs. Agets fr Idyler's ad Williams and Wresr Co.'s Chocolate Boa Bos R. B. JOLLY & CO. 3OSSeth State Street. WAHL1 1R' S 3OOESTORE. SPECIAL SALE OF STATIONERY. Btest linen paper per lb.......1c Best white bond paper per b.... 25 Envelopes per box (250)..~.25 Envelopes per 1000...... ..... .85C Visiting cards engraved and 100 cards .....................10~ Viiigcrsfrom old plate 100 Monograms made to order from $2.50 to $5.00. Always the best goodsat under price. WAH'S BOOK STORE Up Town ow Tw aState St. Oppoit Cortouse Ann Aror Main at ATTENTION SENIORS! The Mihiganensian Wants a List of Your Honors. At a recent inecOting of 111e 'h8 11kb- igonnush~isBord.i.1comitlter. wOO a1- 1poi11ted to compilile the Seio' stas- tics. This cesintissitcans!sids of 1. ite-k for the IEngieerinlg l.etal'ttlnt, M. WI. Turnr of te Lieary, ad J.1 Q. Adaoso of the Low departmenit. Eainember of the ommrittee will collect the sfititicli' of the Senors in il.10 own lelloltlllclt. This hs a large usisderaking and in order to facilitte the work, it is desred tsthotlseieh n - ber of the class of '8S aslsk out a complete list of alIte onro or office tie las held dusring Ilsts ttedoss' att the Uiver'sity, cud sh lor deliver this lit to te coinsthe u, for hisi-re- spetive deparstmnst. Itoolt senior souldlsend sibitbis tiolist hiilone ill full cud 'Iis hoime ddres. If he shtosuldliave 1no lonorsle soudoi10.- fy tle comssittee of thiss foti. Thiss manter slrst be oteade to liy the uembhers of Ite clsso lis the vacantion for disc holidy. ITe list sest itsty ecolsesiorshosls te s compsilete hs Iosiblse and solton-ii,5 taissthhorronrs ,cids offies of all kids, isolsdiug atiletc, scia. it tossry, ai smussil osor. Thisiinlues piss- teoss lelsi tosoy s f the borsi of nil. lege puslicatiosns, winners in istereiasss cil ttersoiety deaoitg 'ssd osslri- calt eo'ilests. silid titers of all clubs. aFsoiatioiss, acisiorcllir-!Bsli ofss1'isy kissd Cosneteil willshe its' sivi"'siy. Alsc slate whsther assesitse:"of a fraternity or not. Ann Arbor a Musical Center. 1ou1sictr Lssolrme, of thse is' sis'al detsrtssent of Corniel, in eisiv,'o- host withs Jtotns Gerry, ithe ellist, ti-id a vry warsmstributse to Asss Ar- tir asosoceniter of mission]ist'ere. Speaking to a rearter of te Detoit fie Press,lie sid ltit'I ,lseiclst cities displayed little or ni e islilis csttlscsisssacd tat ev'sthtle mussch vaustced Mosson.wss cild in its allt- tusle to isusiti'so, 'u lst AnnssisAr- buor was the nerest ike 1-111r-s in Is snssical f'rvr of oiy iy i Amser- til. He statd tls,%t hsehalssieft Co- sell because of tiss vry ilack of in- rest, but would not 1havc done so' lssd it been like Anni Arbor. Webter's Program. The Webster Society will old ito lst meeting before vacottaniitosurro's evening, at whlich the following pro- gl'iss will be, given: p eo, 1. C. Rheldon; impromptu, G. N. ell; ora- tion, L. L. Thompson; debte, "Reos- ved, Tht the tariff should be settld Sy a non-partisan comnmissin"' f- firsutive, G. M. Bush and L. . Ass- derson, negative, CG. . Barrow cd J. . 