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November 29, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-29

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the tt*



Once Again Herschberger Has

Has'received a full1lie of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-.
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you

3 1

Defeated Michigan.
The Thanksgiving Day game is of
course a matter of history and every-
body knows how three place kicks and
a touchdown with goal gave Chicago
21 points to Michigan's 12.
Herschberger kicked oft at 1:22 and
sent the ball over the goal line; an ex-
change of punts followed on which
Chicago gained 20 yards. Hogg made
two and then three yards through the
line; Stuart failed to get through left
tackle and there was another exchange
of punts resulting in a five-yard gain
for Chicago. Michigan now lost the
tall and Chicago opened up on the
tine, - on the third pass Gardner got
through on a mass on tackle. Escap-
ing Bennett, shaking off tHogg and
lodging Felver, he was over the line

goals, one from the thirty yard line
and the other at forty yards, and
near the side of the field. The score
u-as now 21 to G in favor of Chicago.
Up to this point the following sub-
stitutions had been made: Keena for
Hrnnon, Juttner for Lockwood, Pin-
gree for Stuart, Lehr for Egan, Baker
for Steckles, 'Ayres for Bennett. The
second touchdown was made with
eight substitutes in the game.
Keena punted the ball. It went high
and short. Baker caught the kick af-
ter a Chicago man ad barely touched
it and sprinted down the field sixty
yards for a touchdown. Goal was
kicked and the score stood 21 to 12.
Herscbberger kicked off and Felver
muad the great run of the clay. .He
caught the ball on Michigan's five-
yard line and before be was tackolid
had covered almost half the length of
the field. The.ball soon went to Chi-
cago, and time was called with the

Minnesota Accepts the Place Va-
cated by Wisconsin.
Prof. Trueblood returned Saturday
morning from Chicago where he has
been in the interests of the oratorical
association. While there he had a
conference with representatives frotm
Northwestern and Chicago Univer-
sities, and it was decided to substitute
Minnesota for Wisconsin in the Cen-
tral Debating League. This move has
been talked of for some time owing to
Wisconsin's continued kicking at ter-
'tain provisions in the constitution of
the league. All the disputed points
between the universities now in the
league hive been settled satisfactorily.
Prof. True'blood called upon' Mr.
Alexander H. Revell, of Chicago, and
.secured from him the promise of an
annual testimonial of $200 to the win-


