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November 22, 1897 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-22

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Here is something, boys, that will get yovt. o
U. of M. Pins in both light and dark blue. Block
to be given away Saturday, Yov. 20 and Monday, c
Nov. 22, with every sit. of $20) or more. Watch for MvIHPAC
our bargains.
'SIOUXj Our window shows fine Colored Shirts for 90c worth
' $1.25.r
- - The Barker Collars are the best dess collars.
" - We have a 3-ply all linen collar for 9 cents.
222 and 224 1] C0 0 ,SO.MANS.
1IGeo. S. -
NotwItstanding the 40 per Parker
cetie geringetaing to
centchalge on tetrg owe r- Fo
taie our uniform low price
Ba njo, lt, 2d 3d, 5th5, tl
Maindoli, ENd A2rc
Mandolin, 1D and G, 5c. Pn
Gitr, E, 1, G, gut, each loc
Gita r, , A, , ioc.
Finec,g a speclty fromDR G A1 1W TT
15ctoto 2c each. - lB AS1N'S8 FZG T~ . M.MATN
20-207 E. Washington St Embalming a Specialty
Is the place to Registe. This Reister is always consulted first by the No :acs 2 ouETH AVENUE.
_____________messengers-It's FRE B. Amuaeoenight or day.
Residence, 30 Fifth Avenue.
ANN ARBOR To Chicago Thankegiving Day At the Athens!A NTON TPtJFEL,
Time Table. Sunday, Sein. 5, 1897. The Michigan Cetilai lriiioi. T hei annunicmentatthattone o HEADUATERS FOi~
TI.ME TABLE:TrnsVlssDrsSutCead
Trains leave Ann Arhor y enrai Steed'ard offer ss $5 rte to chicago ut iriturn, tiiiil rohmns cotpanieos wili p unre-issDce itGns.an
Time.toSfoiiWiosa ioiio onsalT he Prisoner of Zend-" at the Tleiceops
goodfrot WeneslzlymoringNoyTruns an Valises repaired nety and
NOeT. SOTH. 24,uitilii Mnay night, N{ 29),00o \iiieiiaTheaer onolo v (W13- acheoly, N. 37 S.Main Sreet
8:3 a.m1, 11;:30an. vd
ii2:in5 . 120n,. viei 00 persoscat1o11brrod t ' sh~ ould e the ImeanisOOf dti 0., ehvejsgn
4:40..:dtp.m. On hiiail ilexursiooi train wichii alargo anilfailtaa'sit audience ato ° -Weihvejslarge-n
-Ran htwen Ann Arbor and Toledo oiy P eceve aTlrg ln
E. S.GettMORE, Aent siii cathe 0:0toam niu will ci~av: ii. theater on that ottcasion. iop.. o
W BEBNNETT G. P. A, Toledo . lhte oo Wetdiesoday, Nov '4,'t 9 ia.imeiieval hisitory, traed. with smi- See our window. PIP1 1 ES
101.1Tlie.trin ill iicarry trltbaggag etal modiernisnm, has caught thle HLE'SJwlrtr
Min BN d~iluiin o a-1itanti smoingocars, oind0 :icy tof sciinunsericsthousand__LE________elry____t____
rhoN " 'raFals o aes0. ma ny tiay coaches is are nceldt duing thie past threec yero that it F0R,...ril6
IettiSanad ie. wilstop only at \Ce'. d S. Gu1tis i ec~i~enlttut hete-Lowney'sChocolates
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. 7t t, hcgtiah' lerm erefioe, pior. Itrah iyi-t'l-omn,--GO To-
ES.WET. quoickiy as pssihle. thtTf.refor M. Pronian o conp cu
ee.rB. .A. M. vTosake sre othe x:uriontiieihiiiaied y IHoward Gud to bringu9N P.T. . L A Sat S.
aii and Exs.d347B., N. Y., hi... 1 oil almayBmetlasAcd ai t those sperior ,quaities of'tie ALLEOiRETI, if you wish.
