THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . SPECIAL OFFER IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT For One Day Only FREE!'REFE !xi6 ;" On Saturday, Dec. 4th we will give away freea Pair of Good- ' year glove fitting Rubbers (Low or Storm) or a beautiful College - Pin (the Block X) enameled in Yellow and Blue on Sterling Silver -- - - ~oworth 75c with every Pair of our Ladies Fine Shoes from $2.0i upwards. See Our Line of $3.00 Shoes in Welts and Turns Worth $3.50 to $4.50 AIL ANIL P. S.-A New Pair for every Pair I ..- that goes wrong.K Notwithstanding' the 40, per cent raise On strings owing to the change in the tariff we. re- tain our usiforw iow price. Banjo. ot, . d, th. it. Mandolin. ERand A, 2%cn. Mandolin, DOandG, 5c. Violin, Cot, each loc. Coitter,iE, B, got, each log. Coitor, D, A. E, tic. Fine sings. a specialy from t5c to t5c each. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Tahle, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIIE TABLE: Trains inave Ann Arbor by Central Standardi Time.. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:3 a.nm. *7:30am. *12:i15. m. il:25 a. gan 4:460p.m.n $:0p. m. *Rut, between Ann Arhor and Toledo oniy E. S. GILMORE, Agent Wt. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. The Nfiagarac Falls Rote." Cent al Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN. ARBOR. nAST WEiT. AM. A. M. Mail and Ex_--_d347 B., N.Y., Chi--- 8SB N.Y. Special...-445 Stall-P---- iS1 G.R. Express..-11l10P. M. P. M. Western Ex .-.1 iS 'N. S. Limited... 8 ii C. R. & K. Es..-5015 Eastern Rn.----5947 -Chi. Nt. Es---59 47 0. NExprems-_-'.5 0 0 Pacific Es--121 St Atlantic En..7 30 'North Shore Limited is an exta atare train to be acharge of $2.1.0to New York than on other trains. 0,). S.RUGGLES , B. IWpBATHS. G. P. & T. Ant., Chicago. Age., Ann Arbor U.eIOftM.Shavig Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 'SOUT" STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friend, tail again. We welcome non ones. J# . TROJANOWSKI. RENTSCKLER, THDE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone s*o. ANN ARBOR ENOCHi DiETERLE, EFIBALMsER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CllisAttended Dayor Nighti. No. i16 Rat Liberty Street: Residence, 532 Soth Foorth Are. Phsone 129. RANDALL, THE PHjOTOGRAPHER, WASHINOTIJI BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN,-0E.un t Call and See Us, CAN FU' NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. 0rdesgee all Fr-aternity parties, tinb dances. etc. Leave orders an Ann Arbor Music Co. er atResidence, 1710 Gddesave. S. -- Wil ake pupils on Piann and in ight reading at ahove named Places. ,A. 3 Johnston. Advertise in The Daily F. J.SCHLEDE. F EE I FULLER & BERANEK 340 S. STATR STREET Chafing Dish Recipe Book Ite aBook Binding...........27 cents anedop APR FOR ONR. T IL R Solidma Colduntai Pens.insto-05ndop Our New Chaffing Dishes aerhlire. Gleaning, Pressing and Re'pairing. WtraanWePens p inredo. en Work called for and delivered. .Whole~ae and Retail Paper, PA lbs. of Lie- p A nold LEADINo,. 112 S. STATE ST.. over tonepi. en Faper tsr 5ic. VY JEWELER.: Phone No. 2id, New State. .NOW is the time ho join the classes at 0. 11. IMARTIN, - ,FUNERAL DIRECTOR. W Sc ool r. D u lng i Embalming a Specialty. GrnI' coo f D n ig NO. ,200 FOURTH AVENUE. TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO.I Residence, Amuane32Pifthnihorra.Avenue. Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. ANTON TEUFEL, in Memory of Phillipn Erooks. At the Athens. HEADQUARTERSuFR 4 -__----- Trunk,, Valises. Droe Suit Canes,.anad The tproject of erecting a blkjdilgat j rItheOt Toledo Be's,Saturdasy, N.:- Telescopes. +Hariar inin~ewryof .1h11ils Book vetllir 2tH.Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and -hararda ttalty f tliiiits ironcs tetihe 271::cheaply. No. 307 S. Main Stree Otis now5 lttuittdefiai t t p~ec al "After usi ltsoeitee of ;s4?va,l ye-are?,a oi -tile execotito of lte talls re- Islet ofwhich wasts lit initrioI " e av ust in- tiilt.tectesItiloi o'f ilete physicali1isowei. AiA~ sceived a lareline tite it5,esonof ot coat:irtiti ln Mtiitsttt ti N0-je-ike tis .111 'd0o11te See onr window. 1P 1L?,S the life :1n1d swork ot BisihopsBrooks llusala sts evenintg, ofrif n IA LE.'bJweryStr wit. ist lsb'oulghl t bfore' lit' t'iisidit'- le's glaoin d tttlill1t, "ialy Stut"t,' HA__ LER'S______ Jewelry_______Store__ a-hiu of t1te IUtileersity -try -tintoftierlar isgt' tudienic'e at t' Vatlentin"tt'tile- pO.."swr is1s sdeltoti it189),:andt altoutgthIe liter. Iiii Itltist ttl ptdit theils'gift - Lo ..s' ttoveotoot lihasbee'it ltsartilys. si-s tit-'d sslett-tS s tii ritge t't slittle' titsL .neyn's Chocolates by ttoeUttvrity atlietge, i15hI's 11012ill ttelt--:iow. ihapplilyhilt illuiun- ""00TO-" impossile untitil the presenlity fosh . ~,. sut titeoty-tes not ipaledl the 'rW W. I. T ''LE'S, Sla o SL, iarly sttfite aetttinto Ie I son. 3_Iirtets of 11er droaa itiou. Pertforcet, -ALLEOORIITIS, if you wish. fotre hispsloeot, te ninetsof t us et erclItnioioCf te ht.ri '-t'r of tht 3.Stuetst' t'ointiee'otflrv-ardil lit ' notfitll'tit lieia left lotii tott ill 7retoity thtoughitsertosly osset in.11110 i s sttt. iFt'ii tile very 250:112211of 101' l uligsoitteolteto ill.tile cotlee yr irt alsIKisritte lssit (we-iiitguntli 0 tfor Ot theirooiof extetiitgOhf is~- av Aitry site wai tedaway itote st-at- ALL GRADES Ot ' 1it iot dro-opsertation of lie vaioustifolt, iter ltlirv-itssactling seldt tsr iAID. SOFT, CANNEL AND ,1' ANDMOELESS COALS r'ligionssocie-ties of 1the -itiegi'. a.itor s as if hita1 spech. I li'le. ifE AN COHk. Pillips'Brookos wss.gretly itltresol :l a stt ote iritiaosthetills inetly ras- j1M[ S"'P S .BR, inlB titpropostionsutitoffereithisizrt- certive of hte rights as BeotiltiI' la hwi 00Itt whatev-er waiylits'could2(2 ~o thcettul ruler, tolerratit of tielt'it tltsioisof 11t W. Washngton Street. Phone 8, :115010ittstrillie heitrjit.ttt~ tt ilouily itltili-il 1111 'itttfsThe TneName the tGuarantees Itrtiiltttly :sftor lii's eeatithIls' teiject baooted Ittohe'1,fitait. Wiltohglrsilt('a11 g-adsallyites-elopeitot h sle ttes n Indsitu exe'eieat t-otltflllltit slid 11the S 1 PLDN' - , , ~ 's p Foot Ball Supplies For '97 stillof rsctitg571"titiliss riic liti'ststtiti ha's I ii' '~~ . - Every Requisite tor the Came. 11ail,=' at ow tvlite ittss'rsily ,-arli tr-Iinlls'i11 es'stg the lpictretith t'slt tt t} Managers will do welt to write ii, 101ll' itittftissl'tn trt-eeia- 121rtietetiss or i , before purchasing. ne'st coIner of tile colleg e yard. tlsea tieetl'i. h pligOfca ___________- odjstsk. iiliiiky '-ari Sl~tr' ~Foot Ball. WtANTbD -A goods violintisti to ilasy tO l tte Athoetns rleiter oitt 'Iliulisilil Adopted by Yale, Princeten, Pennsylvania wihPanitstitdent iteft'rre. . Gail iext. IS arvard, Cornell, and alt other leadingc uni- wit itversities. Each bull tented and packed, and or apply i t A. tJ;.5 tnostoli', 171.0 seated in separate box with beans inflator Geedde's-v. 2 Advertie itl the Datily. Price, $5.00. Spalding's Official FoitMall Guide cor a59J7. Edited by WA~LTEu CAnMt. Pot- .-.. paid, io centn. ' lniersi tW School of Dancing, C aails csllseiNd~irlcr St sits,jto{s. St ate Street, oppostte Law- Building.,.B PLIG&BO. New work Philadelphia -Termns $5.00 a semester - - Stogle' evenings 5) cents. Chicago Washington Offie-427' Thompson Street. fl spoak Geek aY n a FINE NEW LOT OP ler t byn Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, ,-- *203 North .Main street, opp. court test received. A, house. Pore home made candies Lowest prices 0n. STRINGS and TRIM- ' and ice cream, fine California fruits, MINDS for alt Instruments.. very suitable for presents, and we r a. know you will want them for that SCHAEDERLE S MUSIC STORE party you are going to ,give. 114 Went Liberty anL, Anun Arbor. a MJAMES ROSTAUS.