THE UNIV'ER'SI'T'Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Gl lg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN OrriEo: Times building, 32 9. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnOMAS,'511 L. BUSINESS MANAGER . IH.tHAS, '0 0. EDITORS H, S. SanIauA, '50 L, Athletics. E. L. GEsMEen'050L. - - - Monday BUTLeRoLAMB, '0, - Tueday G. D. Hnnvv. '0, - Wednesday T. R. WiOnoDOw, '0, - Thursday A. CAurnEL, '1, - - - - Friday I. A.CoireELL, '00, - - Saturday The subscription price oc the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noes each day. Notices, communica- lions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must e handed in at the Daily office be- lon 0 p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in~ of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may e left at The Daily Office, M~yer's or Stoffet's Newtand or with tlusiess Manager. Suhribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anyefai11re of crrer to deler paper. Seveiai l nlmtles of Ihe Atleic Boltrd are agi-ttailg api 111 by wiii{h a geoerni limanaige' of thicies ill e secure orthe111' Livesiy. '[le' Atbletic Board.aid the tident 10011- agers of the variou teuns wold work under him. [le pin~lcipal avatalges secured Wold be cniniy a-d re- sponsibility. It is to e Sincct'ly hoied that the ecIlene will go thogl. The Daily Will annIonce detais a's the p11110 sseomos definite sape. Preliminary Contests- Last 'night and WNednsday nigtl the Websier 'Society 'held itoreiiniaie5 for tle Chicgo debte. ['rfesrs Mlechem, Johnsot and Bogle acted w judges for loth nighs ad 001 of ihe 21 contsttnt of the tsve night they ehose 'Messrs. T. A. Berkeile, L. C. Whitmn asand W13. Roida ns he three to -epcieeol the N'ebster.eter- sonian debae. Last night tle Alla N Sociey alslo held its ,first prelininary. There were 11100eoitetant and the wisers were Messrs. M. W. Webster, IF. C. Ege +Isicdt and F. E. Rleiifrank. Satssrdny night Itle Jeffersoiliii So- ciety wiltl old. R itnlodteate .0nd the Apha. No ito second selilnitiry. The Adelpliu;Society will hold it pe- liosluoies 'Satrdy night ald the fol- low-log Moday night. Jeffemonian Preliminary. The fial pellail~lisy of the Jefffe- sinalian Society -Will be held in the aw lectre daomnSaturday evenig i banipt- ly at 8 'clock. 'rhofconbtants will speak in the fllowing order n the re- spective sides: Altrlnas'ive, S rgts, '9; Scineit, '00; Dillon,f, amd Lacy, '98. Negative, Jibaskins, 't8; Slaaaahl, '99, and Bailey, 'd0.Everyone is very cordialy invited. Ini spite of [le many other nattrac- ti'ns lst night, a good-sized osdieniw gathered nri eze Motorial Hal to ear bMiss Aice 3ailey's og eital. 'The prog-rom aws atistially rendered end Was warmly received. The three so~ngs by Prof. Stanley, lime Sea acli -5' y ' oin ok" ""Ph elisa (Ide in Her'Fac!' dloylon T y Hop,"sneed o cal to-lb thms St plSO, Wiconsin Expain. The followinglping from the 'iis- raisin Careinal eptlaiis iself. The old fable of sor gapes coasio110 bcie's nild as one reads: "The recent dispatch fri-niAn iAr- br Wich has apleared i severarls nelwpaters dring te pst- few dlays to the effect iha Wisconsin was 'dropped" froiiitie Centrl IDebating League, is as ridiulous 11s it is un- truthful and maisleding. In the ire-) tlice ths so-cled "eagte' has p ts tiii' present time never had any atsal exisl'oice. It is true negotitios have ben in progress to Ilake it a settld fact, lit Wiyi-nsin has torteousy deled the reeated ni t'tltlion of P1f. Troeblood, of Michigan, to joiln lhe proposed leagoe. Itenee Wis-sit sii aeser belongiig to thio leage'10 tegin Nstdi, and ftriiorensre ao 0110 i'teding to eoae a iaeiiits' of It, it cerainily reqires a laofnd imagination to see jst hosv it was possible that Wiscnsin eaeld lotve been 'diopped' "If 'it is tree, as [le iispati-li stes. hat [le leagoe has atw elien forned with Mifiesota as the foulrtl tary, Wisconlshn is to 'be coigatulaed that she is not a meber of tils most for- laidable quartet. ItIis n orgaizatilo chiely haractrized ly ito strong need for conoation