'.H EE- VOL. VIII. NO. 51. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDN9ESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1897. PRICE-3 CENrcF. ;.. _ _ ::: WILD Has'recelved a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings, NO.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, bTATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE- Thrsday. Dec. 2. MODJESKA and Mr. Jose h Ha wo vs ischiller's greatPay, _. .1 y , ': ,, r _ . : " OPEN TO AMERICANS. French Universities Now Confer Degrees on Foreigners. T'oreign students are this year for the first time allowed to receive pro- fessional degrees hi the Freach univer- sities. Up to the present time all trench diplomas have been granted by the state 'and not by the sciversities, as is the case in Germany, England and the United States. These di- plomas, . view of the professional privileges and other rights which they confer, lave been rendered very diffi- cult of attainment by a forbidding sys- tem of formalities. But now by decree of the govern- ment the universities are empowered to confer titles, besides the diplomas granted by the state. These titles will 'cot confer the rights and privileges at- tached to the diplomas awarded by the state, hut the studies anld examiiatons will be the. sanie. They will be de- livered in the name of the university 'aud will be different from the focus of those delivered by the govemrrment. The studoent who desires to secure a doctorate in France will cow be able to elect his courses with a great amount of freedom, to migrate fron one institution to another, to take his examination when he wishes, and to meet many of the requirmnents hith- erto prohibitive, by equivelent, and ithe theses will be of equal foreign schools. Oratorical Association Meets. Central Debating League Last evening the Oratorical Assoeta- The opinion ihas been curret that ion met and made provisions for the Minnesota was given a place in the eception to be tendered Joseph Jeff e- Central Debalting League upon shot on. Prof. Trueblood produced a tele- notice and only as a last resort. The ram from Mr. Jefferson setting the reverse is the case. The promoters of ate of 'his appearance at Tuesday, the league had long been in confer- )ec. 14, and not Monday as has been enc e with Prof. Cryrus Nortlhrop Of Lnounced. The lecture will' take Minnesota; duriing the late vacation, >lace at 11:15 o'clock in the forenoon. while representatives from Chicago, The reception takes place in Univer- Northwestern and Michigan were in ity Hall and there will be no ad.nis- ccnsultation, word as received from Sion fee. The faculty and their wives him that Minnesota would join them. togetber with prointieut local citizens 'She was immediately received into the vill be escorted to the front row of leagure. eserved seats. The remainder of the Athosgis the Central D ebati., eserved seats will be given to tnic- League is now firmly organized no con- bcrs of the Oatorical AssolatiOn. tests will be held under its auspices The general public will then be givkn until the next college year. At thit seats. Tickets to the Oratorical Amo- time Chicago meets Jinneot and nation will be placed on sale in lni- Nor thwestern contests with 'Micgian versity Hall at dates to be announced 'in the semifinal delbates. The laer Iater. debate will be held in Ann Arbom. The The association also voted to raise finals between the two winoers will he debating testinials "o $70, $50 always occurin Chicago. and $30; the anmounts given last year Inasmuch as the question for debate were $50, $30 and $20. Provision w.s litthe final contest next ye 'at Cli. also made for appointing judges at the eago will be known Farr in advance, it inal inter-depairtument contests, has been proposed that a second series of inter-society debates on that ques- Ph __h Ation be held immediately after the The iUniversity Alumni Association first series of peliminaries. The win- are mpking up a collection of photo- lers in the fRrst series will represent graphs of alumni who hlve been in Michigan in both the semi-final ant congress, to place upon the walls of final debates. On the other hand the the association room. 'So far photo- wif'ers in the second series will only graphs of the following have been col- receive a small cash testimonial. lected: A. 1. Pettibone, '59, of RShould Michigan win the semi-final de- bate n the Central Debating League, Tmousesee; Byron M. iCutheon, '(1 L., strdebbaters could then eeive excel- of tMichigai; John B. Rice, '57 M., of lent practice for the final contest by sylvania; James S. Geaman, '7 L, of end home series who would have al- Miichtgan; 'Hoee G. Snover, '6 L, '71 ready considered the subject for de- bate at the dinal in Chicago. of Michigan; ueodore Otjen, 75 , of ____he _a_____g Wisconsin; Thomas A. E. Weadook, An All-Western Eleven. '75 L, of 'Michigan; Walter J. Hayes, A'Chcagcic har cct'-dtte rd. ''; L,.of Iowa; Marion Dearies, '55 , lowing as an all-western eleven: of Ualfornia; Johna S. Newberwy, '4, Teetzel, 'Ann Arbor, left end; Swee- of 'Michigan; . 31. Boothman, '71 L, hey, Illinois, left tackle; Riordan, Ws- of Ohio. _onsin, left guard; Cavanagh, Chicoo Players Want a Cage. center; McCormick, Illinois, right 'The baseball piyeas are again talk- guard; Steckles, Ann Arbor, right 'rtackle; Hamill, Chicago, right eud; ing of petitioning the regents to build Gregg, Wisconsin, captain :nd quarter- a baseball cage in the gyins-iuom. back; Coceiems, Wisconsin, and Ken- The need of it has always been felt by needy, Chicago, halfbacks; lerschberg the baseball players, and the necessity er, Chicago, fullback. for developing battery material ha Communication. never been more urgently reseb_ . than at the present time. All the Editor 'U. of . Daily: prominent western colleges, notably Dear Sir-A report has been started Wisconsin, have enjoyed the benefit of that I am against home coaching and mid-winter practice for severni yers, that the team did not play as good a but.Mlichgan finances have never been game as 'they would if they had been tS'oiuerd by a foreign coach. I wiian to i~n su'h Condition as to wvarrant any -r ndb oegncah iat in h nitin a a ra ydeny this and I ani decidedly in favor expense in fitting up a age. of home coaching. Mr. Fetbert shoul The Prohbitondts have issued a be proud of the team Which he brought call to organise a club at Newberry out of the inexperienced men. Hall Friday at 2 p. m. 5JAS. R. HYG'G. "M A cJJI $JS J 4 T'r 9 The univ'ersities in Ivaris a'nd many v.. other Places 'have already docided