'Haskeatt. Trisity, Osgood Hal, Mciii Univer- sity, Queens and Loyal Military Gl- loge have frmed a Canadin lIner- college Football .Union. Debating Societies' Preliminaries. Sc tsssday nighst both. thsssAlllsi Nus o cil Atteltoli Societies will bldsithiir fineal ps~elisiussarieo 'for the B iclgoi- thieago delsate. Vise winssers ef thee' contests owili lsens debatcfor lie issuer,, of TO) seoiitislg 'the litersry Idotist-1 ia~t iii the finllUniiversity debate. Is thse Allilsa Nus Socetys'tIlose whsi have woen in -thse tvo formser lr'Aitil- nrtes clod lsave thius gained iplaces 011 thei fisoal, togctlsor willsthsesiroder of slpcaltilg' ore (no folloovo.: OAtfir-isitive. 3Iosei. Wlesstear, lt 'Infraink sssd tisetr; sogaotit e, 1'. IEssg3losrsl. Miss QIIIsisssl-aculd"W. Scisger. 'ThescAlelpsi speaoikers sisl their psisi- tis slre 0s folleots: ktiistolivc, -Messrs. Ii. L. Nyc, ii.t). 'Hlissiosi, ansd A. 'At. Huley; siegative, Messrs. I. 13. H~urrey, W. B. Has-noon rsidh C. D. HIurrey. Improvements at Regents Field. It is exp)ected lisat sev~rasl ictiirilvI- isess viilhe issoisle at 'iii' 11.-sits' tield is thse'netur usr.'. 1 1rr rooissfsr .sitoss l l sia saS a slitgrid- troll ohere the cltss ls':sis.. s-wsit are isowv prohibited frosss pla-isg ll thss ciampustl, isiit t 1110iI,'. 'Tlis grouinidis roulghs illpre(511 ancooi- The Henschel Concert. T11itele Iregrainfisr the Hterschel coo- crt tosssosroocv evenisng is ss fillows: i-Paset frees "Giannina e Mernadase"-. ------------ - ---Cim arisa Mr. and Mrs. Henschel. I-tat Sacred Song "Wait Than Still" (1680) .--------------T.W. Frank, hi) Serenata from Agrippina-Hands let Aria franm Almira- il------ andel Mr.aHenssehel. 3-tat Canzonet "'My Mothser Bids Me Hind My Hair----------Hydn 1b) Song "Nymphs and Shepherds'" --- - -- - - -- . .. . . -- - -P rcell (c) Song "Where He Golset._Old Cornish Mrs. lienschsel. d-(a) Cantata "Vittaria".-------Carlssliu (b) Song "oois--------Schubert let "So Willst Ha Das Armen"-Brahmas Mr. fHensebsel. 5-tat "His Lorely----------------Liszt (b) "Her Nushbaum"---------Schumann (ci Tauseudschsoen, Op. t6, 14o. 0-Hrsssche Mrs. tHenschel. 6-tat)ODset "Oh That We Two Were May- lag"- - ---enschei Mrad Mrs. Henes.el. i-tat "Auferstehen" l(Resarrection, Op. 57t. ---------------- -seschel (b) Hallad "The Rained Mill"__... Laewe (c)lBallad "Henry the Fowier ---Loewe Mr. Henschsel. 0-tat Song "Mi01 an Vsllage" Goring Thomas 1b1 Song "Mago"___.......Hd French (ci Song "Spring ---i l-----enschel Mrs. Ilenchel. 9-Dte from "He Nouveau Seignear de Villa"--------------Haleildien Mr. ad Mrs. Henschsel, r 1 1 i i ii us ci~wo t Ns is's is -a'ois '0 i' ' Baneball Men to Have a Cage. lta lot It ill propesr Aolle. 