THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F 'Cubliahed Daly (Sundays excepted) duin the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. teerteeo: TDimes baildiag, 2 S Mlale S. be tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THoMAS, '00 L. B1USINESS MANAGER 0.1. IIlANS, '00 L. EDITORS 11. 1B. PItus, '98 L, Athletics. ,R, L. Gltsuctt, '9i L. - - - Macdao MochItI LAMBt,'00, - Tuesday 1, D. lit xert, '00. - wedcsdau T. R. Woototow, 'O, - - Thuarsday A. CiMmnmI., '59, - - - - Frdsy :I. A. OsPEtie, '05, - - - Satturday The subs^erlptlon price cc the Dlaily ia 52.51 tar the cellege year, with a regular delvery 'before naoa each day. Noticeo, commuion- tibon, and other matter Intended toe publica- tiun mast be handed In at the Daily offire be- tore 8 p. in, or mailed to the editor before3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expeted to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daliy Office, Meyer'a oe Stoflet's Newtnd, o -with Busineas bianager. Subeelbers will cr- tee a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. 'There was iiicht to lover (e'll learn- ,ed oat flue protoutinlg contest hilh Friday iight aini is to be regrefte eliot there wits not t large'r numiiibir in attendancre. The rapidtity with whicl she forty-oseea conitestanlts represeit- rang the diffe'rint clisse's of the literary and laws departouints succutmbiedi ill at- temsptiug to tpriiiiuiii' words ini cos i iioti it'ibti sirves tii rall at tento to the dleficieni'y oi' si tidents 112 tlis Ti- , iect sod of the iiecessity of giving imoTo attttin to i this brawiihi of i dli "'atiesi. Thlie Briiwni Daily Heiralid i seiak ing (if tie cusniest editoiurilly says: '"Thscorsest;,- ais outlineid, shuldins, it sitts. Tiii liisliIoliuiiiitini of ti'ti'it> becoeoi's iti'(ll titi'i with Clii apprr .aiiti' if' a word, hut whenl 'ie coesct to ulse it toratlly lie tilds tiat lie wnt over it tioi rail to i be suie of is! tlrtjltciittiiol F'or oiir r'easos as welt men are often fatlty of ant blihty Piliosophical Society Meeting. 'rho second regular uettog of the Pluilsopuieal Society was hieltd Friday esvening in Rtooml 21. The mieetilag was very welt attenided tiotwithstanding tile fact that the pronouneiug contet was being held at the same time. hevesl members of (lie faculty were eetd to 'honorary minllCrshiis in the society. The feature of tlie evening was the seeding of a taper eta "The Evidenace ,of a Design ini Nature," by Air. Win. M. Wherry, '9h'. The paper was a vei'y abie one aend showed carefuil psetara- ytion.. 1Mr. Wherry (segatiby discussing the design theory ill its simplest form; namomely thati the Universe was made :foe 'man, and showed that man was onerely the 'highest step yet reached in the procees of organic evoiution, which led 'some thinkers to. beiiev'e that thei -design was not to evolve manw merely but some higher and mere godlke be-' tug. He then critictned this theory,. shnowing that by sodig it we put limits on the omnipotence of our God, making HiAm as it were the inve ntor1 ta a process subject. to laws {beyond, Mim. 'He :said that we would have to look beyond :him.. He said that wet wivcud have to took for soliething die'p- Ner in the universe, and sfter tonelitug upnDhI N T E R teayhetoku (lie discussion of thse id,tlistic i .' 'P'le spieaker ,iloIshis 1ap, ' with thii clossiuthounighlt: I . "'T'his wsorldthleua, is lii' issilit of "t logos iii a 'hitgit'r simns' ihm ii t of I'lii alt-uongli s' idtii ii ~loi ,:; tine'; alttuoughi it lees iiit mk ssusk''ii- 'aeCist Isit is nows i'iiistitiited; l SHOES! -of- Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF CYM SHOS SEE OCR WINDOW? BDEAL'S SHOE STORE, F 100) N Main Sireet. Opposite ' she Court Reuse fairce-u'oiiui'ilysli'rLt ut lifi', tli e i- t('isle if u'irttn tchassof e'il. o Iiiecii 2119 clear aniss'i'r to ltii'Agiostic; pittotis flucmt. as bsuri'ly asth inia te anii' iiuili sinse a uesigni iii M t li 'lisi' if the reaintlg -(if iei 1p1per a lively idiscuission As .iillg "I1 isl by liii'meberuus if thei'souiuty, ieii by Afr. L. C. 