ic ' a i r , . . .. VoL. VIII. No. 56. ANN ARBOR, MICHlIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1897. Paicsi-3 CENTJh. WIL Has-received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, lOB E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. .Lownsey's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MIILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE. Friday, Dec. 10, '97 Guy Bros' LSS"- Minstrels! Prices..... 23c, SOc and 73c. Just iReceived a Large and iEiegant Ioie of Tew Pipes l Hont and Oold Lunches at ali henrs. Agents fir Huleris and Wiiiiams and Wen r on's hco te R n B n. LY& O. aoS:Snci State Street. WAH R'7S 'MAYOR JONES OF TOLEDO. To Speak Before the S. C. A. on Municipal Reform. The I-on. Samuel M. Jlooco, Mayon of Toledo, Ohio, will deliver nolaal- teso this eveninsg apt S o'clock iiinew- bonry Itll. Thiso lecture is the fotirth in thoi sesiee, of t,4e S. C. A. coorse Crolle1d "Prsenit Day Problemo1." Mlayoir Josnes' bolie will be "(Civic e t- fori." Prof. Galmms Taylor s-poke froml the oitadpott of a studt'tt who -lias :invoottigoitetl sociali questions, Wosihisogton Clatltion froni the views of tt theorist and ossisolar; anid tonlight the speaker conttitues the diorssoan ,swetking wvith the inforosa-stissanod in- sight of ai-po"Istietil 1iiOO of bnosiness. Samauel M. Jones has goie ie tongts ottusny exciting eanpaigito and is well quta-lified to openkli of thte worko of civic fetleratins aaid gsott go.-eriisent clubs. He was elected nmayor of To- ledo, to use hitsswit wo'rds, "to spite of 6100 salons, tetr"- stnt alkiriy 'csaisntaiy nds!the -devil" Ie isas eaz- rietd out ,thepsw-eepsinag efscistoi pion'ssed in Isis vigorous casupaitga and has pooved sthe iusost psliati sutyor Toledo has h-asd for many ye ars,. This eiisinesit reformier los also overturned inseny. eustoats in Is, pri- s-ate bwuess affairs. ' he o(lde-,i ttile is Ihosted -ays his faetttey ia:Us, -and ''lls essaptoyess tire trealted as enuals and nat as stlaves. Fos' these radlial changes Isis wos'io~gtsen: feel very grateful toward -isinansai call hiss1 f tlit' fiosstt of the laser. tee has, sat- orally 'apartictularly 1-agfollo iiig 1oasiasog tae nia-sses C1 Athletic Board Meeting. " The iseisong of thle Athletic Board last nighit was oiie of I-leroWi i- pirttta t of .the year. Masnages' H-sglsoss stsinatted hIssreporvt ottthe tCslisetsosl 3game ns d showved a boalancee of $3,40t0 -ettired to -the treasurer. 'This bsrings the finanees °to a point where at piom. hslog basebafll and track season can. be n-ise tihe most of. Manager 04,anis-, bell stated -that negotiatioasisast soit yet beets completed. for engag'ing a ts'ainer. Owing to Mr. Ilill's anot bse- tng in college, the vice 'presidency of -the Weste'naInttemscollegttste Amateur Athletic Association fell vaeant and Mr. ;Oannaiaol was elected to flil the laslied a new Iandttooh cntaitninig PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. tese faces evisedl to date. Ant aisst'ndsssest was adotted to lthiter- Prof. Cadwell, Its Honorary class gamlie rles providingthIlat 1'So al players-issst be ;shand+.d to t' President, to Lecture. ebsassr~oaf thlist' ootitet' isaving- cliarge of that teiartoteat, fortm' slyc Tie Plilossahictd Soie-y swill 1-e before Itissuae, asndthe 1pcloio adressed tonight by anaotdtcc isiet mut;stbe Lo.in sot less thasstwo ttays r11's-tisa, 'Prof. Williatia thtltlv 'I, 'S. D. fore thse gatne. of Nats'tsovctein'ss isive~sily, wo will Manastgr Hutghs-.atstttsicesl thteivraplwr it'ed:"hosIfy lt' gaisnenext yeas' wotilloave Is elvratpresittl"slooty '1Itt oss the Satutrdasy eore Tisxasshs- andth-e Noee' Soiology--at Stdy ii ivissg, .as Presidestttaretr is sen.- Contelstpoaay Togt." Cadwel is slonsly app~osed tos'ally isore Thsansk- theso ionisy lresidat of ,tle society gvilg galie. Thle idea Is to get the for the year 1887-8,. sssd le -higslpwd- reg-ints to grant sa olidaiy aIFriday tion -11e111halo s log conteispttrary beloetass''Pssksogvissg ieis's-to 's, Aiemicusnkllhos owscestts the state- ablle thse excorsioll1 to be t'ss to Chls- miet-lat thilt sl'etig ill e oe of cago.thte Isost noale of 'the eries. P'rof. tosltvll lelt a felotwsliii M and H Sweaters Apportoned. tNotnillgI' and in Cambsrige, tog- Muanger ughs anouncd l s hnd.lHe ws 'an ^intructYrat('rell nigtshnas'mises 0tos uwowld Unvestyand before 'tkiag the nit-lit e 'oslysetsanwhoevps.d (lsairiof noralilphilosophtl lNorth- aces-tie 'Voasily sweastersnllci wsei was professor ini Ile Unive- All thsose wolstayetd itseithert's' iussesola or' (hsiago 5l0O sty ot ('lssag. In all -these positios It~~~~ ~~ anestis Ts eis fs tas ise itews a tilsgtiiotldeatnstu. lI seatrs.The isst o men ias liss woik oi cloisensansr is ce of foaliow's: ('thsrinsamnr, C'ale'-.Le'hrto setosis astp~on el sow, Bakia, t orksvoo'. B tit'ah ngniiad rBam el 'le el, ieeu, IHogg. Stuaot, Pi som wslsIlshat subject aod contittedl hsssssthe'atority ,is Amcieictin tat lee, Hannian, Egan, -lttler, Ayt's, e I aue osieal ics Bsarallee, S-hckles ansd et'a. Thoele. t sdcoidrle'sa- siOtS 50 ss ahpeaa'ace. -s-hintll lre'ceive reserve pssven9 tt'se PrIof, Caldwell will lectro this even- asn follosw: Sivage. tlalohttsls Ais Ii>}ga o'clc nTp al h SMar'clack in T'ap0aasrHall. 