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December 02, 1897 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1897-12-02

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0 f i1 f ; + {r ashington Gladden, . D.
It iTiisee ing in Newberry Hall at 8 beforeo Havin~g 'Your
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Oclock, Rev. Wsington Gladden, D -- INSPECT THE WORK
1sthe College year, at D., pastor of the ]irt'C'oa.re gaunal t ak n..AT..
THE NiesRST OF MICHIGAN church of Cinbo Ohio, deliverstle,
Orins: Times building, 329S. ain St. be-sendlcirre.IthSS.LAsres
MIANAGING EDITOR onttitlI "Prosot Day Piyhiors." Theer ym n tu i
J. F. THOMAS, *'OIL. suhject of lisa address will ' The (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
BUSINESS MANAUER Srmon on the Mount as tho Basis of12WetHrn tetAn rbr
.11. HAN, '00 L. 12Ws uo tet n.Abr
-TR Scot. 1Rehoes tracetio.' Tonmorow f-
H, IB. SanIeLsAs, '8 L, Athletics. tocno at 4 ode ok lie will Speal ti
. L. OIssen, '93 L. - - - Monday UirriyHllbafral :
Romeo tLAs,'00, -- -Tuesday 1nvestYHI, ain o atemS uents
0 D. HtuDNI. T'00, - Wednesday "Tue Forma and Sobstauc.. of Citure" U
T. I. Woonnow,'8, - - Thsrsday Tiscelebrated pulpit orator nillav ni
A. CAurnELL,'o,--- - Fiday uei h iytr osngldw
I. A. CArunu, '05,- Saturday rieiiteIllismcm0 ii iI
le the guest of Prof. Met tugiuin dii' [Lectu~re
tng (is slay in Anus Arbior. Wutoling-
tei(Glutdii is known t wry favrabatd
for the colegesbcet year,r with fa regoar Dy deivery 2 so lctut r, editor aiid prea. er. Vhes'
bfore noon ach day. Notices, communica- IIny ad A jcarsctuc n v
ions, and otherematter intended foepubica- onyAdBoio' iurl n.~ ssociation ii
ion mot be handed in at the Daiiyoffice be-B'oky elridis ci-''tu
fuse 3 p. in., or malied to the edito before 3 tI aix cl~y tlis ,ti-eLer
tp.i., of the day previous to that onwhich 1u,1theiiotiier c y, I ymaasnAbby!~tM e-i co - sO snuS
ubscriptions may be a left at The DaliyIloDrGadetohnrbac
office, eyer's or Stofflet's ewtand, or sion with sill addresos 01u ( li ll Of
fer a favor by reporting promptiy at thinthe c~iiorchi to tlie ('Oiniii 10151. Taylor -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --D ".3 9.a2UITARgpa BDANJOS.-
office any alure of carriers to diiver paper. tew umen hacve slnudiod sy tihoroughliy" The Washburn is the one and only
as le thio'ocial conditios of ls(lSuy. oes--------- Jan. 22 make of world-wide reputation. Sold
Gae, of the most iilsitit olectiois Profoundly interstedtinall social e- Washington------------ Jan. 29 by first-class dealers everywhere from
of the college year is shat of footbal(sforms and lte improvenent of tieIi -SuasBn------Fb 5 b oouwr.thatednaeGeorgvely
captlaini, Espeially is this tne wiheat', sstrial clsses, a dc'b'o'rileneslOmiyui Washburn" is burned aupon the inside.
asnw'oonsrtvl f all slfish and a ttnn~le, Oratorical Contest ---- ftlarch i8 A beautiful Washburn Bok contain-
iucw' cmaaivl nexpeIeuced gr '-finguuooioi(in ortraits and letters from the Dec
regarded as thes friends of the labsoer Burton- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -April 8 RezeClv;EmsPoria cl
tem ii . ln le dsfesnder of his juls1 rights, Ire chi and ion other famous artists and
anidfle Univensity. Bt one qualiii'vI- ihas at the samim he nota sis~uted teachers, mailed free upon request.
'ion shouid be sought f or in the man f:'ouu himself fu cshiocoo Iu Address Dept U,
wioiceeeo o iusrsvnohe(di aaiean u : u yidui.oaf outmnehb 'a'LYON & HEALY,
who i seleted.for 'iris esiy~dblecollsrv uive .nd th la t ayiing.yavegouCur. WabashbyinSee,. andshAv damsd Stms ChieChcago
place. iuLat quifiicaio~n should be fit- His articles iii various peisdicas oil a season ticket.
tne prohblems of thle day are egery ______________________________________
eoxo leioitoi 5 ~n eailhwhile his cotriutionTS to ques- !
