2 Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, _ Oe'roz: Times building, 321 S. Mlain St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER -0. ii. ItAN, 't L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GuesMER, '93 L. - - - Monday BUTLER LAMB, '00, - - - Tuesday G. D. HUDNUTT.'00, - Wednesday T. R. WooDow,'98, - - Thursday A. CAMPBELL, '99, - - - - Friday I. A. CAMPrELL, '00, - - - Saturday The subscription price of the Daily is $2.5 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica tions, and other matter intended for publica tion must be handed in at the Daily ofilce be- fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before p. m., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stofflet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper The sentiment expressed by Calin Hogg in regard to home coaches wil be heartily endorsed by all who have watched the development of this year's team. FPro9 green and inexperienced material Coach Ferbert developed a team of wh-11s5 record Slichigan has tie reason to be ashained. It i to be regretted that one o'r two :njudicio'sh members of the Athletic Board have found 'it necessary to expi'nss adverse opinioits upon graduate oaching in general -and the work of the pres'at season's team in particulea. Such tn- called for criticism cannot help butt have in the eid a haruui influence. Captain Hogg's staemeat ii the con- nmnieation published :today is correct and all but one or two chr.maic kickcs will heartily endorse what lie says. Yale vs. Harvard. The men wio are to represent Har- vard in the coming debate with Yale have had a month's hard work in pre- paration since their selection on Otco ier 27, and are now ; l0ir y or the contest. The debate is to be held in New Haven, on Friday evening of this week. The presiding officer will be the Hon. Chauncey M. IDepew, Yole '56. Harvard's team this year was elosen at a very satisfactory trial debate at which forty-seven men competed, each man being allowed five minutes for his speech. Yale's speakers tiave been se- lected in a different manner. Four separate toeliniinary trials were held, at which about one 'hundred men spoke in all. From these fifteen were select- ed. The question fOr the debate this year was proposed by Yale, and Hat- vard chose the affirmative, the choice being put off until after the trial de- bate had 'been held. Tr'he qestion is: "Resolved, What the United States should annex the Hawaiian Islands." Modjeska at the Athens Theater next Thursday evening. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, Among tho Colleges. Tokio is to have a Japanese univei sity for women. The highest salary of any coll-g pioifessor is $20,000. Professor Sum - rmer, of Ediiburgh University, receive this amount. President Eliot prophesies that cot lege fraternities will, in time, cals Aiierican luniversities to separate the dormitories into several colleges, lft'o v the 1English plan of government. y al Uiivm'sity is the first to etaT Y lish a system of pensi'ns for teacher yi their old age. Any professor who has served 25 years may retire at b upon an allowance equal to abot one half his salary. Harvard has graduated nore tha - any other college in America, thle numi 3 ber of her alunii being 17,684. Yal stands next with 16,765 graduates The universities of Pennsylvania an Michigan each have over 10,000. The Univorsity of Chicago footii team, will elect a captain this Se' i r and, if he will accept, Herschberge will doubtless be the olie elected Otherwise Kennedy seems o stand 'the fairlst show. Hoace Butterworth will ; oi0bably be re-elected as inanager. The Carlisle Indians have won :nore games on their western trip than those played with Illinois. On Thai-ks- giving day they defeated the Univer- sity of Cincininati by a score of 10 to 0, and ,Saturday the Ohio Medical Un- versity went down before them, scor- ing 12 points to the Indians 20. ROOMS FOR IENT. A fine large suite, furnace, haiti. tc. Music students prefirred. No resric- tions as to hours of practice. Apply- at 810 E. Wasliington t. LADY STUDENTS. All classes in dancing at ttrang-r's Academy are under the personal in- struction of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grang- er. IF YOU WANT i BEST - -- --A-ERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 2411Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on al work of this kind. j CHRISTMAS KOOAKS....., ' We have an answer to the question, "What shall I buy for Christmas?" A camera is the one thing that everybody wants and that everybody enjoys, when he gets it. Now that a good camera can be had for from $4 to $8 it is possi- ble for most anyone to give one at Christmas. If your friends have cameras why not get an album for all their prints. Camera catalogs free. CALKINS' - PHARMACY. IlIN TER SHOES! -OF- every Description. th outHos O ' A RIGE LINE OF SEE OUR WINDOW? W m eAL'S SHOE STORE 109 N. Main Street. Opposite - d lthe Coeurt House. r's hoceem 1lntV Suitsa TypOeritroact -- - lemeAresespeciallrhsnrorgcealuesm.thesaweek. Praavemad t se lwo hues murh d eal ebsr ahns s1_ i vales.Tesp e lysts aresetiwe wit silk throughout and finished in style . which would equal a custom made suit eat double the price. ll e9 -aa Price. .ihprcd i iil hand quality of work, and tied thiem is coaveaieace. _J.Practical, tow-priced, portable, keyboard maeaes It's Time To Mick When the landlord of a country hotel wakes you up at half-past five on a cold morning and remarks he must have your sheet to use for a table cloth. We can stand about everything else-bugs and cockroaches, a mat- tres in three pieces, mucilagenous towels, cast iron soap, and even red- headed chamber maids; but when they want to rob us of our sheet in this way, we kick. Most everybody is kicking nowadays, however, with corns and bunions. SARG'S CORN PLASTERS, a simple little square piece of medicat- epd laster, with green strips to fasten around the toe, has proven itself t) ter the best corn remedy on the market. Get a free sample of it at J. L. SKINNER'S Store, 306 S. State st., or at your shoe dealers, and try it for yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25c: PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, 208 Randolph Street. Chicago,Ill. Sole Selling Agents. THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY CLOTHINCIBE IT UNDERCLOTHES,,PLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REVER & CO., 201 and 203South Main Street. Ann Arbor, fich THE felt foundation on which these shoes are built prevents taking cold, chill proof, damp proof, heavy and dressy. They are the best for Fall and Winter wear. Russfan Calf, French Enamel, Box Calf, they are $5.00. 1W'(ESSJnNPLL, II9 YAST WASHINOTON STREET.,