THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Chocolate Candies 3 4 We have just received a fine tne of packages. They are rnf all sizes and prices from5c 4 to$5.00. Small ones for quick, consumption and pretty ones for your best"friend." Ccme and see them. Fresh Peach Crush at the Soda Fountain. d 3 CALKINS' - PHARMACY. d The Store MEN'S FURNISIIIN S. -We 'have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first floor next to the entranc. 'This section now contains all kinds of furnishings, such as you look for anngfirt-class haberdashers. SILK UMBRELLAS. Men's best Ottomenbler Carola Bilk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver Mounted, 28 inch size, $1.50. Ade's Gloria, Steel Rod, 28 inch Umbrellas here at 85. MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR. TISK, CLARK & FLAGGS. Complete line shown for the first time in this city. Correct Shapes and Style. SW'." COLLARS, Newest Shapes. 4 Ply, All Linen Collars, best Styles, selling at 2 for 25c. Men's Finest Dress Shirts, open front and back, the $1.50 kind, at 41.00. -Mens Best Made Unlaundried 'Shirts, all linen front, continuous fteings, reinforced at every point, Wamsutta Cotton, short and long front, at 50c. GOLF lHOSE. New Color Combinations, the medium price and the handsomest designs shown, at from 50c to $2.00. Golf Tops, All Colors, 50c. Men's Sweaters. A Superb Line-Rolling Collars, Turtle Neck, Small Collars, Plain and Fancy Colors in Wool and Worsteds, $1.00 and up. " CHRISTIEE" HAWES" AIN STREET. cHATSu 7 1 Fanc.y Shirts V vs. Sweaters _ - rFANCY SHIRT to displace the Sweater. This is the verdict for the coming season. -- In view of this fact we have made heavy purchasos of the most uniqur and nobby colorings and patterns from the eastern mar- ket. They are now open for your inspection. r0 Co., ]FURNISHERS. 123 S. Main St., - Ann Arbor. Lamps Expressly 4' Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every stude nt should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. W. H. Wilcox. '96, will return to do P. G. work. Miss Marion Larsen and Miss Belle Beals are at Vassar. The 'Varsity training table starts to- day at Prettyman's. Albert 'Sidney Brown, 'lIt) L, is prac- ticing law in Chicago. Miss iStella Westcott, '97, will teach this year in Nebraska. J. F. Rieman, '97, is superintendent of schools at Monroe. Alexander Gumming, '4, has enter- ed the law department. Edward E. Davis, '99 L, has entered the University of Iowa. Rush Banks, '97, will continue his studies in the U. of I.- Miss Louise F. Dodge will attend the University of Tennessee this year. Miss Margaret D. Mason, '99, of Muskegon, will not return to the Uni- versity. Miss Louise Morey is at present teaching in the State Normal at osh- 1 kosh, Wis. Harry Paul, A. B. '97, is teaching Latin and literature in the Escanaba High School. C. 'T. Tryon, '99, will again fill the pulpit of the Baptist church at Chel- sea this year. Edwin McGinnis, of the Northwest- ern Medical College, has entered the msed-al department. Notice of the following marriages has been received: IM. T. Sweet, '99, to Miss Mary Thompson, of Worden, June 22; Miss Orleana Fisher, '96, Ito G. B. iMcClellan, a senior in the Chi- cago Theological Seminary. Miss Gertrude Buck, '90, will be at the head of the English department at Vassar this year. Shirley W. Smtih, president of the class of '97, is connected ,with the 'Hasting -Wool Boot Co. Miss Mary E. Trueblood, A. It. '96, is nan instructor in mathematics at Earlham College, Indiana. H. Geismer, '97 C. E., has a position on a U. IS. government surveying party at work at Birmingham, Ala. Many of the rooms and halls in the ir.ain building have been furnished with new ceilings during the vacation. Miss Ola LaLime, Special '94, has returned to the University and is tak- ing special work in Latin and Ger- -man. Games of Newcomb will .be played in the Woman's Gymnasium on Wed- nesday 4and Friday each week at 4 o'clock. 'A reception to students will be held at the 'Unitarian church parlors Wed- nesday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. James H. Prentiss, '96 L, and at one time preside-t of the Athletic Asso- ciation, has been in the city for the last few days. Chas. A. Denison, '94 L, once man- aging editor of the Daily, is professor of law in the Illinois College of Law, situat at Chicago. The work in Algebra will begin on Friday, October 22, and Saturday, Oc- tober 23. 4d Free delivery today. W. J. BooTH, Pres.. W. Anwon,1st Vie-pres J. V. SausaAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOaN C. WALz, Aut. Cashier.: State -Savings -Banlk. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock,$550,00. Surplus, $150,005. Resources, $1,100,000. Organised underethe Geneal Banking Laws of tis State. Receves depsits, bys and sels exchange on the principal cities ag th United States. Drafts cashed upon proper dentifScatlan. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OeicRs: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pes.; Chas E. Biisesk. Cashier; . J. Pets Aistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKofie1Arber Capital, $100,000. Surpius and Profits, $40,0001 Transacts a generi basing boiness. Freign exchagebught andold. Furnish letters eo credi. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HERRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. CALLAGAN " ' STATE STEET FOR 1_=MSN Law Books F. J. SCHLEEDE. 340 South State Street. Book Binding................25 cents and up Solid Gold Fountain Pens........$1.0 and up. Waterman and wirt Peas in stock and Pens Repaired. Wholesale and etal Paper. 3llbs. of Lin- en Paper for nil. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of N'OW 1Pipes I Bt and Cld Lunches at al hurs. Agents fo iyler sand willams and Werners Co.'s Chocolate Bon Bons. R. E.JOILY & CO. 20S. State St.,.Sager Block. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUARTERs eOR Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases,and Teescopes. Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply, No. 307. Main Street. HANGST E RFER'S A N ICE CREAM SODA 316 s S. S Most celent TI T E Chocolates A lot Soda. R Cr FOURIHid WASTIO SISS T Athens Theatre TUESDAY, OCT. 5 PALMER COX'S Brownies PRICES-25, 50c, "5. and $Ih-O ti you want to Doaeown o20 per cent of what you are paying for Laundry work? 1 2 Soth Main Street ) old number. Call at-y 123 South Main Street new number ......and get price List of...... Toledo Laundry Co., Best Work. Prompt Delivery. All Student's Supplies A..... ...:.......AT............. AC K& CO.s uMummerv's Drug Store NonE. ashingtont i