VOL. VIII, No. 55. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1897. PRIG~-3 CENTPr. t WLD Has'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in package- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALNIER'S PHARMACY. THOSt NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE. Friday, Dec. 10, '97 Guy Bros', Minstrels!. } Prices, ....25c, 50c and 75c. Vl I/I1 040h1V1/I/1 Jast Received a, Large and Elegant Lin.e of New Pipes I Hot and Celd Lunches at aii hears. Agents far Hayter's and Williams and Werners Ca.'s RZ. B. oatJon Bogns.TWlLy & CO 5O8Ssatia State Street. ' PROPER SPIRIT SHOWN. Anti-Knocker Club's Smoker Great Success. a In response to the invitation of the Anti-Knoclnr (lob, abo)ut four hium- te'ed shtuts turne out on iai urday night gat .the Armory to show loyalty to otuier atnut nes-ter on tS .illletiC tesnums. The nieeting wao ra thee j0in formal and book the form of a sinker. ' :Ittdlst 'rings of curling blue various trpice of paissiug interest were li - Cusoed in °the reception roomsg until about half-past eiglnt, when the dlooro of the drill iroom were th1rown1 opern anod flitassembly took fo. The guests of the club %vere teated at lcong tables, laden with the "Datch Lunch" wihcmemmn for consider-. -ation later in the evening. G'enial "Pat" Rteilly called the iteet- i-ng to order, stating tse object of the cluh and the gathering. lerofessoir.s McLaughlin end Kntowlton :tpoke atf some lengtth on the duties of ttu- dents and the necessity of exhibiting loyalty uneder all canitiions to te athletic teams, coache a-lid m'trier; beft made mearne-t pleas for a Itron0g, healthy, united college spirit. After brief °remrzarks sy ox-Capt. ttogg and Capt. Bennett, of '1l'ste the following telegrams were read by Motiusger Hughes: Chicago, fIl, Dec. 4, 997. Count me in on the "Anti-Knocker" Club. W. C. M1ALItE.Y. Colunmbus, Ohio, Dec. 4, '97. Nothing can heat Michigan next year- Congraitations to 1Bennett. JAMEI++S B- .IlD. Ionia, Michm., Dec. 4, '17. Wsh I were with you. Sucecess to the Club. G. H. .FOREIIET. At Ithis junkcture the niceting pro- ceetded to business, which was to dis- toose of the "Dixtch Lutich." gonugs by -the Glee Club, solos and speciales .Society Preliminaries. The Jeffersonian, Aloha No aid Adelphi literatryisocieties helm ;pre- liiinas-ies for te Ciinago debate "Sai- nt-day 'night. The strostgbst of tihe contests hseld so far was te fdual d- Irate of the .Jeffetrsstian Society wii-t wais hell ini the tiny 1e-turerosin. Messrs. C. Sanger, S. C. il-iskins:, A. J1. Laciy, J. P. Bailey, B. F. Dtllont,. 1t. St'ha ctet and L. 1Sltaimnualsoi, tlm iteots of 'the two former .lersni- 7ion grel iiniiarirs, were (tie con test- atts. Professors tRngle aitd Lanie anid Judge Kinno acted an ;jtdges, and their decisioin gave 1t1( three winsliug; places to A. J. tacy, L. Shaninaihot itid B. F. Dillon. The-se three n-ill 'represent their society in the Webster- Jt-ffensontastn debate to he held Deco s- be ° 1). There were ten contestants in (hl Alsht Nu pr-li isititry, anti the ct:i -utt was 'a very close ote. 'Dhsc winners n-ore Messrs. NV. Sairiger, E. Geiiser tind ibss C. Qunissby. These ditre n-ill meet the three winners tof thle formner Alpha Nu prelinsinary next Soxtneday night to contest for the honor of 1representing the Alpha Nti Society fis the debate with-the Adelphi Socety. The A-delphi Society held its first fie- httte Sorttrttay aigin, thelieneracs c- lug ft. L. Nyc, IW. B. th'rrison and X3. 'Dudley. 'This society will isroltl li set-snot prelininiary tonighit, and tteii thme winners of tonighit's atid Stttur- day night's debte will contest Its the final Adellphi debate to toe held next -Saturday niglet. Constitution for Whist Club. ',ne coinmittee atsoint-d to draw i -a constitu-tiitn oneld by-laws fc the Whist Club met Sxtiirday morning and cotmpleted -their nork. Tin- re- stilt of thiir work nill be sibsiitted to mm full imeetiiig of 'tll those ixtserost- ed 'Thursday night. T.l'me ecnmitees on securing a. roma tnbeen nc-ively at work sand will also report at (lilt Reduction or Collegiate Course. T'rof. George letipl, of te Unive '- sily it ate.rnarticle oii"'Tme 'rhree Ye-ar Undergra-dnute tPiriod," inthle Decent-er numitber of the 1tilumaliosas Rteviewv.