R N S ! io rd s in toas tttsiOt Ot nting team in the final contest. The
An easy goal was kicked and the scor tteir ow twenty-five line. The teatas professor also intervIewed Joseph Jef-
stood, Chicago 6, 'Michigan 0. lined up as :follows: ferson, the tioted actor, wh agreed to
MILWARD THE TAILOR, For the next few iminutes the ball M a.ers-re Chicago. accept a complimentary reception in
'ATE STREET. was almost constantly in the air and Steciess-Baker- r t ----Webb University Hall on the Friday of his
Snow------------r g-------------Bowdish
. Hannon compared very favorably with Cuaningham ..-....--a o-- au h egageient in Detroit, providing the
Caiey-Egae-Lehr-5 - 1g------------Speed 0
Sthe :Chicago wonder. Chicago finally Lockwood-Juttner----I t - Mortoer trains arrived at the right time. The
Teetzel------------1 ------n--e----- G
AT HENS - TH EATRE got the ball on their 45 yard line and eiver- ::::::::::q b -Carhe distinguished actor will be the guest
ATHENS - HEATRE.Hogg. Barahee--- rh----Herschbergeraco -iitoten
(Clarke, Kennedy and Herschberger Stoart-Plecree-5~~ h--~---------Kennedy of the Oratorical Association, the fac-
Hannon-Keen-----f b-----ardeer'
carried it for small gains. Then Touchdowns - Gardner, - Teetzel, Baker. ulty and the student body who will be
Goat4 from touchdown-Herseberger. Teetzel
Hamill got around left end -and was (2. Goals from field-Herschberger (3). Um- )proud to do him honor. M. Jefferson
T O =N 0 H'pire-Bert Alward. Referee-Fred Ha ner.
finally stopped by Hannan on Michli- Linesmen-James Knight. Timers--rof. will speak on the art of the actor and
O, J, Thatcher and R. M, Simmons. Time of
FALLENgap's 35 yard line. Gains were made halves-0:35. the relation of oratory to acting. A
AMONG until the ball was but 19 yards from provisional promise was also secured
THIEVES. itichigan's goal line. Imromn this point Whist and Chess. fiom th Hos. Rtbert T. Listolt
Prices: 75c,50c,25c. i Herschberger kicked the rst of the The organizers of the proposed ini- preside at the annual Chicagolielsi-
/ ////5/ / field goals and the score was 11 to 0 versity Whist Club have called the ga debate which takes place here next
in favor of Chicago. first meeting for Wednesday evening April. While it is not certain that
Just Received a Large and Elegant Michigan kicked off and, after sev- at 7:30 o'clock in the library of the Mr. Lincoln wil be on hand he has
JUG Of N TV 2eGSg eral exchanges of punts, succeeded by engineering building. Sotme fifty per- expressed his willingness to preside if
ot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents successive hammering at Chicago's sons have signified their intention of it is possible.
Huylers and Williams and Werners s' _
'colate Bon Bons. line in getting the ball within eight joining the embryo organization. A'll S. C. A. Address Yesterday.
.B. JOlLY & QO, yards of the coveted goal. But a fum- those interested are requested to be
308 South State Street. ble gave the-ball to the Maroons and present at the first meeting as many Prof. Winchester, of the University
another punting duel followed. ir;portait matters are to be discussed. of Connecticut, addressed the students
W A H R 7S 7 ersehberger tried another place-kick, Any student of the University in good "assembledin Newberry Hall yesterday
but it was blocked. After more punt- standing is privileged to be present. morning. His subject was "Literature
ing be half ended with the ball in Tb rmar of the Whist Club nd its Effects upon Iteligiin." Tle
SO O HST O R E . Michigan's possession on her three and the officers of the Chess Club speaker first dwelt upon the meaning
yard line. have been in conference during the of the term "literature," styling it the
Egan took Oaley's place and Barabee past week. The question under dis- ripest thought of the world's groatest
SPECIAL SALE OF STATIONERY. g played Hogg's position during the etssion was the union of the two so- inds. As a further qualification, hie
1 linenp b second half. After Hanno kicked off cieties into one. This plan if carried said that the .standard literary pro-
s nn paper per lb.......... 15C.out would insure a large membership
st white bond paper per lb.... 25c the ball changed hands rapidly, Chs- and would enable each society to be ductions were not theg product of hn-
tvelopes per box (250).... . 25c r. aiain u eeteotu fa
velopes per 1000............ 85c eago being penalized three times for furnished with many requisites which agnatmon bt were the Output of tn
siting cards engraved and 100 oif-side play, it could not alone provide. This mat- intelligence which had expiechenced
cards......... ...........150 ichga's first touchdown caeiter will be discussed at the meeting mue.
only...d.o..................... . . 90e this wise. Bennett was given the ball Wednesday ght. Prof. Wincheter then proceeded to
bonograms made to order from President Griffith of the Chess Club
t0 to $6.00. on Ohicagos 40 yard line; le made 25 wa in consultation with members of
lways the best goods at under and Teetzel added the reosaining 15 the Chicago Cliess Club during the upon the morals of a peophe. The
ice. lsswsa
fo a touchdown. Tihe latter also kick- late vacation. A match between fse Bible was characterized as the sub-
ed goal. Score: Chiago 11, Michi- two clubs was proposed. This will be lieist production of the heart, Intel-
HR'S BOOK STORE a .decided upon later. It is verv probable lect and soul of man. I the course of
pgTown Down To.if tuis contest is arranged, that the his remarkis e pleaded for a morality
. State st. Opposit urtHouse Before Michigan's next touchdown corespondence will be carried on by, it should be common toc every dy
en Arbor Main st. Herschberger had kick-d two more telegraph. .Ilife

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