THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Abe Paper on Philosophy The thttrd. regular meetig of te Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Plilosoillltcl Soctity was hei las tle College year, at evening at 8 o'clock in teil eclunr THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIAN. linonm of Tappan 1111. Pretess-ta Oriceit Times building, 329 s. Main St. be William Celdwe l, S. D, Pofessor Of tween Liberty and William Sts. Moral:]Pilosoly at Nortitweten MSANAGINGO EDITOR iliitveri'ty, rad 'a papr ott"P'Tith- J. F. THOMAS, '55 L. salhy wtedto Newer Sciology-: BUSINESS MIANAGER SndinutCsoltetltooary Thoght." 0. Hi. HANS, '55 LPro. Cadwell was hinrodeeti by EDITORS tProf. Wenley, who was atitolii friendl H. B. SssLuAN, 'it ., Athletics. of li wile gat Edinburgh. Tiepale .LoGs LM, 'H, - 'MTueday wsc a very 'iitetetiigsoe, adlt wt 0. P.Lunnowa. 'OS - - Wedesday listened to bysy a fairly large tuadie"' T. R. WOOnoow, 's, - - Thursday cositerig tefact tat lon. Saalel A, CAursE[LL,'H9, - -- Friday Thitno was deiveriitg].hs leetore iai I +1. CAursELL, 'H0, - - Saturday tt 'satte .tle n Newbery hal MOM - ~The theme +of Pr1of. Cli els paiti'r ___________________________________ -'tt lptht ilo~sophily is the key itte The subscription price of the Duly is5.5 of tie ,ordinary social acivitis Ofte for the colege year, with a reglar delivery sowd'w th loin before non each day. Nottes, communica- (tiy. He siwdtw teluln Con, and ter matter intended for publica- tion mot be handed in at the Daily offce be- ito0dso osisogis have Cotte to leolk tore d p. m,oe mailed to the edtor before 3 tI oiUo lo .ahlspl-_ p. i., of the day previous is that owhich 31 eaexetdtapas-iat oiology fro-t a plloh opwites - .,bcriptlos may bae left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stolet's Newtand, orintost read today lave to do witt soilt with Bustness Manager. Suberiers wili con- ter a favor by rprigpoptya hs lIls Oythetrue itiilos- eisiy o office any failure of crriers to deliver paper. ieo popl t lotinitLife. In fact ie hetf otietI of tese writers is tstalisli the Not enoght iterest ith(levrittus cnnectin tbetweemn te sie t'ct- of atbletic teamls that represt tie 'Cii- teugt and the sidene of life. versity >is takens 'y the tmeitbersof tie 'Te ocilogial writigs of She last factty Attthc~goPr~ideit ~.few years o to Show ts fotrfolows. per at Illiitois, Preside t Draier; at lgTestils: 1. ha thtie nwer sieisi- ogy is ti diret offshoot of p'ilosopy. Wiseonsin, iPresideit Adatms; batit'12. TltOt sciology is te retion iof quoted the football 'lam- resdcipli- orael biology. 3. Tht sbogy is nemted thet a olthteir svork. We oleli likly tto) be 'egardeil as a ltyiloogi- to se smethng f tis knd naa etti'alsi'ee, iot IL slysel selte.. is ee ota'hig o P(5 indinaigtv-4. Thatters is ia. Ollltetin ietwen rhed at Mchigan aext year. scietific vfoent-Wiioh is beiig ar . - ted n in socal activiies and philo- The bloodless battle of h arges aid soapty. iepys aned eoimner-charges between ViTe one tinaeeded in ourtidtsn Oberlin and -Mieligan is nowItaply life and Sociogy is -a stiltd ihileso- siiled Tie iacitg f oir airitt usP'l13'of life. Sttesien skilled it a'- endet. Tie plcingof or far galt zed i11sitlsosiy tre aebetter able to uponi ts 'blacklist' of a it ttie ~~n ollege secre the iigest ad best soial re- somlewhre osvtt in Oltie'has doiatheit suits. Tiers is, fortuately, a ecot work handily. Thitt li icigan bat(itititetey to 'ae sociology atsisitsi- synpa'tiers ini her time Cof trial 'i illsspiieial sciene. ito its deterltil- sh' (i ytoefollwintgtelegllltt froal l y' tlie natre of the mndn nivese eliosvu byani smuter. Te cotiitets oeilgst at prominient Chicago pape to its cor- of today must be a ptlilospler just rempedent liere: as 'the colepite lhilOSsller ust be ia 'Send Michigan side of Oberlit sociologst. oioogy is pilotsohy blacklist.