THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 WE ARE IN LNE AS WELL AS, ANYONE ELSE!____ THIS WEEK WE ARE SELLING GLOVES WORTH $1.75 FOR $1.50. WE ARE SELLING NECK(WEAR WORTH $1.00 FOR 75c. WE ARE SELLING COLORED SHIRTS FOR 90c, WORTH $1.25. With every $3.00 Sale we give a Sterling Silver Michigan Pin in the DARK BLUE Enamel and. BLOCK M MACK & COMPANY, Cor. Main and Liberty Streets. Nwithstanding' the 40 per Parker _}y aeontrings owing to Foun- tr tehange in the tariff we re- tae uniform lmw price. Baj, lt. Id, 3d, 5th, 5c. ti.Ead ,2,.amrln n ,l.Pn uec o.r ,B ,gt ah1c Mandoiin. En , lit. Fiestrings a speciaiy from 25cSteach. 80 W N sS raUG STORE1 0. M. MARTIN, AN ARBOR MUSIC CO., CORNER MAIN AND HURON STEETS U Emal IngaECT lt. 25-207 . Washington St. C EbligaSeily Is the place to Register. This Register is always consulted first by the' NO. 29 FOURTH AVENUE. Messeners-It's' R E Ambulance night or day. FREE.Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. ANN ARBOR At the Ahens. IS someting about the intense sita- ANTON TEUFEL, Time Table. Smnday, Sept. 6, 1897. here's always a feeling of antici- ins, the military trappings an HEADQARTERS £00 TIMETABE: ejoyentin te mnds f toseclanking sabres tie gns, the rattle TETAL:pittedenomninteidsf lJS Trunks, Vaises. Dress Suit Cases an Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard who have been surfeited by entertain- and -roar, te love-making and war- Telescope.. s Time. on. ien fa eeydy auewhntl fare, whichlmakes Secret Servico" Trunks and Valises repaired neatly ad :43 a. m. 1 ell5 a. m anlouncom t is made that a play, 'ineresitu 1o eveiyon who hs a it cheaply, No. 37. Male Sree 4:4 p .m 8:40 p. m: having for its theme, romance, and its opoac nIi omotln s1 btb, W hvpus e 'Boa between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. subject, good and pure thought, is to gnrlly 'known, while the 'Hero is in 1 eived a large lie . S. GILMSORE, Agent beprsnefo therdicaonbte secret service of the United Sates Seour f w.5BENT SP.AToeoownw PIPES actrofothirdifcatonyW_1_______G._._AToedo actor of undoubted ability and ia 'army, the actionl takes place while Seorwno.cmayo xetoa ei.Tee ihodi netdb h oten H LE' eer tr MICHIGAN E7'NTRAL fre the annoucemetfatrederiek tnoops, a comination wich as fur-_ Th digaaFll Te." Warde'Sappearneee ils eveing, shdthe autor withs a sufcient C ooae Centrai n Standard Time. Nov. 24, will surfely be hailed with number of exciting episodes. At timles Lo'wneysC ooae TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. a feeling of general satisfcltion, es the play for applause is noticeable, -GO TO- EAT. WEST. pecalty when it is known that e will ht generally the action is coeren t W' W. i A.5.A 5 h e onni ly"sand what might be expected in sita- TUTTLE'S, Sate str Mail and Es-3ed47 B., N. ., Chi...A 12 present th-e oatcply"s LERT.,i o ih N. Y. Special.... 4 55 Maii-______9 1 kander"a romance of the "Cr0so and tions so intense. ALOEIi o ih 'N. S. Limited. e 1 Western Es.__582 Crescent" by W. D. E ao, on the Eastern Es.__9 47 G. R &K. E._...572, rngrcrdalyivae llSu 0.,N.Exprs...- 50 h. NB. Ex-----s 47 sane scale of excellence that has a- M.Gagrcrilyivtsalsu Atantit Es.