THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TH--IESIYOFMCHGN-ALY- WE ARE IN LINE AS WELL AS ANYONE ELSE!____ THIS WE WE ARE SELLING GLOVES WORTH $1.75 FOR $1.50. WE ARE SELLING NECKWEAR WORTH $1.00 FOR 75c. WE ARE SELLING COLORED SHIRTS FOR 90c, WORTH $1.25. With every $3.00 Sale we give a Sterling Silver Michigan Pin in the DARK BLUE Enamel and BLOCK M MACK & COMPANY, Cor. Main and Liberty. Streets. Notwithstanding the 40 per cent ratise on strings owing to the change in the tariff we re- tain oar uniform tow price. Banjo, 1st, Id, 3d, 5th, 5c. Mandolin, E and A, 2t'c. M adoin, D and G, 5c. Violin, Gut, each 10c. Guitar, E, 1, G, gal, each 10cc Guitar, Di, A, E, 10c. Fine strings a specialy from i5c to 25 each. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 2-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains ieave Ann Arbor by Csntrai Standard Time. NORTHa. SOUTH. 8:43 a n 7:30am *121~5 a.em. 1:25 a. m. 4:40 p.m. 8:40 p. m. 'lbs. between Ann Arbnr and Toledo oniy E. S. GILMdORE, Agent W. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. -The Niagara Falis Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. A M. A 1, Mail and Ex--3 47 B., N. V., Chi .... 81B N, Y. Speiia---.4 i8 Bail .S------ IS91 G. Rt. Exprats ---i1 10 P'. M. P. M. Western Ex--1 38 'N. S. Limited.. s s10G. R. & K. Es.B5 Eastern Es _-5 47 Chi. Nt. Ex-.--5 47 D. N. Expres....s5 aoh Pacitic Ex.---I- 2I3 Atlantic Ex-.7 30 'North Share Limited Is an extra fare train to he a charge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. u. W. tUGoLRS, B. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Aet. Ann Arbor . of M. Shavig Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friends sail again. "We welcome new ones, J. lK. TR{OJANOWSKI. RENTSCHLER, THE PHO'tOORAPHER Telephone 'a0. ANN ARBOR ENOCH. DETERLE, EIIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dayor Night. No. 128 East Liberty. Street: Residence, 53 South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, .2 . urn t Call and See Us, CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for ali Fraternity parties, club dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Mlusic Co. sc at Residence. 1710 Geddes ave. P. S. - Wlii take pupiis as Piano and is sight sending at above named Pisces. A. J .Johnston. Advertise in The Daily , f tamn Pen. . , B ROW N'S DRUG STORIB 0. 19. MARTIN, CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETSFU EA DI CTR Emnbalminsg a Specialty. Is the place to Register. This Register is always consulted first by the' NO. 2O9 FOURTH AVENUE. Messengers-It's IFRI~EVE, Ambulance night or day. IResidence, 002 Fif th Avenue. Chancos for a League. Schoolmastors' Club. ANTON TIEUFEL, A college baseball leagtuc isiproose.d Cl lit welity-111111 senii-:coiiii:,(wee- B5APQIhItTxl55 FOn ill ofth Scho~nl~str Clb.ti sTruksVnisnes. Dress Salt Cases, and fos' tile westerni colleges. It wilS be f 18 eioii:is:s(11. ss ' Telescopes. the igget tlingof ts kiidcc-i, Yieldt iniFrieze Memorial tIall l1:1st Ik rnk n Vlss eare etl-n t~e iges tig f tskid vr t-. ruksad alse rpard:ealyany ndiSatnrday. Th~e progratmias 0cheaply, No. 307 S. Main Street , telO~lted in the ccest, 11:1td eiscli iisisicluetl swas followed thiroulghotio, wiii bo eetIdanoBoig the colleges il-talte mieetinigs "teing dlecote~i tod cs P iP We have just re- t~tia-s P e ceived a large line terested. It is proilosedhby flioss' ill- so::s of sceielitic li:sltretoninill 1:gw of PIPE terested in tile ocheime t le c esitOeiiools. A os~noil buit rep~resenta~tive. See our