THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TE ~hIVESIY O MCHGANDALY The StoreL W. W. oWetmore, 106 S. Main~ St and 3425S. State St. jUNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW ANtD SECOND-H3AND. AHepeatedOffer IN OUR Soe epartm't THIS WEEK SATURDAY. PIREE FOR ONE DAY Ladies' Rubbers. A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- ting Rubbers with every pair of bodies' Shoes sold that day for $2.50 and upwards. Owing to the inclement, weather many ladies were debarred from the benefit of the above offer we mle last Saturday and although our trade was, unusually large. We want everybody in the city to share alike this exceptional offer we make them, merly for the purpose of Introducing Our Great $3.100 Ladies' Fine Footwear. Satisfied that once tried will prove their worth for wear and comfort. Wright Peters & Co's. E. P. Reed & Co's. $2150, $3.009 $3.50 AN D$41'00 Shoes-a pair of ,Ladies' Rub- hers with every pair sold Sat-, uirdav, Dec. 11. HIAS FUJLLINE OF t W NOT: BOOKS, and ~STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GOLDE-NSETRE Hfas been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly Ck. Sti~deiits' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure O L wielight, is odorlese and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part 'of the city in our cans at t0e per gallon. For sale only by DE AN & COM PANY. 214 South Main Street. Proposed Whist Club Constitution. w vhen 1.1y eiw inta the trsoi, enter- lil, aianie n iaddlress and by Woom in- The commzittee so ) 3v015 lixpiollltid' traduced, in a hook to be kept in the at t'h(e ti-St Whist C11-s11)iseetig vlisa toozes fewt that piurlosse, ant in case of secirre t Roam 89, tlniveiity Hall. for violation ti3 e-f, .it shalllbe 'the dulty tihi nleeting Thurodsity evening. T-1" of the secretary to notify south mesi- gathoring will be calledl to ord(er at hor sr visitor of the ptrart of this 7:301 "cbs-k shojrts id will discuIss te-,attcle." report of the esiunoittlee 515155titedi to 'Tie Code of the Amrcan Wihst framie a. eaoustititttioi. Tha s enstittlee League is tokeon asthe taudarsi at will eimodty the "following siggestiOffis law andd etiquette. All 'liucsttiion ve- is tihe' eaistituttion alilcis tt will lilt- toting to the laws or -rules, of the gamie scull: shall he itecided by the lsreoidei~tatnid tIt is recaiicilod thAt the-r e os his decisilon shall be fisol. subject to ehiasses _of inemisers, lisasraIry asuitapiseal toItie eluh awtthle foliowiiig zegolar, sit that the latto r class b' iieetiiig; uoilice of such apipeal to be limited to 100. After the xrrgarinlti given wtieii tile decisien is iiiade. 'Ple of the ehli all