Il~ttitna, either fraterunity or is'depc'uu- tious of thelgy and liblu-iic:stu 6y ; No.1 rtted cuss Stenssle Ri(gIscglrfer ___________
ohn, shooudle allowed 1o go~eri the are always fresih and suigi~eziv. Ile 1'Keboar , __________1.
eastixug of a siigle vote. Tue studentis( a deughtfu and forcib.' speaker. - Typewriter Machies -
body hiso'del-gated i1s pouers Of des- Ifs addres s i UivetsitySahl given I eqaliany of lbs bigh-prla ee inmaopactl
hint hsiesuest(le(an ' Yvanre, go before the S. (. "%.is - ' . nd qaslynf wor, aadtnel he In canalnnme
9(a)'t 01)o ""h'e'rhuy urieutsaty us t resiiica, Iwprlmd, prtable, ey~oadoam
it.luy teembcedbymnasa . iieaazso 51 OAA?'a
thoy should ,,ow tb-t they app(' a .v' : able effort..,'oRbn.- 9PtewihSntet
the'trust. The capain should rb e-sWritng alwys W Isu7l rstefats eienu'ra
LAD STDETS. igh - Puec.sss. ,
lettledbeause he is (hi hst man for Alii JATuTDEr. - retisanaasssssie.an
.Ai OlsOssin dancing at Guanr's - - _. pintif.
the plac and for no oler rea. 'n Academy are under (le personaI in - teauusutounyenreddodtertinteusslsedash
wvhatsoever. sruction of 'Mr. and Mrs. itoss Grout,- 'y:..ma terse te hplettn , s os5~adsisb
r. Syse,00 oid in Two Yeas. )tnlenmis
Will Elect aCaptain._______ S~ sni5go lhsrbe mhyl
Wie capta in of next year's 'Varsity WATED-A .ood violinist to pl1'y ', FAIRBAIR14 & CO., Costeral Aens
football teaTni will be elcted net Fri- with Pianist, Studet prferced. .Da3Grsoil, erot Mc. 'Sueret ate onsohundred dulr
cday evening t Sp.Ia. in loom '3, tni-or !apply sat A. J. Joluslon's, 170) J.S.ALAM48s.fort Ae~LoalAgent - ..aerkrestea
veroty Hal. Tie following Players Geddes av. 52 will be alowed too...............t
PhisgTee, Bashee. I'lais'sn, IKeona, OUWN TH BETIt's Ti= To Hick
Hryw, JSa ra Ci , ' t ss, I r, FATRNTYSTONR, When the landlord of a country hotel wakes you u at half-past five ona
L woeJtteStcies on.t, BADGES OR PINS' cold morning and remarks he must have your sheet to use for a table
T'eteAyres, Fever, '(alcott, tsch- sedt cloth. We can tand about everything else-hugs and cockroaches, a mat-
h, niSem ~ae nd togg.tres in three pieces, miucilagenous towels, cast iron soap, and even red-
Adtuhisaeeighauf,akendSFen'- SMITH, STURGEON & CO., headed chamber maids; hut when they want to rob us of our heet in this
At his'useoius, Dffv, 'cousl, ' 2-15, M,9.211 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. way, we kick. Most Everybody is kicking nowadays, however, with corns
bet and IHeaninge will be piesset Designs and esimaes furnished on all work and bunions. SARG'S CORN PLASTERS, a simple little square piece of medicat-
and will discuss plans and prospeuls of this kind. epd lster, with green strips to fasten around the toe, has proven itself to he'
for net year. the best corn remedy on the market. Get -a free sample of it at J. L.
Suoof the 'varsity sctes mite .l a" 1- SINNER'S Store, 11011S. State St., or at your shoe dealers, and try it for
Sir.amearvdwl hers ilb yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25c.
alredy s-rved,'aad tme rst illhuePARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY,
hTer ew aysovenucutMsifootto gnve 208 Randolph Street, Chicago, IlL. Sole elling Agents.-
a recepton and smuokerto10the ass'a VflflAk -
bsrs of tlheteam net'Satsdavevea- V I7 V f1111 i
i9g at the Armnory. IN' 10,Gen -ndV We have an answer to the THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT
MBajo Clubs will be psentsto sna; question, "What shall I .' YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE._ WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY
ansd some of the Board of ('scarl wil buy for Christmas?" camerai h oetig CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHESWE HAVE THE
speak. It wilt be given under use(' aus- 9t Clat everybody wants and- LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY.
pices of tle Ant-Knocker lub. 'rus 9 that everybody o.enjoyatCTIG EYR&c.
club is composed of some students who when he gets it.,NwIa
Hav sroo loall bythet-sll nd a good camera can be had 01 n 0 ot anSre. - - AnAbr lc
Stev stod loallyby (ie lani nul for from $4 to $8 it is possi- -21ni 0 ot anStet n ro,1k
thnk (boy deseve great praiso for ble for most anyone to giveV
tMer worm, and are issed by the9 one at Christmas. If your9
feeling shown by ua few In their noir- friends have cameras why HE felt founidation on which these shoes are built prevents taking cold,,
not get an album for all ' chill proof, dump proof, heavy and dressy. They are the bet -for-
sow minded criticism of our hosme9 their prints.9 Fall aud Winter wear.
c hi sstm, witho a knowledge Camera catalogs free. 9 Russian 7Calf,French Enamel, Box Calf, they are $5.0.
of ithe conition.- a,4, 4 IrV
SIjesat the Atheus Theater o; ALIN' PABAC. f. J. A PIR ILIL.

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