4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BOOTH. Pre. W. AROLD, 1t ViCe-pes 3.V.SOO tA . VCepres The St re Asc t TiesJOHN C Wa J. V.11, Cashier, TheStreAsot ie ~Sains- Bahik. NEW SHAPES, ff CENTS _sae-Svns-,ak LATEST PATEIIES. worth Tnescs a general Banking hus- - ~Will regret it you ~I $1.25,Hes Z ~miss it. UU.5 {- ~~and $2. 'f~ m ~aIIFl GOOID 8 P iE ED's. or. Maiand Huron street. r Capital, $5,0. Surplus. $W0,005 Transact a MAIN STREET. , general banking busiess. It . Kur, Pres. C. E. GREENS, Vice-Pis Tills) WeeiEDs. . BeLeR Cashier.. SNAPPY BREEZES THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Capital Stck, S50,0S0. Burpus, flS0iW. HOW TO WARD THEM OFF-GET OUR UNDERWEAR. Resources, $1,00,,.O Orsied under the General anking Laws Weare offering TWO SPECIALS- sellhs State. Receives deposits, buys ad We I ells exchage on the principal cities of the Hayritbbed and fleeed 5CeUited Stats. Dtrafts cashed upn proper Heavy esa ieeeceu 0 "Idetification. Safety deosit oes to reel, flT HavyJeseyfitin jOrrcas: Christian ach Pre. W. D. .~ fU.Harriman Vice-Pre Cha E. P os.; h, 1111$1.00 Cashier: ii. .. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Combiaion Site 130o WAGNER & CO'PANY, o n ro 4.30 Furisihers FIRST NATIONAL BANKof Ann Arbor3 13 SOUTH MAIN h.TREET apital, $10,00. Surpu and Prfis, 40,000 ______________________________________________________Tranacts a generai banig business. oregn exchange bought andold. Furnish ntis/Pren.aHARRISON credit. Lamps Expressly ° Stn Hdets'1~seED.KNPrsHARSNOU, r~nnT s Vice Pin WE 'WILL SE,~JLSW LAOUN.Cahirs O R "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," S .CAKOCsir "The Berlin Student," all iickle plated, varying i price from C. ff. MAJOR & CO., $1.00 to $2.50 each. The Artistic deoratora OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pre Have a complete line of ered in any part of the city in our cans at lOc per gallon. For Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window 11.r i esale only y Shades, Room Moldings, Etc. DE.A.N & COMVIP.ANY. Specialty of fine interior decorating, 214 South Main ,Street. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen "UNIVERSITY NOTES. Coumbias Nev Gym. employed. IWork guaranteed. 'the appa tApha 'l'ii'li Sororiy Eaory in Februay, 15 .Coliais~ C. ff. MAJOR -& CO., ho ~ lod Ohir onml nitiati~o Slouriap i 1111'ciiy swiii opeii ier iess yisiooo< The Artistic Decorator, S to c k act Silo,, iS he (iaile lr ilouse ociiMtum icnwhch a hbeoo buil at atc-enStof SI.t.U.\.st $Sl~tl{Xiu.'e tbuildiig will inclueK Those oiis ur U. of M. t>4ciidairs the ocxt'rise'cii, a lohndbyol ron, aKLI ft-i I18118iiay be bliiiell at iiiiiilln. ,c i irn h'oxiloand o stin~ig Oad 0 & .ie des hod in thoe u'nilr y tsy ra noldu igaisiolving tiai, ss'isiciiis TAILO40R in-en soiice. lPric, 500 ct, Null lhe hic -quippiii til ite vc hi hrs iliotd. ,Tilt xre iall is 70)feet engFO-- OF ~~~Slowalci-theliesus elanuiii will 1:0 ferthbral, andsi 3 feet iigi Som N AD WO EN eoc.thio ale Yu cinMiestasi lti Plrllt- odcd 22 feet aose tS looB ia AD WO E aliOii for lteii:nlaereoliegihe el~ ool u nuiiig triack, :12 feet brod, whill Ltt Noveltie in Fall uamen'it toibehldlduhring ithe ('risti-exli ids all liioiilue buildiiig, iiak- cdWne amns u-s hliodays. ngelag01's,0)5to te mler Ni xl .Mod ~y een'inig at unit lil 'le'l th le aseiet below legymnaia- COR. WLIMN MAYNARD STREET. wirleeoteditoIn Aniricail Poetry strnioio pe00r inslohe swimmingtigak, One bok ato niversity. and1yng." hil mot'Fl oe 115rh-l ti, oli-ci'claotii draope, with a0 lSiBetr s~o ingl etire of lthe esiig il il be f 100 te.luladet ~ ig iifean aopiarnig rruS R N nddo Slby Prof. Wei, of 1111'flve Io ten feet. The oaer it u ak Omn nlligs, iiaelig pi iilil- a11010d11111 bico s lellby fle rewyfor Iodoor Fieonfections, (11111 iieoiil sonigs 0101sonsfgthl t 11SalIinig.____Bon_______ u s and Soirsb-J11ulilow tql Ladyls. "My l-rilsd muii s-oii0011" tint te sh-li Choolates. ial s M~s a~ndons ps~ai ta te lin 'PLirioer toigt. T IE S biologmcal dportnt of thei 1UR1Qt itOS FOR INT. 20ES AHNTNSTREET cily. MIien Smroan vin eglili A ie large suite, furnace ah, ec. 36 SOUTH STATE STREET. fortuned tloisll.5101n oilt-il of her Mu'ic:s810 ntsliiaoiou - oCest~ fellowship of the C'oiigiatl' Adiiiiiimnd uitar, Intructor In the University Asoiation. Mis Snowsin a graduaotl' JJADY STUDENT'S. school of Maic. 1 years experience as -AT-(f COirneli, hastakeno a degrelihe Alcassi acn at theug'sa teacer. Call at Ann Arbor Muic Co. Uios'rily of Zlrichnl has 1s0pentMI Academly are under the personal _in- Soet rag o ois . cveml yue of sudly thee. nrtiainof Mr. and Mrs. 1Mo s Gag HOtLMES' LIVERY Tle skiinao n lis ljust114oenin~ig. er ________Ate___________ndoobalhicTA LE -~ T !ilt r i iscboil lelloic01511 l~lISiiSI, iin N eD- odviroiaeS inplay --OhTlcomas 1Sin ~g, b toy ly liholgt o be wthPi isstudet rfi STABLE.l te o:; sor. o al te c f. or s pply at A.' ..Jonstoii s 1710 5 9ELiberty lorialtlfuliia.0015sure to drive away he Gddes ave. 52 Central location. Good Service blules. 'Try 05 at W elibergo, new, riuloi just op eed. Advertise in the Dily. TRY THE . I A Good Pocket Knife for 25 Cents. A Better One, Warranted, for 50 Cents.Sta .. ... . . . Laundry JYIAC &, -CO5Mu mer'sDru Stre Coi. isuth ve And SAVE 20 PER CENT on what you sinG fA AC C INo.12 E Washtn Stn iayng fointandry work. Leave ordersa Mum mev sDruar tor Car ourhingelotn S onlih Main street I