'ais Mhaclos, Syissosso, pehrdoAno, 7igeatre stet oty isinvited to lae (iedon, Thsoms,l-toilgtssaa, Wlzputs a- Mo-oae, Pagelsos, Anderson, Mesas, S. L. A. Speakers Criticsed. Tll, 10'111 andl tHeary. .[hte 'assit Sw'eatt--sswill Ito gist-ms A -orrt'sitot ntOf tse'Washiteaiw ott ietyear to Iwoses',11oha t~ve'Evensisg TimsionIsa, 5kitk solmg n playedthiSa, iftllIshalf of 0on' of thebQiss ~ le tdelhvesrycof te hs-eales' itsPsver- gamses, that is with the seven colleg' sity Hll. ''he folloig is wilst le -ts'hrt'ee~etlits the west4es-s coifreise. ths 'ossay: 'This lansihi iucord -twith te tprt~ig tittor Timaes: poed 'slo that sll who l- havplayed There is a defect inLtsa delivery is half a gamie will tasteuds's- tse of lectures at Univesity hall that four year rule as to eligibilty. sight be femedeot .Tat defect is the habit uany_ speakes iave of The Church and the State College. loring to their nigt and addressig the people it hhe soth etd of the Prof. tFrancks 'W. Kelsey, of this' I 'ii- hail. Frday night fully oe-half of vorsity, contributes fo an sriele 01u1 Governor Taylors lectr was dliv- "Stite tniverstties and Clures Cotl- red to the people -sittig to Iis right, logs," in the. Deceanhes'r Athiltv0usaking it viry unllensat, ot to say Mtothtlly. Sptakhog of thse duty ofte dtlicslt, for fully ne-third of -hIs aud- csursdss towaid te state uaversitieo, Itors to listen to Iis words. Hid hso - Iseha2 stood in the center orf this ptformi "It grows out of the geneural dluty of gid talked to those in frant of 'ism, the chu rches as guai'siais of -he high- every one hin the lage audience would et interets of soiety. Do lomateave und'rsood witls pefect ease. Chlsitan people pay tea-s? Een if IPresident Angel has not a sreg i were grauslted thart the ahte unlsve- vohce, ut he c'an -make sery peson ities have an irreligious tusophulere, ho the hall sbear 'him ecase he talks to whsou.ssould we lok to elsange it? to thos directly in frnt, iturning Sisoudithe churches aplroalols ote nethr'to 'the ight nr to the left. state OriverBittoO in a spiit Of (cit-Tles' amo ha true of Acting President cl-sun, r with, a deep feeing of r- IHtchins. spensihiity and a willingness to co"- The president of the Lecture Aspo operate in the promsti.s of abtesan elation can do the eatire audince 'a prerne interets of youths? At the sirvice by, requestiang all lecturers to vry 'least, it is rewsonable to ask that adsiraess tie people directly in1 front of the 'religious boies see o it that mooa thom,adat thse to th right r of marked sprittuM and aitel'leuhisal the let. G. power he placed in the pulpts of runi- vorsity towiss.' But In more thsan one lM. liramk I". Ieed, of Cicago, no- nisiversty town c-hurches fail oto keep resideunt leneer On to~yright and their footing, Beot bcause of was n- rade iMarks, will letre 1o the pos- favorahble environment, but because gsaduate stdsenir law lsses every the wet-k is left tn chaurge of imen nho day tsis week from 41 to si1)p. iul; are nt equnal to it." j tthe law leture eom.a a~ny cnnl ovSPECIAL SA STATIONERY. t o M Atkimsdong Mr. tlreem on il Mr. Best linen paper per lb.. . .ide Sinioans was appohsited to_ get data in Best white bond paper per lb... . 25ct-regard to the graduatte na-na ger sys- Envelopes per box (210)..- 27cts est-uait exists- at Ohicago and WVis-' Evlpser10.,...'".85 Visiting cards eugraved and t40 esosin. Thie sentimenyt scentis to he! cards .............. . . 50 'thait such a. manager is necessary -Is Visiting cards from old plate too take care of Michigais's athletic f- only ... ...............-.. 9c Mongras mde o 'I's 'iomfairs. They are growing Iseavier each $2.50 to $6.00.- yea r till now it i sa lmsost inspqssible Always the best goods at under foar an undergraduate to huandle the price. lea toes sadyet nanke .ny shwhng in oolleg-e. A !onmi tt ws al s'p. W yH.SB O T R poited -o abite thevarious.- osond- WAH BO K ST RE v~setheConnstitution and Iby-lttvs Up'taown DonTown th. '-haye Iseen pas-ned for tho last 5. State st. Oppusie Courtiouse Ann Arbor IMain et. 'r'two years. Thsere will then he, pub-