'lwreilso seesm s ts'ea dsire tollave5a'ris ner lt'' It looks oery isssiolsas lisots~glsthe to reistsilisiheedusrinsg lilet'o't~ld' 0 t'r0baseblsl Isslddtes wouldrlint-c a inseteadilof ju~st Spaiyisng tllts'ttsg'sisie cage to psracticitt this yeiar, ais 1120' foo tll andi.basoballsecason. Tomsiii ssssioss lstss beensscured ifronstiso c.di- (isa, whso lhndledtihle fooitball teamis rector of 'the ga'ilcnaoiut, W-1s will ai- thtis fall, is' tallked of, hbst a10 tihere'w'' low the siess to psractice in it .1s1t hes o, hir s'tosdidttss fur lt' jsb, noitinitg fore hart of tlso oftsornoosi. It will 'this Issoi boidl it dititi' ly' as yet. isoeutlilt''of uttissg caidiwill aes oso 0'nerutes ia itsloii Ollibe remsovedi wlsci Jeffernuniana Program. Ilse gylitaitl halss'sobe osed-sfoir chooses, f1its wiltl sly a wsot lonig lT'ets'fferssuioa i Society oill hrstisiiifol toby tse basebaill iplayers,,wohadisit thei folsowiog lprog'ramit twoasriowformserly to w'tilfist'-v--s'itsweasthser snighst: iletslhiss, F. Cltsrlo's; essiay, T. before the'y couildS lisiber ull. If. tGeor'ge; imopromptls tu < sssshi' s..81. stflistiecltive, Ai. ' Hoy anti W. tS. iiert, Dual Meet With Chicago. ite'gctive, 0. tRippey aind I. G. Husrdt; 'stsin isis rooseeof ittheuedimeset iiibaste, "hlesolvedl, 'Plvtisstssigrsstio555eiohltSi Dero t iser inisead shoulld be fuirthsc'rstrieteo,' tlir';11-of is Chicaos osrigiitl'.vinitendeid. salo's, N. Bfiaiee IbiSdIH. T '.Cartrglhit.' 'It Citaosueik tbasis si c ry 5115- iss'g'ttio'e, 11r. F. Daisies andiS ('. I.Chis- itts to, e .tipi ' =as 1ada 4E__________an.i aag'seets nowstatedibit hstheiJr Freshman Spread. seets owill be held inii to'. ilhs ?iehsiig'atstesoit goso }t'siesg. far the All those yong laiss's, udentts ndln f isct cany howsanissisits featuire tie I'niversity, woiedo net teceive instill stot appseal so strongly to shesis. viltotiossto lte!i'eshta.s SpreadolIf itis oo'rt'sitts'it t gis titni sgh, ill toill ploa~se osdiostsotsst thart theltc (1155- isrs~ttset w oill be sssa.Se simsilsr to isitte iohave net 'beess able 'to sceraittof isst ye'ar assila ('issibilsed basse- thleir address.'heeco lnlsitlecowishtes tall anid track nsctudw0illlaoeIfild. hoIxse girls to feel thast the.y arso ioa eissdiohly itivited tisasteadth ie sjsi'eod Who Pays for the Dance? netx Satutrday eveniing int usTe gylssi- m. lthe senios' class 'at Wisotansiso issIdis- otissitig at lpreosnt a1ustioni iwich Whint Club Tonight. tl~rcssts'oss to bs'tstat1e 1,Us iiportoiss ssne r- . ....-. lore at A Mi,-gan texas sprinig olsen The second mei-titg of shle Whilst thte senior obsl rtakes uis a dise assion Club will be held ,this er.'yaing at 7:311('of the sctihtrrec'et'liin. tihis ques- in Rtoomc 0, University H1all. '.ise chief ison is ovNlier ior not thse class soall business of the meseting oill be ithe assumne finiancial reesonsibilily Of the adopation of a cesistitution and election ricelstteni cosussittee as it ha~s doass. in of officers. It'has been prropesed thatot'hse post, or .shall the cstn.1isitlee itself the clutb join the Ameriesat 'l lits: be solely restosie? rise ossbconsc League and a Westeris Intercollegis~te of this discussiesi oill be scabed wills IVWhI Asssoiaxtiou is being discussed. j interest by edr senior's.