3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r I ;hAttracts tezt Aioz .. ...OUIR...... Slc~ fFurznishigsfo $4.00 Sweaters.................. $3 45 ~~3.50 Sweaters ....... .......... . .$2 85 Swaters: 02.00 Sweaters ................... $1.39 Viy"See our window for Bargains A Special on $1.00 Gloves for .... . "".. .... 69C. " See onor window for Bargains. MAIN STREET, S. /MACFK & ~ MAIN STREET, S. See the 'much talked of Aluminum Mandolin that have ao good toot and do not warp or check at the ANN ARBOR MUSIC COO 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1007. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. sOoTH. 00UTH. 8:43 a.m. 7:0 a. m. *12:1. m. 11:10 a. m. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p m. *Ru between Ann Arbor and Toledo only ES. GOILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. MV1IH lOAN jY Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST WEST. P. M. AM. Mail and Ex-.0 47 B., N. Y., Chi .... 8 02 N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Maili . 5---- 918 G. R. Express .__1i 10 Pacific Ex--.--12 3I *N. S. Limited.._ 8 10 P. Eastern En.-5-- 47 Western Ex.-1138 AM. G. R. &K. Ex... 5155 D. NExpres.... 5 0 1 Chi. Nt. En.5---947 Atlantic En... 7,30 l*North Shore Limited in an extra faretrain to hena charge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. u. W. RUGGLoES, B. W. RATES, B. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt..; Ann Arbor U. of M. Shaving Pariors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Bair Dressing up stalirs Old friends call again. We welcome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI. RENTSCKLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone 0s . ANNg ARBOR ENOCH'IDIETERLE, EnBEALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Day or Night. No. l16 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 020. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTENS 102E. Huron St. Coil and See Us, CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity partien, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, 1710 GEddesnave. P. S. - Will take pnpils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places. A. J . Johnston. Advertise in The Daily F. J SC~EBDB~ ~' CHRISTMAS ! FULLER & BERANEK, 34 . STATE STREETTaeho00of W 'TALR Book Btodlng ......25 cents and up ' our ',U. of M." Pine or Solid Gold Fountain Pens....$1.00 054 Op. 'sonme other novolty in Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Watecuan and Wirt Penn in stock andoulie.Wrcaedfrnd eive. Pens Repaired.ou ie.W r caldfrad eiv e. Wholesale and Retail Paper. 3'its, of Lin- LE OAPING, 3liw S. STATE ST., over Iluseyn. en Paper for S0c. * nOCl JWELE. Poe o 24 NwState. ]BROWN' S]DRUG STPORES' 0. X. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Emamn ISeily To Ohe nlaiuc o e Rninter. This 'Regiser is niwvv consulted first by the I NO. 1209 FOURTM AVE.NUE. Messengers-It' Good Government Club. rThle Good Governmsenit Cilib'ill 'e- spouse to the-iuvit.:ition of the Natio~n- al Ci1vil-Service IReform I loognue, wil send dtlelegotes to Sloe adull.liieetin:g of 'the league to tbe hold in ('tenialti, Dec. 1611 tid 17. The representatives who wiii go are M1esses. F. 