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December 08, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-12-08

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uHas'reoeived a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings


Allegetti I
Fresh every week.
Chcoes.... wek
Onl 600 acknd
60 oundpcags
* Lowney's if you


Friday, Dec. 10, 1'7
Guy Bros'
7 Prices ......25c, 50c and 75c.
last Received a Large anti Elegant
Linne of ZNew ripen5
Hot and Cold Leeches at all heers. Agents
for fisyler's and Williams aed Wernern Co.'s
R.1B..JOLLWY & Co.
80S:s0nth Stale Street.
30 01STORE.
Best linen paper per lb....15c'
Best white boud paper per lb .... 25e
Envelopes per box..(25)...... .o5
Envelopes per 1000............. 85c
Visiting cards engraved and 100
crds.......... .. .. ...1.50
Visiting cards from old plated-100
only ..................00
Mbornogramps made to order fromi
$2.50 to $5.00.
Always the best goods at under
Hp Town Down Town
S".State t, Opposite Ceurtflouse
Ann Arbor Stain t.

S. C. A. ADDRESS. they were lorlille. 1 ad comiitted ON A BLACKLIST.
a terrilelomitake. Critian ideas
Present Social anti Economic should never te infused i's iruicitoarl Michigan Has Been Placed There
affairs. Bt te reforms went ight
Systems Assailed, n. i otnereiby Oberlin.
"Wbnat i otne at tie presnt
Mayor Jones, of Toledo, delivered nan timre is a spirit of self saco't inig eseldy afternoansiPrf. Etowi-
itnsely suggestive lecrtre last een,- brothierhoodt. Lott the ethics of the tot was In receipt of a letter from
log in Newbierry H-all upon the subjeet lowly Nazarene be introdoeet into Prof. IV. W. Cleso, of Obriiii, in
"Tile Gol-den Rule in Business Life.' ve(el ay life and permecae or .-i
is remarks were slinging. causti itito iterouse wilthoeat. epoal regard I tlo e eharge as preferred by
anod right toa the point. He ashed on- torrent) or failre is sot "the crierion Oberlin and answered by Micili.
iterriflly the imotderns itttunan eno- of or life, bot a highs principle nobly This reply laloiso that Michigan's
layer, and .asailed iterly tre pre-. odieredl to . Do unto others as if we 'anwer wyas but a geteral denial nd
cet socidalnsd eecootonic systers. wtre tie others.' dtai she really prouced no eidece
Antong oter'tings bhe said: tat 0brIlit charges swore nfoud-
"Ii1tmodern bosisness when, one Mr. and Ms. Geo. Henschel. ed. With 'this in eo ter botard des
adopts humoane mtldods of treatmtenttalit feel that it ail in joisttirt' to Ole-
'tnward lilt oostoyee, she mitotoften J'lise iaing the Cilral ititistscore-tfln whtdirawv the rltrgEhs 55)O ftlets
do so at az tss. tilsscle of wages crts In carge are fotuniate i. lhaing iten-ioed. Partr:eriuor, oheyiae
swill be higher tian his rompetitors sectred for te onto to te given net ecided that .i the liglt of Mic-igeons
antd hle must meet their prices. But Friday evening Mr.and Mrs. George ation Obrini cannot 011d will not
vital~ difference does this malke. Helave anything to do wth her athet
Itetschie, il are, in liany ways, u al u eio ftreyas
can do no more titan fail; anid to fal cl~ o apro fteLyas
for a prtnciple is a glorious privilege.ouniquely ideal couple In he mnusicl Speakig of tisl letter, IProf. Enr-
Aeordior to tie latest stalti's to world. M.IHeschel is disinguishedl ton aid yestoray that te reason
ier celt of ion business fetms fil, so iii nearly every branedi of ile art, e- 'that Oberlin's charges wre refuted
why ot take the risk iso treating lg an able cotidolr, a graeetill.edsail00 that they were fonu to e either
yo"ur workiugitiezi like fellow-beings popular conposer, a singev of eeleb- idinae or witout foundaiss.
and not like doga. rity and an unirivallert eciolnilit. tour nenbers of he Btaril of Con-
"To 'tell the truth, tie irinctile of ils flrt lres were won as a iger ti'l were ozi the side lines anid saw ll
comnptition in busine s life lint proven rtarbie great Cologne Pstival in 174, te play. Stateiteits were received
S failure. Everyowhore we see'trutissod this suteess a-C once bouglht its frim bodoff ticils atdall the players
and corporaiotis spisging ill. We before the musical public. In 1880 ie anti the oplatioti of all is 41 the
buy orsngar, of.",tobacco.tmatebi's5catte -to thiscoutry tnd aieeeted the game wa a -hiard one but sot brutal,
'aod even whiskey at the standard positon ofrondoictor of the Brton andhat Mirh5 owon ott 1ecrspr-
