THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, nsroil: Times building, 329 S, Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. SIANAGINO EDITOR J. F. ToMAs, 97. ATHLETIC EDITOR ,H. B. SKILLMAN, ' L.. BUSINESSMANAGER_ 0. H. HANS,'98 EDITORS E. L IsMER,'98L. BUTm LAMB, '. F. S. SasoN, '5. 1. A. CAMPBELL, 'tO F. A. Fount. '9 E. A. AssrnLL,'9, .D. IHUNUTT, '00. T. R. WOODROW, '98 G. D. JENNINs, '99 M. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery beore non each day. Notices, communica- on, and othermatter intended for publica- tion oust be anded in at the Daily nofce be- fore 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. ma., of te day previous to that on which hvarexetdt'ESubscripions may e left at The Daily Office, eyer's or Stoi's Newstand or with Business Manager. Suberibers will con- fe a favor by reporting promptly at thbs office any ailure of carrier to deliver paper. UNIVERSITY NOTES. S. 0. Jeffers, who received his mas- ter's degree last July, will continue bis college studies, entering upon work leading to the doctor's degree. Prof. E. L. Miller, of the Englewood High School, visited Ann Arbor Satur- day. Mr. Miller has lately edited Pope's "Essay on Man" for the Long- mnan Classics. The change in time of Dr. Mosher's lectures on hygiene as anoonoced in Saturday's Daily cannot be made, and they will be given as heretofore on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a. m. Dr. T. C. Smith, who takes up Mr. Dow's work in the history department, took his Ph. D. at Harvard last year. In recognition of his excellent work be -was given a travelling fellowship and has spent the last year travelling and studying in Europe. For eighteen years the S. C. A. Bul- letin has appeared as a monthly. Be- ginning Saturday, Oct. 2, it began its career as a weekly. It is believed that by this transformation the doings of the S. C. A. can be more easily brought home to each one of its mem- bers. From now on the Bulletin will be delivered by mail. McKenzie, Psi Upsilon, '96, is now teaching at the Austin High School. (Last spring he coached their baebail team, which sustained his reputation by winning the Cook County High School Championship. This fall he is devoting his attention to the football men, and has fair prospects of seeing his youngsters victorious. Sunday monling, Oct. 3, at New- berry Hall, the New Year's Rally of the Students' Christian Association was held. The hall was more than comfortably filled and prospects for a successful year are exceedingly good. President Hutchins will deliver the opening address Sunday, Oct. 10, at 3 p. m. Every freshman is especially mrged to be present. U. B. Jefferson, Klaw & Erlanger's wonderful production, "Palmer {lox's Brownies," the great attraction which 'aes been awaited with such interest, -will be seen at the Athens Theater on omotrrow evening. Free delvey today.- THE NEW LIGHTING PLANT. (Continued from first page). chapel, the corridors of University Hall, the museum lecture room, and the lecture room in the physi