g jc U. of AT. mail
VOL. VLU. No. 4.
Students! Bookstore
Opposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Books bought, sold
and exchanged.
Law, Medical and College Text-
books at cut prices.
Blank Books
and Stationery
Agents for Waterman's Foun-
tain Pens, Mathematical Instru-
mnents and Sporting Goods.
SDEEDAN & coi Prop,
Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Students should try us before
making any purchase.' We are
bound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medcal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make ourstores your headquarters.
Up Town Down Town
5. State st. opposite cortHouse
&an Arhr ain et.
WIN THE FIRST GAME. game will be with Miami College, of
Oxford, Ohio.
Normalites Defeated by an Over- The line-up follows:
Michigan. Normals.
whelming Score. Teetnel and Clarke..L. E.........Van Rauner
Juttner and Lock-
wood. .............L.T............. W arner
Michigan opened her football sea- Lehr........... L. G..Gorsuch and Wood
son Saturday by defeating the Ypsi- Snavage.....1. .....C........... stBroeraag
lanti Normalites in a one-sided con- Snow ...............R. T............ Lawrence
test, the score at the end of the 15- Gardawa.d .1.E...ichnond
minute halves standing 24 to 0. Be- Richards. . ...........Waters
Henry............. ..L. H...... ........Morse
cause of Michigan's light line and the Hogg.................R. H.............t. .Leister
fact that the line-up of the Normals Bannon and Bas-.. B................Wilson
was the heaviest and best in its his- Touchdowns - Juttner, Hogg, . Henry.
Goals from touchdowns-Hogg 4. Time of
tory, it was expected that the latter halfes-15 minutes, Referee-. S. Freund.
would score and at least hold Michi- tmpire-Whte. Attendance-i20.
Fall Tennis Prospects.
ganu even, but the fast work of the
'Varsity backs more than off set all The"'Varsity championships In ten-
of this and a larger score than last nis this fall promise to be the most
year was rolled up. exciting held for several years. The
The work of Hogg at half was the quality of the tennis displayed will
best of the day, his line bucking be- also be above that shown ii former
ing especially strong. Henry made years. The two most prominent fac-
some splendid gains through the line tors which bring about these much
and made a favorable impression. desired conditions are the new courts
Hanuan's punting and tackling was and the entrance of many new players
strong, as was that of Barrabee, who into the contests.
ieplaced the former, because of ijr- Tennis Manager Herrick began work
iesa Richards played his usual strong n the courts Satrday. By Wedn s-
game -at quarter. rTeetzel, Ganschaw day all will ihave been marked out and
and Itichardson, at end, made good ready for use. Chief among the
gains. The first named made two younger players will lbe H. Danforth,
runs of 25 yards. In the line Lock- '01, State Interscholastid Champio-i,
wod and Bennett showed up to the Colburn, Psi Upsilon, '01, and F. Bar-
best advantage. low, '01, from Albion College.
On the line-up Michigan kicked off.
Ypsilanti fumbled and Ganchaw fell Saturday's Games.
on the ball. Bucking tactics by Henry
and Hogg carried the ball to the Nor- Saturday's college football games re-
mal's five-yard line and Juttner was sulted as follows: Chicago 41, Mon-
pushed over for the first touchdown. niouth 4; Oberlin 0, Otterbein 0; wis-
Hogg kicked an easy goal. Time,, five consin 30, Lake Forest 0; Purdue 20,
minutes. Indiana Normals 0; Minesota 26,
The Normals kicked for a gain of MacAlaster 0; Indiana University 0,
20 yards. 'Hogg, Henry and Juttner Rose Polytechnic 6; Yale 30, Wesleyan
advanced the ball 25 yards when the 0; Harvard 20, Williams 0; West
ball went to the Normalites because Point 38, Trintity 6; Pennsylvania 33,
of illegal interference. After a gain +Bucknell 0; Brown 24, Tufts 0; Cor-
of seven yards through Michigan's nell 16, Syracuse 0; Dartmouth 34,
line, an end play around Teetzel was Phillips-Exeter 0; Illinois 26, Eureka
attempted resulting in a loss. Michi- College 0.
gan then held her opponents for downs
an dthe ball changed hands. Hannan First Faculty Concert.
thea punted for a gain of 35 yards.