___7 0 Paifit E....1s 0dnso h nvriyt atcpt II5 G. B. Expres ___1l1 0 --------ways made his appearance to we- dns fth niestyt pricpt "NrhSoeLimited is an extra fare train come. in the Thanksgiving Day afternoon ALL GRAES ow to e a charge oft8sass to New York than on ___ dancing party, B to 6 o'clock. Gentle- HIARD SOFT. CANNEL AND oteV.W.-Ys men 50. Orchestra music Saturday SMOKELESS COALS G. P. &T Ak Ho. W AgLAnn AbrK aaazoo 'releg rapi, Novemlber 2:P.&&TT.At.Chcg.Atannrbr1enisafrTakgvngDyB- ANCO . The mniitary dramas of W. II. Gi- inners classes now open Thursday \I. S'TAEB LEE? U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms lette p0osess somewhat of the thrilling evnnStrasonn n fet- 19.Ws~go tet hn 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. interest that attaches to one of Cap-no.GagrsAaey Lades' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs tain Charles A. ings novels and the no.trng'sAaeyThNmenetiraee Old friends cal aai.We welcome new TeNm h urne. uses. a'H, ROJANOWK, components are lunch the annie. Of On Tuesday .and Wdiesday, Nov - SPALDING'pS all Gillette's successful plays perhaps 23 and 24,.tle Ann Arbor Railroadt wil Foot Bail Supplies For 97 R ENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER "Secret ,Service" is the most success- make to students preenting Mr. Every Requie for the Game. Sfu. Its presentation at the !Aademny Wade's certfcate a rate of one andl Manages will do wel to wrie- Telephone 5O. ANN ARBORofMscStra ih teSl- for ampes and speia rates ________________ of'uiSaudy nghtgv al-oiethird fare for the round trip to alt before purchasing. ENOCH-IDIETERLE, -nazoo theater-goers a chance to judge pints in the Centrali P'aseger Asso- The Spalding Official EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. of its merits. Tie verdict was one cation territory except te wesern Foot Ball. Caiis Attended Day orNght. of satisfaction with a play whih has terminus of the easteraithunk lines. Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania No. 18 Eas Libety Steet: esidece, 53 eieywhee bee receved wth plas-Barv.urdO Cornell..Hrvand C altll otheral leadingead uni-t Not 11FEso brtylretA nie. hne, 2 rweebe eeie ii ii5 . .(II gn.versiies. ach bait tested and paced an, aluhFut v. Poe10 re, in testitnony whereof were nuch. seed in separate box with brass inflater Ari pluigan al.TeeAdvertise ii the Daily. Prie, $Sio. HE curtainH Spalings Oficial Fot Bail Guato. MIIMLL rnlW~l~ll~l.for 1897. Edited by WALTER CAua'. Pent- WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOIIJvest ch o f ]Ia cn ,paid ocents. Ii r tirPel~n~ KINDERGARTEN (NE URS State Street, opposite Law Building.A..SPLIG&BO, io2E.HluroSt. New York Philadelphia Call and See Us. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 5) cents. Chicago Washington. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Ofc-2'Topo tet Orer fr l FatrntyprtmtibDo You speak Greek? You can FINE NEW LOT OF LeerfraveoFreriy arsnnlAbor learn it while buying ai 47i g~anccsetc. Fuit an candyat the Greek Store .V. a AJI'u L1.. P.a. - Will take pupls on Piano and in i V 203 North Main street, Opp. court, Jut receive.£ Sigh redin ataboe nmedPlaes. "house. Pure home made candes *Lwes prices on STRINS and TRIM. A.J.Jhntn. 0d ice cream, fine California fruits, MNS for al Instruments. " " . know you will want them for tha ISHAEBELE S MUSIC STORE Adets nThe Dal party you are going to give. ; 114WeLiety at., Ann Arbor. Ait111=111A # " JAMES KOSTAU.I rA