4 1HE IJMIVERSITY OF. MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BOOTH. Pres. W. ARNoLD lt vice-pres S to're S m ok ng Best effects-for Season '97-Bla&ck, J. v. SEEHA, I d Vice-pos. T he JOHN C. WALZ Asot Cashier. Blue, Brown, Drab, Grey and (V Di. Bs $5 to $2.Trnat a general Bankingbui Jackets! _______ A.Hoeatd Rad or ou.GO O DS PE ED' S. y- 117 MAIN STREET..tGor MaiH and Huron Streets. CapitalSc$5050. Surpus, $30,000. Transact a - - - genera banking business. IN OUR- R. Keaser, Pres. . C. E.O soEE;Vice-Pres EAL THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK AlES1/ -capital Stock, $50000.4upie155!05 Shoe Departni't t eso.r ces dsi buys an Or asired under the General Banking Lawn We Shall place on sale 25 dozen seis exchage on the prinipalcities of the MENS FNC SHRTSofthe dentification . Safey dersut bonpes toret OrrICERS: Christian Mark Pres.; W. ID. SATRDYquality usualy sold at $1.50 for Harriesan Vice-Prs; Chas E. Hicock, THIS WEK SATURAY. ) rCashier: iM. .J. Frito Assistant Cahier.Aro 7' CENTS. FIRST NATIONAL BAN o ganinedi863 _.'. '- 7 Capital, $10,00. Surplus and Profits, $:40,000 ___________ Trannacts a generalhtbnanking business. YN7A Foreign exc hange bough nu .Frii LLL \\ LrI, ,etters of credit. a- y WAGNER &CO., ED INNPe.VARSNSice Pres S. W. CLARKSOS. asir FOR ONE DAY z . CoP-YRio sa- 123 S. Main St. Furnishers. Ladis' ubbrs. amp Exressy , Stdei-ts'UseC. ff. MAJOR & CO., Ladis' ubbrs.Lam s E presly ° Sudets'UseThe Artistic deorators "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," Have a complete line of A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from Wail Paper, Paints, Ois, Window ting Rubbers with every pair $1.00 to $2.50 each. Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Of Ladies' Shoes sold that day O L Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Specialty of fine interior decorating, for $2.50 and upwards. OI white light, is odorless and doee not char the wick. Deliv- painting, freecoing, tinting and paper red in any part of the city in our cans at t0o pergl.Fr hanging. Only the best of workmen gallon.__For employed. Work guaranteed. sal olyby DEAN &2 COMPANY. C. It. MAJOR & CO., 214 South Main Street. The Artistic Decorator, 'UNIVERSITY NOTES. sepri teinto the forwiitdmov nntand scia l stti us ~lt of Cbs iag*a.N The Posed: il Clbof ithe Utlve-ils subjet swil be 'SitusITei K L iI - has rented reess over('ikins' Ca use and1 Cure." shr acy ad will old regular ilie. UILOlR ~ .!ig ., Iereftol'. The clo was orgasuiz.- Yale for Charity, -FOR- 0(1 for sociailpui'ioe.. A uh .i supply of Athelic A. soda-r The youg ladies f the S C.A il MEN AND WAOMTEN tiolsbiuttons haye' ariw_-d nd tiey litotd ahandkercief rle on"autda Latest Novelties in Fall may b11hard at Palmer' 'Phnany aso 1f telusen fr'omu3'S to. Tuie iii lk.ri and Winter Garments. Owig o heinleen waterliceae tfr 'here are now penly of chiefs are he result of the 'iany an ladeieseentdebarrer buttonls to furnishi every neuber with tiiiltble" ilettiligs, which cave lately COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. mnlaiswrdeardf on 0110"105 fe c orlu cu nriosity oisrrho path One block west of University. the benefit of the above offer we Tiezetn fteGau~eCu ftegnlmnleneso h so matte last Saturday and although VsenoirofteGaut luto The,ptroiennenstirof he uco- re our trade w as unusually large. fortthis week ias ee 1 n oseos~tsi n- f We want everybody in the city to tiirWefines~!ay, D c. 15, at wich inle share, alike this exceptional offer it wiu meet :ni tenn esnusslecte ldepcal ~itesoasisie we mae the, merly f roons and be addre se by I rf. Woo- Ct ol1 itdiOnspect the goods It the ,urpose ofeceste. -or ssd An adtres on 'MaclheSsp flyBohr'ill n'isatStroth Fine Confections, Introducing Our Great Work" will be given before OBth- el rthers ridaye ling.tEonhonsan gneerin5 Polety'at It'oincating a1s Satisiday evening. Vie nseting will OC.Cocats fle held as usual us Rooms 10, Eisgins- All ansfid3Ai for the track Solosl 200 EASTO WASHINGTON STREET. cring Bilding at P o'clock. ore reqtiestt-t to report at he gynina- Ladies' Fine Footwear. 'loinoriow evening -the U. of Al. snso es he ie ekfr 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. P'i iioogicail Society will hol its- rcn r egulsi1r class work, It is advisablei Satisfied that once tried lar ueeting in R1ocus1, Uiversity hat spieil hiis of work should not 1 U IA will prove their worth for Itall The paper will, be by Nir. Ef be pprsuut ii ter in he seaon, Mel Gilespie, tencher of Mandolin, Banjlo wear and comfort, finger, le subect being "Claude iros-7.1.M. TH-OM~AS, and Outar. Instructor in the University sette, Mian, of Letters (6tf1-I743)." Track Captain. School of Music. as years experience as { T 1 agao Jons lft :or Cmbrdge asta teacher Call at Ann Arbor Music C 's. 1T l ees&N C. eveiiisg, wheree hs am. eng- D s: ~ IANCING A' GRANGER _________________ mont wirthelbBoston Syntlony Or- Cosing hod ay dnein as0 ty nlet H jT E 'LV R E.P. Red&('s. ehestra o play lrtore ise tIarvaIIweek Ttursdy evening. Usoimat-H LM S LV R E. . Red& os. sidents. Signor Jonas will give the urdbay everting dicnhg ppy this STABLE. Emperor 4Qouc t o f Belhloeat. w'ek S to 11 o'clock. Cqaega is nam0 35nAD$.0 "P-vs eyttebfr teGo 13110 l Stit& ve:igpliis 5 9E LbryS. ete eoris od u. AllosaGdaev.57Cntatsctin.GngSrvc Shoes-a pair of Ladies' Rub- Saturday "night in the old chapel, tliRaRosSrge. Ctaloaio. GdSrvc her's with every pair' sold Sat- versity Hal, Uy Dr. Gee. W. Grey,- Advertise in the Daily. TRY THE..... urdav, Dec. 11Tld __ _ _ _ _ _ AGood Pocket Knife for 25 Cents.V M A KA Better One, Warranted, for 0 Cents ~Sta AT cLaundry = - ~And SVE 20 PER CENT on what von ares No. 1H317.Washington St owyg forlaundry work. Leave orders M x e VsD ust7O' o.Fut v. a aSuhWl tet