- Can Meihgan ever live made onrte. throssgh such at blow" Ous of tie milt t riking toigis The Daily eananot do bel~er tian Ito broght fortt by tie seaker wasthat expesstheset~ient ofa pro'iaxettis wvrd of ours does nt ed so exprss lieseatimntsof aproitniltitilel an organizalonr of retson as it member of thle fticoty. lie sai: does 'no rganiation of wvill. flan "Mlieligast neer was i it aisitioutt i lllt haveiposer over himisef befoe he diScplined Sy Ob~rlin andtti Ilieetat be powerful ver itse scial '(lte as not coinsnow.The it-lly si- World aond Jui. Il cci'slu oii Trof. Caldwtsell Spoke of the beefits Section sie an have' to tis otevering -dieaho tes tvo ccn't of relatios (s that this (ecu of sus- Cotlsi elaw from lthesothei, and Sal pension is altogeter lto shlot. It that Philosothy, as the qeen Ofsee- Mad better be itate unlititeti in 'is nee, soult allow no invstigain Of duration." humlisfe to be mnade by sosology As ftse matter stands se ae re u tothrdrcin lievd ofthe askwhicwoud bebe- Tte next meting of tie soiety will Sieed f te bck iliil olld h' le-beiekd Tiurslayt- Jan. 13.:188, cwhlen fosis had iot ocrrilistter inol- Mi'r. Jon NW. Staey, '98, will red a ,ttion etlier withdrawn lie aeusa- Staler upois'the subject. "Is Any Form tionss mrado on Ot. 2, at a mass of N.tural Realism Tenable?" ineeting of her stiidens, 01' follosetl OR REnNT--Suite of roomns, furae the course which shde tdid. Sie lid heat, hard wood finish, newly furnih- Hnot (the nerve to homestly withdraw etd. 20 . Jefferslon St., Oat-half blok from list false position anti so ook frein camp's. Sle asier, but lefts sportsmano-like IF YOU WANT THE BEST metans of egress. FRATERNITY STATIONERY, Ge. NV. Campbell, foirmierly of F. 1--. BADGES OR PINS W ' irs brers p o,'Stte.t.,-is Send to ncw :emply by W. A. MclDonal tt SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 10 . Wsihlaiigton sM, wheiowill 27, 11, 2W Woodard Ave.. Detroit be pleased o See sW-l of his friends Deignand estmatefurnished on al woek Every Description. A LARG INE alsfOF YMSHOES SEE OUR WINOW?j BSAt'S SHOEOSTOE ---__l1053NTManSireei. Opposite. " - the CourtHoRuse, Golf Stilts y <1 5eoBc"5f - THIS WEEK WE OFFER ALL Our 8.50 iOLF SUITS and at$7.60 10.00 } a There are only about forty suits left. Early corners get first choice. GOLF HOSE.. New Patterns-New Styles-Imported and Domestic, Soc to $x.oo per pair. For Christmas!1 PUT A KODAK ON YOUR LIST CA-NDIES The Folding Pocket Kodak is the latest addition and it is We shall have a liberal sup- so neat that every amateur ply of both Allegreti's and wants one-$10. The Eureka Lowney's chocolates fresh for at $400, the Quad, Falcon and Chrietmas. They will be in Promo "V" at $1.00 "and the all siuos of packages and we Bullseye at $8.00 will all take will pack them for shipment good pictures and we etand or deliver them in the city at ready to take them bock if any stated time, without ox- they do not. Catalogs free. Cma charge--S0c per lb. Low- _____ ney's Suranne l0c per lb. ATOMIZERSTTT A Fancy Atomifzer is accept- iF~.JF SBS ahin to anybody. Ours are all warranted to work and they Your' sister or somebody cost from 25c to $125. Men use else's sieter would like a new. them after shaving and ladies purse. We have all the new -well ladies use thotm. shapes anid colors. Stt t AjKN S hray THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING- THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY- CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE. LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REVER & CO.,, 201 and 203 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, 11kbh THE KEITH SHOE FOR MEN-$3.50. The "swell" shoe of the season-Is fitted with dark-browit - silk-giving it a rich and- neat appearance-Heavy double'- sole,hand made, Jersey ]back stay-all silos and widths. 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,-