THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN DAILY. 3 THESTORE.- SPECIAL OFFER IN OUR SHOE D[PARTM'ENT For One Day Only r. cr FREE! FRLEE! FREE! On Saturday, Dlec. 4th we will give away free a Pair of Good- yzs o year glove fitting Rubbers (Low or Storm) or a beautiful College Pin (the Block XY) enameled io Yellow and Blue on Sterling Silver =- - worth 75e with every Pair of our Ladies Fine Shoes from $2.50 upwards. See Our Line of $3.00 Shoes in Welts and Turns Worth $3.50 to $4.00 PS.-A New Pair for every PairA C& C O _..: : .. that goes wrong. Notwithstanding the 40 per cent raise on stringso owing to the change to tse tariff we re- tain orouniform low price. Banjo. 1ot, 2d, 3d, 5th. to. Mandolin, E and A. 2%2c. Mandolin, Dband G, 5c. Violia, Oat, each lee. Guitar., i, , got, each 10c. Guitar, 0, A. E, l0c. Fine trings a speciaiy from 15c to l5o each. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 20i-07 E. Wahngton St. ANN ARBOR Timne Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains teave Ann Arhor hy Central Stnndnrd rime. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:40a.m. 57:3 am, ni.5 am. 11:25 am. 4:44 p. m. :40 p.m. eRas, hetween Ann Arborand Toedo only ES. etILMOttE, Agent W. B BENNETT e. P. A. Toledo 0. Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. F* J. SQH1LEEDE. FFRIB TFULLER &#-BERANEK, 340 S. STATE STREET Chafing Dish R~ecipe Book!i Book Binding...N..... cents anedop ASK FlOR ONE. ~ " TAILOCRS watermanlandountait Penn in...stool00and o e haigDshsaeheeCenig.rssn nDRpiig Solidma aold WirotniPens.in1.40ckand up. CafigDshsar ee Woenig rcedfor and eaivredg. Pens Repaired. _Wokcald-o-addeierd Wholesale and Retail Paper. 3x/2 lbs. of Lin- L~EnADNG, 1I2 5. STATE ST.. over Itoseys. en Paner for 50c. V=- Arold. JEWELR.n. PhoeoNo 24, Ne.w State. B ROWN'S DRUG CORNER MAIN AND IHURON STREET Is the place to Register. This Register is always ci Messengers-It's FF IRB B. Amorng the Colleges. ! At th IPresideit Selloiilat, ef (Corelcit thai ,ffe-rod a prize of $50 tort lilt'o 4"'My Friend I: incites -of ilier writtoil for ihe col-table trap forl loge daily. attend its prlodi Th310Univeosity of Caifuornia.sto I, e t ttik411 cpeil d a hovelI prize coinipelilion fo be as seions-nil ite w college yells. Isoe prize s tw Io tey will find t good tickets for a football iiteli. into a cauldron Prior to this year Jolins Ilopiis fun That has1 T'tsiver.Oifty has never possessed e-1.cotl-Now Yorkers. t loge paper. The board of traisos154a te last few moi reoutly authtorized tile pllttttisioti 00 a] iear the echo of colleggs papier by studentslItp froot the the, Tile tEiversify of l'elnsytliit ,will1 whore the play soon have a inew law se~abiltding. : TO CRIE I 0. X. MARTIN, rSj FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. ,onsulted first by t1 e j NO. 0200 FOUETH AVENUE. (Ambulance night or day. fiResidence, 301 Fifth Avenue. iAthens. ANTON TTFEL, .rote India" is a veon- HEDAoRA.- ron laughlter. Those wile Trunks, Valises. Desout elCases. and action at the At1ens Telrsces;. Trunks and Valises t,: lend neatly and lday evening, nil cheaply. Na. 3o7 S. Main Street 11ded as they like, but themnselves thippeol 111):1'bO...We have just re- iof seetlhig, sizzling c .etved a large line heen the experietice of See onr window. PPE On a still nogitt during HALLER'S Jewelry Store otlis you could almost __________________ fthe laughs that went FOR.....wY.. are in t tic C trolrstis ]Lowney's Chocolates lspad a lao,, run. -00 TO--- osetesa'f'Wl Z TT Ur lYY'mmT 1090 aa ,S. EAA WS. m TU "*IEI t Stal an En r. . ~The cst of the building will be olobooofS .A. ue se rvcd sea- ALERTS fyuwn adE--.3 47 . N. Y., Chi.,.. S 12 t) f u fwhi1ch $45,000 liris been raised __________________fyouWish N. Y. Special.... 