THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. rTHEST OFRES. SPECIAL OFFER IN OUR SHOE DEPARTM'ENT For One Day Oly , FREE! FREE ! FREE! On Saturday, Dec. 4th we will give away free a Pair of Gfood- 0 e. year glove fitting Rubbers (Low or Storm) or a beautiful College < Pin (the Block M) enameled in Yellow and Blue on Sterling Silver - .rr; worth 75c with every Pair of our Ladies Fine Shoes from $2.50 upwards. 3 See Our Line ef $3.00 Shoes in Welts and Turns Werth $3.50 to $4.00 - ..- , gn P. S.-A New Pair for every Pair - ~~that goes wrong.AC& CO P. J. SCHL, Notwithstanding the 40 per 340 S. STATE 5' cent raise on strings owing to the change in the tariff we re- Bask Binding......... tale earn uniform law price. Solid Geld Fountain Pens.. Banjo, 1st, 2d, 3d. 5th, ic. Waterman and Wsrt Pens Mandolin, Eand A, 2%sc. Penn entre Mandolin, Deend G, ic. Wholenele and Retail Paiser, Violin, Get, each l0e. e ae o Goiter, E, B, G, got, each 10enPaer.a Gaiter, 0, A. E, l0c. Fine strings a speciely fromn O sth iet 5c o i each, Nyj ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., a g r' 205-247 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR G~round Floor, Mayna A Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. The Slocum Lectut TIE TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard 'The IRt. R1ev. Will, Time. NORTH. SOUTH. ;an, Bishop of. Abar 8:43 am. *7:30 a.m dteliver the xSlocui lectu *121i5 a, m. 11:25 n. m. 4:46 p. m, 8:40 p. m. 'au'spices of tlve Hoteerr *Rue between Ann Arbar and iTaledo'only E. S. GILMORE, Agent yeahf, will psreuch in W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Taledo 0. cli chl Sn ly -morn is The dsites aiud subjccts MICHIGAN ~aEN~ 1 ' Leies ftheHbrtGl The .Niggnra Falls Reete.- tie Itt. 01ev. Iwillians Cr Central Standard Time. Bishiop of IAlbanuy, aciex TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Generi title, "The Mro EAST. WEIST. Ne-anings of the Mianif:' Mall and Ex-1__347 B., N. Y., Ch#__.. 81i2lle Jo N. Y. Special.... 4 58 Mal. .... S iS1 Lecture 1--The NIanife e. R. Express .__11 1S Pacifo Mx--ii- 12S3 *N. S. LImIted... 5 10 P. M. tliwse, Sundsay, Dcc. v, Eastern Exn.0-- 47 Western Ex--- 13iS A. ax. e.'a. a K. En.:-: 5 55 St. Aiilrew's citlni D.N.Express.... 5 55 Chi. Nt. Ex .94 Lecture,2-The Maaife- Atlantic Ex--7 0 *North Share Limited Is an extra fare train itence, Monidny, Dec. 13, 8 to be a charge osf 81.10 to New York than on ai al ether trains. U, W, 1 Uss5LES, H. W. HATES, Lecture 3-The Manife Gi. P. & T. AgO., Chicago. Ago.. Ann Arbor 'iri t rvs rid; tie Birc U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms lBread, Tuesday, Dec.7 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Harwris Haill., Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Lecture 4-'Thc ManifC Old friends tail again, We welcome new B~odly of Glory to tire D' ones. ,, .TRIOJANOWSKI, loonir Thnroday, Dcc. RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Moris H -Ill,1 Milf Telephone r,0. ANNĀ°ARBOR fThomsna in, the Raoini ai ENOCHUIETELE, a the Set aosf 'iisrriio, ENOCI-!~11 8iTRE ii p. in., in HIavrio Ha EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. eetr1-TeMn CslsAttended Dayor Nighte.cnre6TeĀ°1~ai No. il6 Rant Liberty Street: Residence, 53 the +PaStoral Office ansi Sooth Fourth Ave. Phone 12s. lerial Gornilosietn, Our RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, .30'p in., in St. Ann; WASHINGTON- BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. ITniversity KINDERGARTEN, >o .QUARiTERS) ers .o State k CaladSee Us, Trs5.0asemeste ZAN FU -NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. 0rders far all Fraternity parties, rink dances, etc Leave orders at Ann Arbor MuiCo. or at Residence,i1710 Gtddesave. P. S. - Will take pupils on Plane nd In I sight reading at abave named Places.s A. J. Johnston.