window. iiE college plily ew-ery othelie oile 1.1 or bosdy of intrtors wao preentl~, :11- ewlrHSor ltle talies. filregoisles :r:e1- ltlotdili'g -pists. ticirses, of WAseoiitli, siggested. XWaldoi, of Albioii, Mo-son, of Oills- FO The University of 3tMichtgan favcors dlt,:and Osilorlie, of Olivet. IsowneyT's Chojcolates sutieai :s ellesie The Univ-esity of tthit At th~e buibess mieeting- held Frbl-:y -GO To- eago Wiii backt it, 111(1Nsrtawestern l-c-lnilig i -itsieceidledtios holdi the is vu 3g ~ S5. lull the University of Wtscoiioiioin ra e ::t liOtisig, wich ietoviibe odevo tedl " WV. f~~L~ ate St. inlterestedi. It is mnore thian likely tie to iioithenllaties, lolngolg es andihitiory, ALLEORTIS, if you wish. tlulv-ersity of Illinois and ierl:iia3 uno- 110orintelist week iilMalroli, Ii tiis dine Univ-ersity scill Join the lelgol:. ctty.K OL to ineeting Wcilbe~ heild ill Chiteos ThIe folio-wing olicers scor'e eli't: dutring the -hlidaoys tosiiscuss tale Presidlenit, 1]. C. Goddardi-:, Alini Arto." 0 As 1111100of the enterprise. x-Mianacr ige ir'pre'sidle-iO, Niss Florence lr lc Itlni,=r AOSF,ALCGANDELS ANF Atkriiso is said to be hieartily in :favor ("r111d1 iaiiils5Highi Sctiooi; secretaiiy, SMOKELESS COALS if theo'-ln, slid Professor Stagg, ol- 11. 0. Snitli, Mirticiigan State Normiil; AND COKE. toulghlte states 01:10 lie ti:d inlot 111101t elsairer, It. S. Nstcii, Spt. (if Pubiilc M . S ' TAEBL1EjR time to Otiiii osf it. beieces that tie Setlools7, Jicissolii; additioisi :ioeiib , 319 cv cv ashington Street, Phone 8. ioagie lighit orove advantageous un- , of the ixec-titie eoliilililtees'W. ld. ter certain eoiditiois. Sthl, Princitpai of iontiac igh The Name the Guarantee. At the eoiiihg ineettog ttie Olieio Schosoi mud 1. 1T. Anstiu, EastSsiginaosc BPALDING'8 of sa supreei:tlietic tril::snaiitospass Ilgli Sc-sool. .0 Foot BalilSupplies For '97 -npolesaili n.te tA " very Requsite fsr the Game. 5:1lrbeisenolg~lii .cAt the Athens. lalnagers will do well to write cc-rid, ccwill also be IileseOCfiO.It l tls -'-- for samples and special rates !)(-oil siggested that a1l i105::i3li coaurt' It llelo Alliollg 'Thec-as:,,' lie late'st 7 hefore purchasing. ll:Ide ip of college nieio be estabtaishedtl opsilar (lehilila, alil " alls-a II. Da-s-ms - The Spaiding Official in -imicogo to pass5 nuson the eigtiility and Will T. Kooglicisot prosonnleed l ' Foot Ball. cf clleges athletes a11: on other Drob- succesc, will be presented inio i(ty Adopted hy Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania at th Aitens ''ll~kltc' t~nht, Barvard, Cornell, and all other leading ui innls that maiy ,arise. a leAhesCblat silt verslies. Each bail tented and packed, and- sealed in separate box with brasn inflator Advertise in the Daily. Adv-ertise ill the Doily. Price, Sa.o Spaldinng'a Offical Fool Mall Guide for 'S9T- Edited by WALTERO C'AMP. .Pot- paid, is cents. ~Tniversrui t'- School of iD ancing.) Cats los Le lilolht s ti 3ier tircelsj.. State Street, Opposite Law Building. A. 6. SPALDING &, BROS., New York Philadelphia Terms $5.00_ a semester - - SingOle evenings 5) cents. Chicago Washington Office-427 r Thompson Street. Do' You speak Greek? You can' IE NE LO t JY .learn it while buying Fruit and candy at the Greek Store, *aW ashburn s.. 203 North Main street, opp. court Jast received, house. Pare home made candies Liswest prices on STRINGS and TRIM. very suitable for presents, and we EI' UI TR *.. s* know you will want them for that SCHAEBERESMS TR party you are going to give. 11 Went Llberly st., Ann Arbor. *JAMES KOSTAUS3. ,i f irf~~