*Thie msovenseist fotr the re- ducitioni of .thle collegiate pt-rind feses fotur yearts InoItiree is miakinig proigress in this country, ,tind wre quote 'the fol- lewng tromt,5'rof. thempi's argiueiit ini supplort of the .propoisitiona: We enitiet justify our action by claiming thiat we are fostelriug ednwa- titin; prese-eviug a-s iiuchi'a soible of it in aii age and a ci-isutiy that 'have littl- enough. Intil i,'tst Iplace -otir reuiretients for a lherul uoc col- leghote eduication are nowv at leatst a. year highser bisen Iliise of aiiy othe-r etintry. 'lhat is, n-c not only deniand thattfhue young man n-ho wisilses to study for the doctorate have a iiore extended general educatiola than is doY- tandod of rho Europeans candittite, but we also matke ill other studenits do ais much beftire we release tin wit;h the lsehe-lot-s diplo-tais. 'T'han, we 'have seen that our prfesent pin-- ltice reduces the ntember of those pur- suing real advainced work under ro- po-e-. con~ditions; in, -this n-n are doing anytinog but fosterliig edtication, so far ias highser educato" s. n cerned. As; for collegiate education, whe lamnenxt Sthe -fact that with a three-yeer period iiiany students wvould ihave oiie year less of the aidvantage of college lns- tung. But 'hav abotit this fourth-ye:ar n-ork? In iiost inistituttiionis a luergo part, if not -all, of the sc-nine work is real tinivoftlity work, tint we have teen that graduatin usually bre-aks it off before it htas hewn carried to a poisit iwhere its pieculitar -satti ccau bi appreciated. It is sturly pestagog- it-ally indefensible to -htns- a -youn~tg icon devote a year of his life: to geit- Sting starteid in a, specialty wiiicii be is iiigall probability to aha-stetn a t the -end of thme year. Thme gretmtajority of our undeegi-ad uate students are 5sarly :iio iuo-e fitted to be isivesltiga,- h led uluxen the ci lion. W A T T T S Old Michin a:s-yell nde thi w .alie lite Arnuory .eho ataiii attd agalti = Iloough the n-hole evening tind xxlieu 3S O O S O s at a seasonable -hiur -the festivities were ever, all reseat voted the- n1l- SPECIAL, SALEOF STATIONERY. Knsocker Club a ' ot sice. sful em- tertainer and prosioter of the peeper Best linen. paper per lb - l.... 5 ieit. Best white bond paper per lb.... 25c- Envelopes per box (250)- ...25c A saeting of -the charter members Envelopes per 1000........ ..... 85ceof the -club will be heist.in itoom h9, Visiting cards engraved and 100 cards... .........1.50 University Hatl, tonight at 7 o'clock. Visiting cards from old plate 100 Steips will he taken to perfect a per- only........................0c Monograms made to, order teem iua.,nent ergaaziation. $2.50 to $5.00. Always. the heat goods at under Dr. John P. Ashley, prineiplal of tho price. Genesee Weslo yan SReminyary, Limo, N. V., hras been unanimnously elected W AHpp'SBKsn TORE pisoe idoeilt of Albion College, to suc- 4 E31r 1 V STORE ceed D4r. 1Lewvis I.. Fiske, n-ho is io Up Town Down Town tiigatr2yes'svc.Th S. State st. Opposite oortflaane ±lia fe 1 a. 'srie Ann Arbor main at. v,11ao ge will b e made on Jan. 1. x (. r uteeting. T11he piace of Tiiursday',t-rs :tian are i-he mmajorily of teachbers. g alimring xiii be atmnoune-ed in T1uejs- Spa far a-s univ etsity work is concern- day's Daily and on time bmulletint boords eu, xve iave, hten.,tnjutsificationIn m of time variovs departtnteats. ielding eli studenets for 'a fourthsi year. MAIany of Ithose interested in timeatexv But it musay be said that ini so-any of club -advocate its joinimng time A-toot- ntur colleges time setuiswnoik Is ciii. Ie-tiatc-tha t is, its i-a ocer temutains r ai WhI),I Leaue; the entrance fe to that orgais izationis veryysnall indtl -an -' utiti xtno bod the 'advantages quite oumnerous. A eitd, dekts-ned; amid it is elaimed thstt the nmiore a studenit gets if such. edu. «,hAbet library is also taiked of to con- ist of standard works on titis outject cation limo bettellr.lTbe samne trgulunit and the varilous periodicals devote-I to would as well justify 'a five-yeam or a ,he gate. This lnst 'idea. ivtil1Ijwoh- six-your undergradtuate period. Buot ably not fteke tangible formi until time When we sh-etch libieral education to clab is well sta.,rted, a "point Where it becomies so expensive 'Tufts Colloeewnill sa ve an inter- that only a select few- can get it n-n femitorooty wisbt league tils winter. I (Continued Onl Third Page.)