THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ..............................UR.... 3 took of for, ln $3.50 Sweaters ................... $2 85 Sw eaters: I2.00 Sweaters... ................ $1.39 A, Special1 on $1.00 Gloves for". .. . . . . . .. c See onrwindow for Bargains. ISSee our oindow for Bargains MAIN STREET, S. M AIN STREET, S. Mr* w Notwithstanding the 40 per cent raise pa strings owing to the change in the tariff we re- tain our uniform loe' price. Banjo, 1st. 2d, C3t, 5th. 5c. Mandolin, Rand A, 2%sc. Mandolin, 1)ead 0, 5c. Violin, Gut, eacls i0o. Guitar, E, B, G, gut, each 10c. Guitar, G, A, R, i0c. Fine strings a specialy from. i5c to 25c each, ANN ARBOR M1U5I0 CO., 205-2070E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. C, 1897. TIME TABLE:. Trains meare Ann Arhor by Central. Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:4 a. m. *7:30a.m. *12:10 . m. .l1:2C . m. 4:46 p. m. 8:401p. m. *Rn b, etween Ann Arbor and Tnledo only E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. ESnT WEST. P. M. A. Mail and Ex.--C 47 B., N. Y., Chii...8 12 N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Maili . 5-----2 8 G. B.Epress ---.11 10 Pacific Ex---- 2 S0 *N. S. Limited... S IC0 PeM Eatern Ex -.--5 47 Western NE.2---128 A M. G. R. &K.Ex.---.5 5 D. N. Express---.5C50SOCli. Nt. Ex..-.... 947 atlantic Ex._-7 3C In*Northi Shore Ltmited is an extra fare train to he a charge ofg$2.1tS to New York than on oiher trains. V. .P1 UGUOS, B. W. MAYES, B. P. & T. Aen., Chicago. AgI.., Ann Arhor [U.ofA. Saving Parlors andBath Rooms ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. L.adies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Gist riensalla' again. We welcome new ones. J. it. TROJANG WSC(2. RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Trirpbnse ',0.. ANN ARBOR ENOCHI DIETERLE, ErIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CallsoAttendtedtDay or Night. No. It6 East Liherty Street: R.esidence, 533 Sonthi Forth Ave. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGAPHIER WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN,12 .Hu t Coil and See Us. CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, clot dances. etc. Leave order: at Ann Arbos MusicCo.,orint Residence,1710 Gt ddes are 1.8S. -Wilt take ptspls on Piano and to sight reading as above named Places. A. J .Johnston. .Advertise' in . The Daily F. . S HLE DE Chfin FR EIFULLER & BERANEK, 3S. STATE STREET Chin Dish Recipe Book!i Poole Binding. ....25 cents and up ASKt FOR ONE. '~ TAILORS Solid Gold Fountain Pens u..1.00 and upp ihaehr. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Waterman and Wirt Pros is stplk and OttrNe Chafing Dse r ee Work called for and delivered. Pens Repaired. --- Wholesale and Retai Paper. 3%2lsof Lin- 2 qs LL ~tAtitwo. 7112 5. STATE ST.. over Illooey's. en Paper for 50c. 3s'Arold JWELtR. thone No. 2'4, New State. Now is the time ho join the clases at 0 . MARTIN, 1 t b tFUNERAL DIRECTOR. 11 Embalming a Specialty. Gran er's Sch ®A ® Dan i (NO. :209 FOURTH AVENUE. TERMBEGNS HENYOUDO.Ambulance ntight or day. TERMBEGNS HENYOUDO.Residence. 302 PiftchAvenue. Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. ATN '~T~1'T w s i s 3 i r R E' t, 3 a" T Our Graduate Schoot. (Continned Ifronm nero :1pagel. 11 litoh Literatore, Rhoetorie, 2edligogy, A. G. Hasll, B. S. 'S7. Mailieiatle's. PI:;'oica, Mechi~niteulFlorienice NI. Hal- leek, Pit. B. 'Phi, Aiicric-anIt listory, T'juroleaIHistcry, Fre-neli .Lterarc:; S'::idiia C. Hart, A. 1., Ttladcliffet'1972,' ilhetoric, iilnglNIeiPhilology, Aestlol- ice, WV. 1I. I-lwkes, A. B. '87,'.Phtysic., loner, A. 1B. '97, Isatln, Ilreek H~io- tory; Ainie L. 1:11. A. B.'l)7, Latin, (reeki, IEnglish Literain'tre; Msy L. tIlhsdsate, 'A . M 0'0, Pedagogy, Phitl- cal Reoiionmy, Aniocian i-tioory; D. WV. C. J Hunnooit, B. I.. '97, Orga-iic ChIemnistry, Analyticeil Clbii ito,) y, PCccl u gogy; RubIy A'. Sloitel ini, A. 1., Olet, '707, L~atin., OGreek, lo in I'o- liticolil utitotiens; F 1+. T.Swa-ii. A. B. 1-7. 