- I Advertise in The Daily ,, BED. RE! FULLER & BERANEK PREET Chafing Dish Recipe Book i! ...2 cents end op ASK FOR ONE. TAILORS ...1.00andeupCen gP sig i n stork and Our New Chafing Dishes are here. Claig, Pesig and Repairing. rd. --_ Work called for and delivered. x.i lbs. of Lie- .. LEADNG{, 312 5. STATE ST.. aver Rosey~s. 50 ~s Arol aJWELER. Shone No. ild, New State. join the classes at School of Dancing TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU nO. ard Street. GIRANG3ER'S ACADEMY. re Course. 1-ioao crospr' ill ny, who is- to ic~es under the :t Guild this St. Aildreew's at 03) sof lire Slocoim rmntier tile 0115- Id this year by 'rs well Deane, is, follows- :stiiods aiid the Ed'mstionrrof Ili:: eot'5tfotio 1.9 a- :30 p. hr., in ests tioli to Pei:.- 8ts. in., in Ila?;- Cestotien inilie achkiig of the o pi. in., 'in C itriolt inll the jiseipivs inthre ii. 8 pi. in., in c""ialiens: 01S. in to ltk. Petei- S&iisrsilay,tDe(% ill. fesisslions, for for then Milli-. ioy (Dec. 12, set's ciiua'cir. At the Athens. M3l li Mt osjeksi, who iassbeeat sib- sent fromii Cue' toge feorithree or fotir seasons, will be seeist the Athens, T1hialer thin 'Pherotay evciliiig. Foi' a time it was feara-i ;tiaot she would never again be aide to renax again the triusuplis wild:, tiuriisg si. long period lied added sacii lustoni to lie Anieriesisttsinge, and the good for- tunie ;thasttnow lmti'iiits lie to cent..-"e onice msoxe in these lrafayssosisxt duties, will loe sippreciatedi by :all who rc- gatrd the thestteri'as soawulig hove inipoitact than a resoit tarr moos- fivolity aslurS tsbt115 '"My Friejnd trouniidisi is a veri- tale trap for langhiter. Those whxo sattendl its proution at lihe Atheirs Tisentr% IFriday evening, Dsc. 3, smay br' is sorious-miinded as they like, hut they will find tiuernaselves tripped ipr into0 at tauldron of seethinxg, sizzling frut Viit lies been the experience of Newv Yorkers. On a still Bgiit dring lie lost fewy moths you could almost hesir the Cello of tile litughis thast 7w111 op fromi the theatre in t lie tnielconois whlere the pslay load a long run. MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIA'TION. fMembership, including publications, is open to stndents at $1 per year, oe- hlf the regular fee. Apply to CHAIILDS H. COO LEY, Treasurer, 0 . M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 1209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. IANTON TETIFEL, HADQUARSocn Re Trunks, Valises. Dress Q11rit Cases, and Teleseope. Trunks and Valises i .p :rd neatly end cheaply. Na. 30'7S. Main Street PiPe We have just re- ceived a large line iSee our window.of PIPES 'HALLER'S Jewelry Store Lowney's Chocolates -0 TO- 1W." W. TUTTLE' SState -St. ALL.EGRETiS, if you wish. lALLeRAnnES OF HIARD, SOFT, CANNEL AND SMOKELESS COALS AND COKE. M. STABSBLE.R, 119 W.Washngton Street. Phone 8. t The Name tihe (guarante. - SPALDING'S r oot Bail Supplies ror 197, Every Requisite far the Game. Managers will da well he write for samples and special rates before purchasing. The Spalding Official root Bai. Adopte-d by vale, Princeton, Pennsylvania Barvard, Cornell, and all other heeding uni- versities. Each ball tested and packed, and sealed henseparate box with brass Inflator Price, S$s.o Spalnslng's Official Ftn ali (Gude for 18 97 Edited by WALTERO CAMP. Post- paid, is cents. Catloogue of Inhi cr4 Iiin ctfre2s, saxe.. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS$., New York Philadelphia Chicago Washington FINE NEW LOT OF ..Washbnrns.. Just received. y. MINDS. for all Instruments. t*SCHAEDERLE'S MUSIC STORE itSchc Street, oppose er ! Ofce--427 t Th .ool of Dancing, ite Law Building. - Single evenings 5-) cents. iompson Street. IoYo speak Greek? You can Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, 203 North Main street, opp. court' house. Pore home made candles and ice cream, dune California fruits, very suitable for presents, and we know you will want them for that party you are going to give. JAMES ROSTAUS. 174 TV D% AsAUVJ., 06.1 AMININ A(DVF. 40-00-410- 40-web-0-01-