2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Sir Rowing In the East. The Yale netvy has giren out that it 3 f r a i g Y u Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during will row its aual s'ae with Harvard P ot 's Z ~ INSPECT THE WORK the College ear, atver he New L oTakcorse thisAT... THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN svritNgPaee s~ie an c ths ls OrricE: Times building, 329 S Main St be- srn.Plgicesews6lsnls h e r m n S u i twee Liberty and William St, year beause Yale ead to Grw thre J. F. THOMAs,"00 L.(ScesrtGion&Cak - ~~~~pievious agreement with Cornell. This(ucesrtGion& lak BUSINESS MeAAGE 0.11H.lAS, 'us L. yea, however, dy te five-year nth- 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. EDITORS citle agreemeint etwen Yale and H. B. Sxr.seA, '95 eL., Athletics. Ilanrvas , Yalws giveii the choie of E. L,. Gn n, ',3et - Monday S t de ts BCTELmaLM,00 usa h oi~ n i eiieyare U. . Iiusov. '0, - - Wednesday with the rowing a1uthoities at tai- T. R. Woonaw, '0, - - Thusday -- A. CMaEes, '0, -- - - Friday bridge upon Nw London. A confer- 1. A. CMsrEr.L, '0, - - - Saturday cue btwee Yale and ~oineli is iiJ~,. ses.sois to doedd'- mattrs wvith refer- Lectuiire W oeiee to a ~ace The subscription price o1 the Daily is $.55 crthe college year, with a regular delivery1 borees, eachmdat.Notices, omsc-A i . lions, asd otherm atteritended for ulic- Ministers Denounce Football. 11to us ehnedi tthVal ffc e fore p. in, or mailed to the editor beore 3 atAY YWSBRr p. i., of the day previous to that on which The fortieth !annual eoferne of t ysas esn~ they are espected to a per. scrptions may le left at The Diy lethoadit Ireaee s, held in l'hiltadi',l- j1jFYK! i ru .. . Office, Meer's or toffiet's Newtand, or with Bsiness Manage. Subrbers will con- pihia, Pa., last week oenly dollsussc.d fer a favor by reporting promptly at this GUitlITARt'SASDANJOS. office ass failure of carriers to deliver paper. fcotbali as brutal and debasing. Dr. Poes--------Jan.22 VThe WAhuisD h oe andol Cotton Amny of East Bngle Pa., said: Pwr ---------TeWsbr steoeadol "Tootballycerwishysteiodec'toodegradeWashington- -- - -------Jan. 29 make of word-ide reputation. Sold Footallceraain te~ch to eg~lleby first-class dealers everywhere from tlle receipt ofjuaen.invitationlby (lieSousas Band------------_ _ _Feb. 25 $ioo upward. Imitated extensively, IIorrns ienloiat rust to meet theliysnadnuediiiioatyoa so e sre that the name "George Rt.Ite. Wllam rosellDoneBis. oteortiy degree" Dr. T. C. Rade, Oratorical Contest------arch 18 Washburn" is bured non the inside, Rt. 1ev Wiliai Ciosw'ii ~oineBPSA beautiful Washburn Book contain- hop of Albany, at H~arris Halti president of Taylori nive~sity, Up1- Burton ------------------ April 8 u portraits and letters from the D land, id, offerd this prraye : "Cx0ad Reskes Caive, Eames Nordica, Sal- craning. chi and moo other famous artiste and _________ sve us freili Oiy class spirit that teachers, mailed free upon request. A bettet' choice than J. W. F. Ben- would lead dto aing, and from the Address Dept U, net for football captal could not Idealy bane of seret fratrniies, base- Save our money buy buing fr.W YON Se.A nd asI, tias have been made. Mra. Beniet is aui ball nines anid football teama!"-.Daiy a season ticket. -" experionci eiiber of the team, a tPalo Alto. maa personally popular n on Who ft5rited itsclestifr omi n drlI xctvnl- Hockey Club Talk. {rc.ebadm Blickensderfer.ne... ' ity with bis qualte' as a player. tun- -- Typewriter Machies e " With te appearanse of cold weathe"rEulayelteNhp~e actnnI pri drhs1drspnetssoorodand the excellent satting fa ilties of (ad qualioelrt deseea i thereio esneenlam. hold be a good one. fered atWeibunrg's Sktig Rink tl Priallow- tnpriced, porable, keyard manesee. lfr ibbteesern 50.7 litteer Seies { of organizing"a t'niverity HBlck y5 d ' o"'bbo. irra ih cutn.at VERY ENTERTAINING i'1ub linearise. The eastern univr-- 4 ign +Ptr 505 q tneItehangble. ities have siseli organiations an o- 1 rtiniend. (C'otinued from first page). uatonyoehdrd4a Vfu g iwi ro of 'ho spo t wish to iirduce it" ; Typert a Serr aerr elion eqeiid n ta. es of ngtmoharateri tic contratd rket..esm q IsidinnowMe r bre. Tb' snatter wrill be 'alkedor rret._. "' e5of cntrues. wel with the pat hits at the modenaby thse intrste at tie skting park 4,60n Sold in Twino e. -ntdo=jrblennbchrae colege man but all were ejoyed swiths this aftrnoon. - C ast rmaaae e.