1 sift, B. S.. Olise,'7)7; li ,01- tuni (2. 'Tiibeo'iake, A. B.. takze 1.'nlsO T lliverity, '9)7, Botany, Veg--able pl.ysiology. Zoology; I.: 'loktiiaga, iDoi a. College, '19l, Politoical I.+el- 'noy, Ftntsneeo, History; C. 17a.Vo'- -strandc. B. S., l'iixersity of I11; rois, '9)7, Vheooetioil Astrotioty. , ci:icl Astroniofiy, Opitics; 11. CE. AAard, B. 1., Ag lccutiitro ' jllige, '9)5, 1:ctei'iology, Physi1ology, -Orgnir 'icnia A;r- letta 14. Warrven, IPh. 1B., OWooster TCcii versity, 'S8), Lotin, Anete RIt tiiie Creek; W. II. Wtiliwx, Ili. B. 06), Ani ericatni tfeo'ature, Aorinici-n IIlls sorj,, I'('i102'(Agy; C. G. Wreilnore, 13. EtAicA21i.A FR S. 'J0:7, 12I4tiiellastic nc s, 'to-Trunks, Valises. Drre'Suit cases, and jiective Oeo iiel ry; . S. Young;, A. \I., Tiel srsea.t , Kanis College, '94. Ane eaniihistory. Trunhs and Vail's,'. t paired neatly and 'dagogy, li1ngi;ispio iteratrec, cheaply. Ns. 307 S. Main Street DANING3 PCxRA\ L t' lavWe have jush re- l.NACCN AT RANEI~s oii e ceived a large line Closinii, liday lancing plotty Titee ~onr window. of PIPES week '1'litslay ettning. L enal Sat- torily ereciting tlonoiilig party :: H.ALLER'S Jewelry Store tieek S to 11 o'clock. h'ieitlC le11on'-tma nmnse. All 8-atuirdaY ('5 liigl5 10110 coader the isltaiigelnc of 11,NP ,.1 Lo'wney S Chocolates M Vrs. Rloss Crafilger. X-00GOTO- NCII R Tel BAND. W. W. T T L ',State St. 'liii'bandtttwill meet :it llhe L11I ,1155''r ALLEOR ETI'S, if you wish. lbs Aim Arboar .Music C 1 'a store, ci: 't7 . N'tlsliiigtol Fst., bonit;lit (100 i;ix De 7 li ococ A L!. tisa solutely nees'siarALLhs e-noys or 01111 aten ths tletiig.MUic o: IIARDSOFT, CANNEL AND 'tuldy itigrotil'sberoicoarseti. SMOKELESS (COAL S ' AND CO02,. ixeo. I'. Oainpbell, fonnoowly of FI',I r W arnn'-Pailbor s op oil Stale S.t., isIV. T.A IB L.ER tic'w emp~iloyedl by W. A. MNcDolnald at 1159IW. Washngten Street. Phone C. 1011 1B. Vn'-s1lluiitoll 01t., liere be wilt T 1e Name the fGuarantee. beislealsetl to see call Of his triendso.SAIDN' Seco the mnuch talked oh Alunumi: Foot Ball Supplies For '97 Mlandolin thaut have a good 101m0 ald Every Requisite for the Game. 1ca not wra~p or check .it Itie Anln Ac'. IManagerp will do well to write four sampes anes special rates bor Mulsic Cs., 205-207 E. lV shiilgton b efore purchasing. street, The Spalding official li~l 12'SN''--uiti ohti~tlstnrlaeeFoot Ball. FORIi-i. --Siteof oailsfurra,~e Adopt(-d hy Yale, Princetos, Pennsylvania beat, hiard woodl Ibtisli, newly torolsA :.-Barvard, Cornell. and alt other trading usi- ed. 520 17. Jeffeirion t, oe-haolf blo-c versities. Each halt tested and packest, and seated ins eparate hox with heaps inflator frrn: cainpous. Price, Spaidinsg'n Official Foot Mall Guide for 897 Edited by WALTER. CAMP. Post- paid. ,s genes. .ooi of DancingCasa e TIa1dVi1tAxct zrE site Law Building. A. 6. SPALDING & BRO}S., - Single evenings 5 et.New Yok PWtadi la hompson Street. it While buying; ..W as k DoY uspeak Greek? You can P INE NEW LOT OF Fruit and candy at the Greek Soe . 203 North Main street, opp. court Jast received. house. Pure home made candies Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM. and ice cream, flue California fruits, ' MINES for all Instrumens. verysutbefrreeSadw 9 IU DDI know you wi ll wnt them frdthat ISHAMLULNE'S MUSIC STORE 1 party you are going to give. 9 114 West Liherly st., Ann Arbor. 4 JAMES KOSTAUS r- i 10 i -University Sch, Slate Stroet, oppos 'Terms $5.00 a semester - Officc-427 TJ