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November 23, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-23

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VOL. VIII. No. 47.



{ i t

Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
A legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large and elegant
Line of NeW Pipes
Hot and Cold Lanches at all hurs. Agents
for Huyler's and Williams and Werners C.'s
Ohocolate Bon Bons.
R. E. JOLLY & o.
308 south State Street.
Prices: $1.50,$i.00,75c,50c,25c.
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
bound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medcal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Make ourstores your headquarters.
Up Town Down Town
s. State st. Opposite CourtHouse
Aan Arbor Main et.

A Noted Bostonian Lectures on
Politics and History.
Mr. Edwin D. Mead, Editor of the
New England Magazine, of Boston,
lectured tinder the auspices of the
Philosophical Society yesterday after-
noon in Tappan Hall, upon the sub-
ject, "The Study of History." The lece
ture was an intensely interesting ote.
It was listened to by the irgest aud-
ence that was ever assembled in Tap-
pan Hall; a large number of persons
were unable to find even standing
room, and this notwithstanding the
disagreeable weather.
Mr. Itead's lecture concerned, for the
est part, the study of political his-
tory. fHe said that history was pas i
politics. But it was not only pat
politics but also past religion, art, lit-
erature, science and philosophy, and
the speaker showed how all these
branches had affected political history.
He said that history was philosophy
teaching by example or experience;,
and that the historian must explain
phenomena as well as state them for
us. Yet every person can be his own
historian by interpreting these
phenomena as he sees fit
"The next important change in mod-
ern history," said Mr. Mead, "is, lke
that which has come in our modern
novels, that it has come to deal with
people, and not with kins and em..
perors. Experience is the great teach
er and history is condensed exper-
ience. Past history must be related
to present politics. The study of it is
USloe if it is not. The readino of
history gives a man experience"
Carlyle held that ecclesiastical his-
tory dealt with man's moral and ethi-
cal nature, and that political history
dealt with his physical nature. 1r.
Mead criticised this distinction sayng
that polities was a branch of ethils
and could not be separated from it.
fte said that the citizen who was con-
versant with the ideas of polities Ielid
by Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hege
would never be disturbed by the ind-
ern inagazine article on political sub-
One object of the study of history
was stated to be the disrouragement
of the influence of political parties.
The other and broader object was to
muike men the truest servants of a
stcte. The lessons of political history
should be applied by our modern poli-
ticians. Mr. Mead said that these les-
sons might well be applied to or
United States Senate, which he con-
denned as being a most corrupt body,
calling it a "rich men's club," rom-
posel of aristocratic millionaires.
The next regular meeting of the so-
ciety will be held on Dec. 7, when
Prof. Wm. Caldwell, of Northwestern
University, will lecture on "Philosophv
and the Newer Sociology--a Study in
Contemporary Thought."
The athletic authorities of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania will erect a
memorial tablet to Osgood, Peon's
'ormer halt back, who was killed