4 08 Mail -----S_.9185o i~os h iar iasi ees 0.5R. Exprens--l15 10Pacific Ex.......12 N0by csriton when tle issue of 11 ott iktshieoai 1115i *N. S. Limited... 8 10 P . Saltrlo call in oill S. I,. A. saotc k- Eastern Ex-.5 47 Western Ex ---- Lu'. P~nnsylv nxit. for Niovor. ber 22 wao A s. G. R & . Ex.___5.5 ets .not reserved. At thxe 'ov.Taytor 0. NExpres... 55N Chi. N . En_..... 9 47 leclsiOjittcure on F+riday evening, Dec. 3,eec O A 1inNorth Shore Lmited is an extra fare train , l person will be expected to present hisOALLRDS or to hena charge of 52.65 to New York than osa itil Iegilnent-Battimore aei IR OT ANLA other trains. ('ittu on last S'furl nih.Ioc t tcket at the door, bearitng his own IAD OT ANLA 0. W. EmIGGES, N. W. , S aooaylilt letslgtiattre antd tile nain of ih)e seller 1IKLS OL B. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Ag. Ann Arbor tGarrett, of tPriticeten, pit t lie 16iitb. AND COKE. _____________________________ f sch tc-kt. oexchange therefor shiot 43 ft., 1ye/n. III. insis beytter Oht1a . tysc od l .".'. tike. of A11. Shaving Parlors and Bath Roomstie intrcollegiate Intecleit recoard, whiich l i 14,you will 'rteceie a1p19i iceWgo IV. WshinAgtBon 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. fto., l1ty. in., but it wilt not Staied a o emnn tmotsi u ore I.ashngonStee. n Ladies' artistic Bair Deirdng up stairs rcdsnei vsBotoeiD110'-By order of committee,TeEnete na Old friends- talilagain. We welcome new W .H&Et larin oesm. R.. TRSOJANOWSKI, Collegiate gettieso. Csrrett woni the 17. I~sI~t tstrlit.SPALDING'5 sho. pt t 0li Mot tTioB_ t 1ii 1'01t KINY--Moite of roomis, furnace e ulSple ENSHETl hTGAHRlast spring, with .a ptntof 41it., 1 et0ttrIwoditlsitewy.unou-Every Requisite for the Telephone ., O. ANN .ARBOR MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIEN CE e4t. 520 P. Jeffe ion St., osoe-half block - for samples and specie ENOCHI DJETERLE,AStIAONtetcaps The Spalding Offi< EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Membershp, including publications, Anything in market can iso had at Foot Ball. Calls Attended DayorNight. is open to students at $1 per year, one- the 'Portland Cafe. Private inners Adopte-d by vale, Princeton, Pennsy halfthereguar ee. ppl to ottn upan hortnotce. i'Barvard, Cornell, and all other lead:i No. 116 East Liberty Street; Residence, anhl5h3 rg3rfe Apyt ote po hrtntc. versities. Each batl tested and ouch South Fourth Are. Phone 129. GHARLIDS H. GOOQf1Y, sealed in separate box with brass Treasurer. A dvertise in the Daily. Price, $s.oo. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, for (8$97. sa OEdite d by WAwnFCo t Bl WASHINGBTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. paidi''rst c oo f IL a cn , l I olcndentstr.rc KINDER2 wE UATR) uo QATRS t State Street, opposite Law Building. A ,SAON RT K UDRRENwYr. Pla Clnd See, H. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. ChecaYork Phi Office-427 Thompson Street. CAN FU MISRI MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS.,I Lo You speak Greek? You can FINE NEW LOT OF Orders for all Praternity parties, ctub Fruit it while buying /s' dances, etc. Leave orders as Ann Arbor it and candy at the Greek Store, as Is. IP'RJ i4L .. Music Co. er as Reidence,i7i0stddes ave. a P123NrhMi tet il.cut utrcie F. S. -With tahe pupis on Piano and in 203Ios rtn. ain hosstreet, Opp. rt Just eceived sigreadn ee,5.. * ,a-,-- avrcr lraa m R WA _ nne aehm aeaadp Lewstpices-on S5RiS dTi. ._ Mate St. ND rantee.. For 197 eGame, 1o write. al rates- icial rtvania hog uni- ked, and' Inflator f Gnide. P.Post- Is, sYe." eiphtaa ligton ORE A. J3..Johnston. Advertise in The- Daily~ fl.ue loniaU frUuits, owetMis for lnnSTRNme ndt fore preseonandfwitsI'S alIsmns.T fIwant them forathat SCHAEBERESM ICH going to give. 114 Went Liberty st., Ann Arbor JAMES IMOSTAUiS.1 1 i O1 i sarty