'arson. This ifti r tsanat 4iclockit.' i,. isoitlyWill fa' ailii'issi'ii by iEd win I1. Steid, editor of flu' Ness E:i0 land4"1tagazii', oil. "'lii'Steli' ii. f iti titory." 11A Correction. l7 Ifuditor' Itsils': Pletsinallow ir toilo'rictiali'i' 10 -he('idiig., "Sr. ing's N1.iefio'rtlii.' Yoilur aliceli ttes thiat "Yolitg ng iti o is Balidto besubsiljict is sii i 'ciias(.'. Thlis: is a-boolitli itis re 5andii otlhitil i'iitlil jnstifv(t'e asseionhulr pu'liti- lir. hini''id; iii'ii iI'liai'uy be n tolya iai'i'irtunt'ittl bt : liii's.isss#°sili5tter iii fouiiis Sil'rs ifi'il it si ores I t ijiistli'i' io himt toiaslios' sieta stiotll huh)lto r i S. 91r~et~~ . ltle~isiet)Nl > lii sidltt Se'iiour lu'ilt.'l 'luis, '1llir i'l'i' e itu tie ii iliito iit I'ii'etinlg 'of the' Iiu'liani'usitus Butrt i'dIuiitou- rows aftrisonsiat 4io'c'lou'ks in ltisiii). "'The Pr'isonel' of Zeisda" it tile Ath- 01ns Piseater tomiorrow siight. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Seed to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 157, 139, all Woodaed Ave.. Dettroit. Designs and estimates furnishsed on all work of thix kind. ;CHAMOIS SKINS !' We have just received the ' Y the dinest lot of chamois9 9 that we ever had. By buy-9 inlg a large number we got, them cheaper than we ever bought poorer ones before. We have marked them to 9sell at retail as low as some? 9 wholesale dealers sell them9 I by the dozen. If you need a chamois of any size for any purpose it will pay you to see these. 5c to $1. CALKINS' -, PHARMACY. o i- ELASTIC RIBBED Are complete undergarmnents coveriug tile body like an addutional skin. Per- fertly elastic, fitting like 's glove, but soft anil without pressure. Most convenient to put on or off, being entered at the top and drown on like trousers, No buttons down the front. $2.00, $3.50 end $4.50 Per Suit Keyronly, Blickensderfer. ...r Me.$5 Typewrites Machines ' Equalyoif sthe 1,high-pritedmcies-iscatpaciy ' - ( and quaitly of workand extel theem s insonveice. °'- Practieal, ltw-priced, portable, keyboard mcindes. j '16M& 8x LUsThiiO A50 OVAACXRS. k _. it ibbon. No,74 itt e wtth Sitiic 6 ti bight K, Crices.$5000" *Typeintuehangeale, * "' pritting. tdi xtoanye de d lra laii t Ueqiulin ai Tyeweritte soatonthe fA00saq e r.~esl pliety otrec 93 tro Sldis Tod t eti r oit, hiotch.abe ac ie reom eex s ~ eo T-\ ~ o sont olhtndy pon oa ny 5.Fe..rthbse mcoad s sihgneigt onfnu~e GEE WHIZ!2 1S HELL FL?_.. aw Henry Irving was playing in "Faust" at a L~ondons theater and, while descending into the infernal regions, for some reasnn or another the trap in the stage failed to work, leaving half of Ihis person in full view of the audience. Some fellow in the gallery hollowed out, "Gee whiz! Is hell fnll?" It is a hard questions for us at the present time to answer; but there is one thing that we are sure of, that SARG'S CORN PLASTERS will remove a corn with lass inconvenience and with better results thanl anything on the market. Get a sample at J. L. SKINNER'S or at your shoe dealer and try it for yourself, I dozen plasters 25c. PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, 208 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Sole Selling Agents. J. THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE. THE: NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REVER & CO., 201 and 203 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY SHOES = Ann Arbor, Flck £tX Heaviest Russia Calf, Colored Leather, French $5 .00 Enamel, Box Calf -Water Tight Construction, '1 Comfortably and nearly indestructible. fig EIAST WASHINGTON STR F~.