'A1. Byaon, II. L. Meclderry, 0. P. Cole' and: 011 Dec. 162 the league will he .il-l dressed by LHon. J'ohn! It. Procter, presidenst of tile United State Civil Service Commission, and Ho0n. Carl Sc hurz, president of the league. On Dec. 17 th~e following paiers will he read: "Floe Republican Poarty andl Civil Service Rieformn," by Sian. Henry IIliboiscock, of -St. Louis; "The Demo- c.ratic Porty and Civil :ServicetRe- Fo:rm," toy Hon. iMooroficlo Storey, of Boston; "Trle TLegal 9Stitatio: fil ttgiot to Comnpete for 'Public EIlploy- snent,' hy Rodwin Burritt ;Sloill:, Esq., of 'Chicago; "Do tile AllO's-k as t'eoiple Wtant 'Civil Servie ttferon," by ('loaries 3. Boiipjlte, Esq., of BaitSi- nreore; "Thil 'oveunerit for lRefor'mlill Ohio," by Horn. Rufus3B. Swoitl, of Ciin~ilnati; 'Tho, Mer itSytem oill she P'rogramllof IMunicipallReformll," by Flaraie E. Deling. of Naw York. 'ROOMS FOtR1RUNT. A fine large suite, furnace, bath, oe. Mtuoic students prefesred. No restric- tions as to hsours of practice. Apply at 810 E. Washington cit. is~ 1?EB Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. At the Athens. ANTOT TEUFEL, Claty Cloenent' in ihis noey play,'xiii noos t I: oovnaFOn Trunks, Valises. rene Suit Cones. amd play a eoaracter wmioliyunoioke lis T(1, iscopes. etoorning Baron Itoalienotauffen *i Trunks and \'ao.,eo repaired neatly and "The NewDolnuonl." Tile fnew play cheaply. No. 307 S. Main Street os 'A Southoern Genstlenia'a," 'lild while We have just re- it ocetmos in war times, it is n1ot a c eived a large line war story, hut one of love. Mr. (New i:- of clot's chlotacter is float of ao Sourlo rn See our window. PIPES gentleman of the chivatrous old schooli HALLER'S Jewelry Store li ho his quiet, tntense ond ortisiil mtosare -most sotisfyingn. Aftilhe P01 PC --~ Atimos 'Cheater on '"Monday, D:'ce'::l- Lowney'S Chocolates hIet' 13th. - 0T-. }CALE+DA . W.W TUTTLE'Sat33 s Thurslday, Dec. 9-10o1m19, Univor LERTS ih Sity Shlall, W'Iost Club, elec.tiou of sfi- cerrs atol-adoption of constitu'tion1. Thoursdlay, Dec. 9-.tRoonm E, tUl::x''r sity Hllt, Pilological Soeiety, 7:30 1:. OL 1)jdy, ee. 0-Uiverityll-al, IARIDSOFT. CANNEL AND Geo. lHenscihel ihfla;recital. Chrl SMOKELESS COALS s~lle 101,1 AND COKE. Saturday, Dee. 3t-W'olnalI's(GYon., I . S~'i'.A.B LEw R, 1{ reslnnonan Spread. 110 W. Washington Street. Phone 5. 5'nedoy Dec 14Pnivrsty SlllThe Name the Guarantee. 11:15 aI. ill., recep'itionl to loseli Jef- Ag felsn. 'SPALDING'S Wedulesday , lDec. 155-Milul lec- Foot Ball Supplies For '97 Every Requlsite for tke Game. Sure roo'a, 8 p. n1., moeeting of Glad- Managers will do well to write noite 'Club, a'ddress by Prof. Wolcow- -. for samples and special rates bfre purchasing. ter. The Spalding Official FritdoaylEvening, Dec. 17.1iJrisltwas Fo al 'ess begins in all cletsar ltn~nuts. Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania Barvard, Cornell, and all other leading uni- WAN1'E+- St~det -t 111 tale oxsealed in eehparatellboxtwithbrass Infator I111- booed Ot 549 Packard st. 58 Price, $5.00. Spaiding'n Official Feet Ball Guide for FSOT. Edited by WALTon CAMP. Post- pad. i ntse. ool of ID ancingCo ao eo alE dMre 'etFtr ite Law Building. As 6, SPALOING & BROS., New York Philadelphia Sin1gle evenings 5) Cents. Chicago Washington iompson Street. f0-00.,0 - - ~i no d~ o speak Greek? You canf FINE NEW LOT OF lanit while buying £ . 1 u n Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, . !' hb " i . a , 203 North Main street, opp. court Jouat received. t house. Pure home made candles Lowrest prices en STRINGS and TRIM.- and ice cream, fine California fruits, MINOM for all Intruesents. very suitable for peetadw know you will want them forthat SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE party you are going to give. 114 West Liberly st, Ann Arbor. JAMES KOSTAUS f r~iM f+ r i 3 r . U~nivers iqty Sch( State Street, oppos Terms $5.00 a semester - Offlce--42'7 Th