Five Dollar Rate a Certainty. THANKSGIVING WRINKLE
The $5 rate to Chicago will be a go.
The requisite number of persons have Is Filled With Artistic Sketches
signified their intention to go to Chi- and Witty Verse.
cago for the Thanksgiving game.
From all indications a much larger The Thanksgiving number of
crowd will go with the team this year Wrinkle appears today in gay colors
than ever before in the history of the and with great flourish. Tie cover in
University. Almost all the reserved red and black is by Stuart Benson and
seats and boxes have been taken. The is appropriate to the occasion. The
block of seats that Managcr Hugtes most admirable sketch is the center
brought down here to Ann Arbor are page by W. Whitelhead, which is at
all gone. Every arrangement has been excellent representation of a football
made to make the trip and the game a scene, in which the hero, instinct with
suresas. .ife and vigor, is tearing down the
The Deborah Band, of Chicago, will field for a touchdown.
meet the team at the depot and march This issue contains the first cut in a
up to the hotel with the team..Tits series entitled "Wrinkle's Favorite."
band will also sit in the Michigan It is a very good likeness of James R.
section of the Coliseum during the Hogg, Captain of the Football Team.
game and help stir up enthusiasm. A The artist is James A. Bardin, who,
large number of Detroit alumni wil with C. i. Bush, has just been elected
be on the train Wednesdaiy morning an associate editor on Wrinkle',s staff.
aivd will go to Chicago with the stu- Another artist who has contributed
dents. The team will attend one of very creditable work is S. Symons.
the theatres Thursday night in a body. There is the usual amount of fanci-
A large section of seats have been re ful and catching verse written by A.
served for Michigan students' M. Smith, H. Al. Bowman, W. Johns-
ton and T. L. Robinson. Editorial com-
Whist Club Meeting Postponed. ment is made upon various subjects,
including "Contributors," "The U. of
Owing to unavoidable circumstances If. Daily," and the "Fair Co-ed " No-
the first meeting of the Whist Club tire is given that the staff of the
is postponed until the first week after Wrinkle is not yet full, and that de-
the Thanksgiving vacation. The pro- serving work will place anyone on its
moters of the new organization have personnel.
already received a sufficient number Taken as a while the second number
ot names to guarantee its success. The of this year's volume -hows a decided
only hiudrance to immediate formation inprovemet upon the first issue, and
is the lac of a meeting place; this de- takes rank with any of thie meritorious
feet will have been remedied beore editions of Wrinkle in previous years.
school opens after the coming short re- 'he subscription list is groiing and
cess. 'lie chaipionship which has the management are well satisfied with
leen planned will be held after the having revivified what at one time,
holidays., Anong those most int-rest- seemed dead and lifeless.
ed in thi new club are L. E. Verdier,
G. Garnett, HJaHmxhrst, H. Bowen Jeffersonian Preliminaries.
C. Dean Cool, G. 1erdier and G. A. --
M iller The osecond preliminary debatin

Jonas' Great Success.
'Signoir Jonas returned yesterday
from Boston, where he appeared
Thursday afternoon and Saturday
night in concerts in connection with
the Boston "Symphony Orchestra, the
best in this country. The musical crit-
ics of all the Boston papers praise his
playing most highly and say that it
was the best heard in Boston in recent
years. The audiences were fairly car-
ried away and in the first concert he
was forced to respond with three en-
cores, while on Saturday 'night no loe.ss
than five were demanded.
Reception by Woman's League.
The Woman's League will give a
Thanksgiving party Friday eveninr
Nov. 26. This will be ii the form of
a reception and is to be held in the
Women's Building. All members of
tie league and any other ladles of the
University who desire to attend are
cordially invited to be present. The
gathering will be informal; dancing
and games will constitute part of the
entertainment. Dean Mosher and the
officers of the Woman's League both
invite and expect a very large attend-

contest of the Jeffersolnian Society was
held last evening in the law lecture
roi. 'iof. iohnsonan d Mir.Dwyer
acted as the judges. Sixteen estlest-
ants were entered. The first three
places were won by C Sanger, S. C.
Haskins and A. J. Lacey.
The first preliminary contest had
been held last Saturday evening. in
that trial J. IE .ailey,-B.F.Dillon,
J. R. Spacht and L. Shannahan proved
themselves superior to the other coti-
testants; the last two named were tied
for third place. The winners in these
two preliminary contests will debate
on Dec. 4 to decide which three out of
the seven shall meet the representa-
tives of the Webster Society.
Much mterest has already been man-
ifested in the final outcome. The
quality of the debating was about on
a par with that displayed in last year's
preliminary contests. The increase in
th- number of entries, however, should
insure better representation for Michi-
gan in the grand climax, the debate
with Chicago, which is to be held in
Ann Arbor this year.
Dr. Fitzgerald announces that during
the Thanksgiving vacation the gymna-
sium will be open daily from 1 to 4:30
o'clock p. m.


I while fighting in Cuba.

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