-rreenl en an equal relish. Anything n market canhbe had at , F. FAiRBAIRN1 & CO, eeral Afonsn ls'rsae t eerdd Htodo.waudeirine bath to the old the Prand Cafe. Private sin rs 93 Griwd St, Deroit, Mich. S_.T usrt e s maonth He'odo J. S. ALLA, 4 S. 'erth Ave., Lcal Aget ...market.. honeste'ad whe re so m'auy happy gotten up on short notice. tf.ar.se.,......rr - - - hoursad been spent and of how the bhornr of insects was smusic to his ear. IF YOU WANT THE BEST I' T o H o His (rendition of the iuusic of uis- FAENT SAIORY When the landlord of a country hotel wakes you up t half-past five on a quitoes as they bummed "hot Tins::" BADGES OR PNS .cold morning and remarks he nust have your sheet to use for a table abhout his ead was received withi Send to cloth. We can stand about everything else-hugs and cockroaches, a mat- SMITH STUR EON CO.tis in three pieces, mucilagenous towels, ast iron soap, and even red doeafenimig applause, more proiably be- SMTr TRGO ,&0. headed chamber maids; ut when they want to rob us of our sheet in this caus 'te tne as eenso ioshy o- 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detrot. way, we kick. Most tverybody is kicking nowadays, however, with corns caus tae tne 'as eenso Klasly tesigs and estimatesurnished on ahl wr and bunons. SAR'S CORN PLASTERS, a simple little square piece of edicat- ciated withi athletics durimng the past of this ind. epd laster, with green strips to fasten around the toe,las proven itself to heb _________________________the best corn remedy on the market. ,Get a free sample of it at J. L. season.« + SKINNER'S Store, 30 . State t., or at your shoe delers, and try it for Again tie speaker came baek to hisi yourself. i dozen plasters 25. khome and -said that music is the fCHRISTM AS PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, psetry of the soul 'while tile soul is tie I j maw'. S 28 Randolph Street. Chicago, 11l. Sole elling Agents. poetry of mttsic. Continuing e spoke , KO KS1. bfShakesiere s a musician and also ~ W sea nwrt h THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT touhe lihty nsos tleralesof oy ~ question, "What shall I 9 YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLEJ WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY ral of the maser musicians of tits' buy for, Christmas?' A EI NECOHS LTEO VRLTE-EHV H 'npatcnuiaCamera's the one thing CLOTHING, BEIUNECOHSCLT SROVCOHS-EAETE andpat enures that everybody wants and 9 LARGEST LINE IN THE C1ity. He closed by paying a very 'iihi that everybody enjoys CUTTING, REER & CO.,, tribute to mnusic. Throughoaut the en when he gets it. Now that 9 a good camera can e had9 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ace Arbor, ich tire lectre the speakes powerful ms for from $4 to $8 it is possi- f Dugldis ipressed itself upons all be for most anyone to give! Y one at Christmas. If your - wsho beard him. friends have cameras why 13TER felt foundation on which these shoes are built prevents taking cold,' Senottgetmanhalumlfor allAlu chill proof, damp proof, heavy and dressy. They are the..best for Se.hemc tle o lnumno' their prints. Fall and Winter wear. MandlinOlbat hve a d d 'amra ctalgs fee. v:. Russian Calf, French Ename, Box Calf, they ar $oo. do not warp or cheek at the 4A'n *AilH ' UAUAV bar 'Music C., '20)5-07 E Washaton - III 'IIIIIUaW ~ l T . P J NSI'eet * c 0 a + A ' I9YSAST WASHINGTON STREET