rate of a gigantic uonapoly. BttiZyinpbosy Grchestra. teturnbg to- or Condition.
these otopses re only the precu- Lurope withi his wife-ito 184, ilsvy Coicenitg te nmore reet anioi of
sort of good; we shall soon see co- tisiveled for a titme en the col-luet, the Olerlin Bard, no action will be
oerative Iminstiitio-is, in whilch tite'g-lug coicets-rno reliietig witi ex- taken. Oberln's position is Certainly
isborer is treated sas a tmatisod as ail traardlsay sucess.wince 1886 Lon0- satisfatory to Michigan, who will be
equal. Untiltat time we ran apply I donti has been thier ho-ne.iHere Mr able to seie tll tie practice gatos
Cristian. printciples to the presentitHencthel esloablisthed Ce Lodoii Sym- stiiwanots without iher wotuld-be rival.
onoiie methods and do ol In our psalny Concerts, whiihave 'sineebe-
power for the struggling nmasses. comen so famous. Freshman Spread.
"There are two classes at -the pres- Mrs, Hetsehel (Lillan Balley)
emnit time who rtard moal itdnce- arhiened hiem first great sletess. as a ThougwhPatr thou usual, the Iresi-
tieit in socal relatiotos In ihiefirt( pianist in 1876, nod for the two fol- mnn-nsead' thi yer' promises to str-
class are those church memotberso lowmoing yeart-iem services were lagely hoistoll others. The yatnitg laft s of
consiter Christian doctrine very gosi in demand. 'In 1878 she visited Pars. the sphomore closndes'the leder-
in thior way, bot who are absoloutey Te following year she ame to Ln- ship lof Miss Florence Spece, genertl
not in it when it comes to rash sub- don asld pursued her studies und.r chairma, have spared neither tine
criptions and downright hard wrk. 'M. Hensolsoli. They were motted itor oar ons to make te funtiot a st-
They wil lend their moral support, 1881. esa.
but no cos.or energy. The scond Snce then they have been gtvuiag The .spread sil be held ona Solo-
cats do not believe Cu moral advabice- conets together, whales -hve been day evening iii the Woana's bilding,
met atd care more for the "amighty hailed on all sides as unique aodde-n- os-hil will be opened for the frst time
dld'ar' than a tutuno soultrothClos lightf oh eet. his is he setond this year for any great f'stiity. Ex-
lhmt gronp I Ion-e little use. -onx thestwo aristo have mde in ra ights have been put in, ad deco-
'To turn to another point, justce as -hals contry, their first being in fle rations caried out i deal. trepir-
odministtred today is nostly a pre. eason of 192-8. As has been said aions oare beig nade forte enter-
tens and a sham. I know a ease Mt. Henocel ranks high no an a- tainimentof aoutt 70thyoug ladies.
recently whiere a jury threwv up a cp- companist. [3e wsotioe of the first, Dancing will be the prograni of he
per to see whether the p>risonoir should hf not the first, artist to- play tts owno evening. Refreshmnrtasethlle se~ved.
te acquitted o.convicted of manl- aonpaninents before a large ad- The frlowig are the roitbees in
slaughter. Then they harp oti justie. ince. chlarge:-
Every day iu our poiescoiurts s'hane- Mist FPlrece Spence, generadiaonu-
- lest woinen are covited and thenr let Adeph Second Pelmnay. man.
of snlenconnds f oehlfie Iivitatin-ohinrlntte Walker, (toe-
sThe 'thing to do ds 'to make 100 cu- TeAepiSceyhl t eot vieve L. Derby, Julia . H seLais
"prit, man nor woman, w~rk eDat the riiiayMna eetgnheiteMaKenie Grace Swindler, G(trtde
}finre in dronce vile. =Let welha sied-sfllw:rmo lrt;CB N. Chn~ei ad iMarian C. anouse.
inrfluence have no consderation wohat- Iurrey, second; C. D. Hurey, thrd. Fianae-BRose XWood-Aei, May .
D Tvhe winnott of this contest will con IoMrg-o atnInBu.
"WinIrIrs dte x -i tes a ant -he winners of the first dEhathBtl -
peimi tay next Saurday evening, le renct-Mar L. -gey, He-
tilies r .he a jorlaty tam-c prisn 'le wi nes of that conest wil Meet
seftormo wvere -nugrated >i at my it h ineso heApaNs nteritta Pgeiton, Irexne K. Go~dard,;
etigtio, ad te citis iisoedtth iflho nst otoeithis rlp Nu.en theo Vera (Chambterlain and Caroline Coil-
-ai C b jals id -0mowy.f te lit ary eprmnin 1the nr
'When Istot-dthat p i ons as weIi as finn . ti n-Sbil P te, Lodp R.
hen it shouhd-e cnducted for the ________tios rdrc iltMrae
to bnefit tbeaffortdd heir knsote, Advrtise in the Daily. I lt. aoti and M ay-M. Babc~tock.

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