,rliE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY ,:H _ERIYO MC-IANDIY The Store Thlis Xcee and Nexi, WE WILL SELL OUR Entire- Stock STRING TIES o-AT- Ascot Ties NEW SHAPES, fCENTS LATEST PATEP-NS. worth Will regret it you $1.25 miss it. a$50 GOO1DSP 113)98 M AINT STREET. SNAPPY BREEZES HOW TO WARD THEM OFF-GET OUR UNDERWEAR. We are offering TWo SPECIALS- Heavy ribbed and fleeced Heavy Jersey fitting m50 WAGNER &COMPANY, Combination Suits 150WANR&CIPNY 3:50 Furnishers 13 SOUTH MAIN bTRE ET Lamps Expressly Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10e per gallon. For sale only by OJaAM 6& CA.OMP -AN Y. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. E. C. Bassett, '97, is teaching in Chtl- sea. Dr. Hathaway, '94 D, is practicing in Chelsea. Frank Bower, '78 L, is editor of the Clevel'and World. B. H. Colby, '77, is sewer coutnis- cianer at St. Louis. Miss Nina Dty, '197, is teachiig in the High ISchool at Vassar, Mich. The Sumner Society have just put up a new bulletin box in the law building. R T. Austin, '95, is teaching sciences In the High -School at Saginaw, Mich. lHrbert Voorhees, 'OI, is teaching Latin and German in the High School at rAltoin, IL. Dr. Frank R. Lillie 'received wvd lately of !the death of his father, who vas in Germany at he to. Mr. John Pratt, of Bay City, Mic., division engineer of the 1. C. It. It., spent 'Sunday with 'C. I' rd Grinmmr, '01 M. All college girls who are intereted in forming a woman's debatig so- ciety in the University ar invited to ttet at the Woman's 'Building, Satttar- day, Dec. 4, at 10 a. m. Dr. Albert B. Mills, class of '97, is visiting 'Dr. J. ].app and. family and other friends in the city. Dr. Mills has a position in Calunmet, Mich., on: the staff- at the Calumet and Heata hospital. Frank Sexton may break into Na- tional League circles again next year, as it is said that Hanlon will try him as a pitcher and utility man for Balti- more. Sexton is remembered here as the former pitcher of the University of Michigan nine and afterwards with Boston for a short ine. The past year he was on the New Bedford nine a s an outfielder. Dr. Eliza Mosher speaks before the St. Andrew's Branch of the Girls' FTiendly Society, in the ladies' parlor at Harris Hall, Friday, Dec. 3rd, at S 8 p. m. All ladies and girls are cordially invited to attend. Nred M. White, '94, and his wife called on University friends last tveek. Mr. White is a graduate of Newton Theoliogical Seminary and has been called to the pastorate of the First ,Baptist church in Amherst. Mr. Arthur I1ill, of Saginaw, Mics., one of the most prominent atimni in, the state, visited in the city and at the University several days ago. Mr. Hill is the donor of the four $1,000 ftee scholarships from the Saginaw, W. 'S., 'High School. Among the Michigan gradoates bold- ing official positians at Washington are the following- Win. R. Day, '70, A- sistant Secretary of Staie; J. W. 'Meiklejohn, '84 L, Assistant Secretbiry of War; Wegbster W. Davis, '87 L, See- and 'Assistant Secretary of the Inte:- ior. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge, of the Univer- sity, goes to Lansing Decenber 29 to deliver his lecture on Gireece, under the auspices of the Woman's Histori- cal club of that city. His lecture is illustrated by ]handsome stereoptiron' views. The attention of all college men is cled to the address of L. At. Sayford, In the parlors of the Methodist church next Thursday evening, beginning at 7 and closing prGmnptly at 7:45. Mr. Sayford is one of the most entertain- ing and effective speakers enlisted Ain the Y. M. C. A. work in this country. Advertise in the Daily. W J. BooT Prets. W. ANOLD, 1st Vice-pres V. 5555AN,: d Vice-pres JoseO.WALz, Asst.Cashier. State - Saviovs - Baik Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. Iearmr e~rhttniz tnk Cor. Main and Huron Street. Capital, $ t0,000. Surplus, 30,00. Transact a geeri banking business. R. KaursPres. C. E.G OnsE, Vice-Pres Fas. H. Bsrsau Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 50,000. 5urpu.s, $150,000 lesorces1,1,ts Organized under theGenera Banking Laws of this Stae. Receives deposits, buys and sels exchange on the pricipa citiee Of the Celled States. Drafts cashed upon proper detificatiosn. Safety deposit bues to ret. OrICEas: Christian Eack Pres. W. 0. Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: Si. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL .BANKOr anie3 Capital, 6100,000. Surplus and Profits, 40,000 Transacts a general baning business. Foreign exchange bought andsld. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOILE S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. C. Vii. MAJOR & CO., The Artistc deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Windw Shades, Room Mouldngs, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C.l. MAJOR & CO., The Artistc Decorator, KLEIN TAILOR -FOR- ENANDWOMDN Latest Novelties in Fall and Winter Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One biock west of University. Fine Confections, Eond Eons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASINIGTON STREET. 316 SOUTH STATE STREET, p MUSICAL! @ Ml Gillespie, teacher of Mandolil, Banjo and Guitar. Instructr in the niversity School of Music. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours.:: HOLMES' LIVERY STABLEs 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY THE . Toledo 4* Steam Laundry And SAVE ao PER CENT on what you ai owpayingforlaundry work. Leave orders ' 1 3.South Main Street. ,_ & Col 10c and 2O oaRt MummEervs Drug More No, oEw h3 °