Atthnpntd ichaigainofs3emydso The first School of Music concert
At this point Michigan seemed to will be given by members of the fac-
weaken, and Lawrence went through n
the line for 23 yards and again .ery next hursday, Oct.h7.vtheo-
aroud ed fr te sae dstace.ers of mnsic will then have the op~.
around end for the same distauc. portunity of hearing Miss Bailey, who
Bth times he passed everybody but was so great a favorite here in 1893-
Hannan whso uat, lBarraeffettngehys4, and Miss Von Grave, who is to take
Hannan was hut,Barcabse taking his Mrs. Zeitz's place in the pianoforte
place. The Normals cotnined to gain department this year. The following
throngh the line until Michigan's te are the dates set for the faculty con
yard line was reached, when a brace certs: Nov. 4, 'Dec. 2, Jan. , eb. 3.
was taken and the ball went over on __:_.,D _,J.,F..
downs. Short gains were made by The Registration.
Hogg and Henry when time was
called. Registration was slow Saturday but
In the second half the ball was the steward's office was jammed this
never in the Normalites possession morning with students entering their
except at the kick-offs. Tetzel made names. ip to 9 a. m. this morning
two gains of 25 yards each, Hogg one the following were entered: Literary,
for 23 yards, and the latter made the 842; law, 532; medical, 275; dental, 178;
second touchdown in three minutes. engineering, 176; pharmacy, 58; homeo-
He also kicked goal. Hogg also made patbic, 43; total, 2,104.
the third touchdown and kicked goal. The Choral Union will hold its first
Barrabee made the fourth and Hogg meeting of the season tomorrow even-
kicked the fourth goal, ing at 7:30 at the School of Music.
On the whole Michigan's showing,
was most encouraging. The next Free delivery today.
Immense Task of Wiring Campus
Almost Completed.
And it was ordained that there
should be light land there was light.
So the 'Michigan legislature of 1897
having been 'brought to a realization
of the needs of the University, appro-
priated $20,000 for an electric lighting
plant, and Professors Carhart and
'Cooley with their assistants have been
busy the entire summer putting in one
of the finest systems to be found on
an American campusa
The current will be supplied by two
large dynamos, driven by two engines
so arranged that either dynamo can be
run by either engine. The large roon
'in the west end of the boiler house
has been set aside for the dynamo
room, and a large slab of stone and
cement put in for the engine and dyna-
mo beds. Beneath this room a large
tunnel has been built connecting the
one coming from the southwest with
that running to the medical and chen-
ical buildings, thus making a omn-
plete tunnel about the grounds.
Through it runs a complete circuit
from which all buildings take their
current. The current is fed into this
main from four points, at the lar,
main and library buildings, and one
near the northeast end of the campus,
so that the pressure is thus equalized
throughout the circuit. A-ll wires run-
ning through these tunnels are fasten-
ed to the sides with porcelain knobs,
and so arranged that the positive and
negative are on opposite sides of the
tunnel, thus avoiding the dangers of
crossing wires.
The buildings are all wired with the
exception of Prof. Carhart's labora-
tory and the boiler house, and prepar-
alions are being made for first ligat-
ing the laboratories and recitation
hails and leaving all private roons
until later. Owing to the size of all
the buildings and the manner in whic
they are constructed, a great many
difficulties have been encountered, but
in each and every case those doing the
work have proved equal to the task.
ia the auditoruim of the main building
perhaps the most difficult place to
work was found. Still, though it re-
qitred the building of many scaffolds,
climbing to dizzy heights on frail lad-
ders, or working in narrow places over
the ceiling of the auditorium, all the
work was carried out as planned, and
as a result, audiences in the once poor-
ly lighted hall will be met with a
pleasing electrical display. The ceil-
ing will be lighted with nrany clusters
of incandescent lights, and rows
around the square base of the tower
-and up each edge to the top. Two
more rows will be arranged over the
organ and under the outer edge of the
gallery. The latter will be so fixed
that the -light will neither shine in
the eyes of those on the platform nor
those in the seats below.
Cluster lights, with five incandes-
cent lights to each cluster, will be
used in the law lecture room, the old
(Continued on Second Page.)