and syiipathy. Wi5'thl po ssibsy the excetions of Cica- go, the three aeniaiilgoenbirs of the league have been pioiiaant in de- tating ircic, cliety oil troslt of their "draoaste defeats. llihgan hs loie-iadefeated by Norihwsetrn [-a sich an etent that tle later has fo the past few yearo not cared to jeopardize her reptation tby debating withi soch inferior teains as Micigan has been able to pt forh. Minneota judged by the reslts of past years cannl~ot properly be considered a dbai- log iitostil ieun, while I~e two sigal defeato we lave aliialsted 1-a Nurtlissesterma have so diolieied ier ar'dor flhat she tosinow content Io agin Icy ssue withs Michigan. See the nach talked of Auilin Mandolin [lot have a good toe and do not wap or check at te Ann A-- bor Msic o., 20-07 E Wahiagtoa stret IF YOU WANT THlE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PNS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239,21 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs ad estimates furished on all work of this ind, CHRISTMAS KOOAKSiuu: t t question, "Wat sall boy for Christmas?" A camera is the one thing! 9 that everybody wants an that everybody enjoys when he gets it. Now tha a good camera can be hadY for from $4 to $8 it is possi- bin for most anyone to giv e 9 one at Christmas. If your ' friends have cameras wy not get an album for a their prints. Camera catalogs free. CALKINKS' - PHARMACY. ~flNT-RSHOES!1 -OF- Every Description. I A LARGE LINE OF 7YMSHOES :..:. ' "r=. SEE ORWIzNOW? BEAL'S SliOE STORE, r_-- 10) N Maim Stress. Opposite :......elte Court House. @ OUR 0 Sut s andIOvercoats AT $15.00 !' a Are especially strong values this week, We lhave made these two lines much; more attractive by adding some $l8.CO values. These suits are sewed with silk throughout and finished in style which would equal a custom made suit at double the price. I iqM"5 Pirtted nwit Sihentfc , Kleyboard , ckodene... r Typewriter Machinest i Cqual anysof tie high-priced sadhins iscapacity t uind qaaity of1orksad eceltheliesnenitactae _ Practical, low-piced, portable, keyboarid machinasa Wr ~itingalways id' Uiecrsal Kerboard.z' 4 eght. e Prie. S5m-i / Trpieisabaablo.4 a 'UIhnelildinand-; r> mark s e t.shed pnicity of costrue-' ' 3 00o Sold in Two Yas. Msto able mchne ma toi sabta. Wightssfy slate, F. -FAIRBAIRN & CO-1 'General AMeats' ssor5 n isue ae 93 lGrsld St., Detrait, Mich. -Su perirt nyeremhnreon ola J. S. AlIAM. 48 S. Fouarth Ave., Local Agent - .-..mae.- 2 It's Time To Hick When the landlord of a country hotel wakes you up st half-past five on a cold morning and remarks he must have your sheet to use for a table, cloth. We can stand about everything else-hugs and cockroaches, a mat-- tres in three pieces, mucilagenous towels, cast iron soap, and even red- headed chamber maids; but when they want to rob us of our sheet in this way, we kick. Most everybody is kicking nowadays, however, with corns and bunions. SARG'S CORN PLASTERS, a simple little square piece of nuedicat- epd laster, with green strips to fasten around the toebas proven itself to be- the best eerie remedy on the market. Get a free sample of it at J. L. SKINNER'S Store, 306 S. State st., or at your shoe dealers, and try it for yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25c. PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, 208 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Sole Selling Agents.. THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT 4YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE.t. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY' CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE. SLARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, RIIYJIR & CO., 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, rlk f TE felt founidation on which these shoes are built prevents taking cold',- Stchill proof, damp proof, heavy sod dressy. They are ibe best _for Fall and Winter wear. k _ Russian Calf, French Enamel, Box Calf, they are $5.oo. wm.J~PRnIL.L.. 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.