EaY.Steil--45 al ... 8b ] 'n Es.L ited 016 Western , Es-1 20 ' - iii'S l andin theolay to nmake it the noet attractive
A. M. G. H. & . Nx.-.5I55 iands of tie respective matbensofitanil fascinating p..dsation that xiii
DtNExpress....155 Ch. Nt ...s .5945eSe nti i
Alantic Ex-s. 7 15 acific E ----1 20 the athletic bo.rdeotionl tikess ni hi iyiuimg the cur-
North Shore Limited lo an extra fare trainALGRDSO
to bo a charge of 2.0 t New York- than on road excurion ticket, oc el-e teorie le to Mr. Frohman for isla vrALIiAn
ether trains. ugeti h eeto fH1t.SFCNE N
U. W. RULE, . W. BATES turne to the purhaser. It is 'hpiL juilneiinteo1 hua playrs SOKLESS COALS
. . & I. At., Chicago. At.. Abe Arbor. that all who itenilto go to Chiag for the dillferest parts. AND COKE.
wiii purchase tese tick s, oa we c n Mr. iGranger cordially invites al sto. ll. S'T.I REB LER,
U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Room seture fle fat and c c nlootate tie dens of the University to participate lit9OW. Washigton Street. Phne 8
322 SOUTH STATE STREET cod. W ElO isU 10, InteT kging ayatrne
Ladles' artistic Hir tDressocg up stairs cowMaWD'HGioag er. th dancingpartn3goDay'clok.tentl-TeNont~etu te
Odfinsclagi.WwecmneMaar. acnpat,3t6o'lc.Gnl-TeNmthGurne..0s. J. i. TLOJANOWSK, 5c rhsr ui audySADNP
The University School of Dncie0 evenings after Tanksgving Day. B- , Foot Ball Supplies For 97
RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER will give a Tbankgiving party the Every Requisite for the ame.
}evening of Nv. 25th, from 8:30 o guners caOS now open Thursday Managers wilOsdoiwel to write
Teephone 't. ANN ARBOR 113°.m l tdet odal n evening, Saturday morning and aftr - for samples and special rates
EOHDTELii.Caotickets not stdetscordapt - Unoon Granger's Academy. y before purchasing.
ENOCi DETEC.E vitd aceped.The Spalding official
EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. On acunt of Thanksgiving the MI, Foot Bal.
Call, Attended DayeorNight. WANTRD-30 lady boarders at spec- C. R. R. will run 511 exurin to Ch- Adopted by Yale, rincetn, Pennsylvania
No. 118 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533al rates. Enquire at 215 S. State t. tags on the 23rd and 24h, god to re-aard, Corsell, and al other leaing uni-
Suth Fourth Ae. Phone 119. versttes. Euch bal tested and pake, and
___________________________turn on the 2th, forine n td one-third sealed In separate oe with brass Inflator
RNALTHE PHOTOGRAPHER Subscribe for the Daily. fare for the round trip. F ic, Sne ffcalNeshiltusd
} for S97 Edited by WALERI CAiP. ot-
WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR.Unive sity School of Dan ingCat lpa . n ens.fI l n itrSci,~
KINDERGARTEN, iEnwQsAERnSITem a State Street, opposite Law Buildiug. A. . SPALDING & BORS.,
}I2.uotNew York Philadelphia
Call and See Us, Tem$50a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. Chicago Washington
-Offie-427- Thompson Street.
Orders for all Fraternity parties, club sekGek o a
dance, etc. Laveordere at Ann Arbor Futadcad ty *W s b rt
5,-icWill tratespuilsnce Pl0Gaad int ndcadhatthe Greek Store, aa dsarcivd *
PS, -ilooateusenePilanetaddeina 203 North Main street, opp. court yJs eevd
sight reading at shove named Places. house. Pure home made candes Leseetgrsces on STRINS and TRIM
A.s t onson /rand Ie cream, fine California fruits, MINS for all Instruments.
A.ryJuitJoehfotoresnts, nd w
18JFFRO A.DTRI know you will want them for that SCHAEERLE} UI STORE
Advertise in The Daily *LADN IN (- party you are going to give. j 114 West Llberly st.. pAn.rbr.

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