4e alIjc U P , ' I i . VOL. VIII. No. 46. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1897. Poun PAGES. ___,___-.------ 1 WILD Haereceived a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, 108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY$ ' WON LAST HOME GAME. Wittenberg Eleven Defeated by the Score 32 to 0. E f 1 1 7 1 Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of ZNeMPipes I Hot and Cold Lunches at all hears. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and Werners Co.'s choclate Boa Bees. R. B. JOLLY & CO. 108 south State Street. ATHENS - THEATRE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 DANIEL FROlIFIAN'S Special Comipany in THE PRISONER 01 ....ZENDA..o. Prices. $1.50, $1.00, 78c, 30c, 23c. THOSE NOBBY-SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. IIn 111ePresece'of the smnallest crowd that ilas attendled a gamei this season Michigan's Reserves easily le posed of tile Wittenbaerg ('allege eleven Saturday, by a ;score of 12 1to 0. -Note at tile regular 'Varsity player's w-e ill the lineupl, the tIoleh5tlots (1wishling to take any chfunees of l)ossiltle in- jurries. T'he Ieserves potti1l11 it sur- pirisingly strong game arnd ccored. al- mlost ait will and( at a-l l ilt 05 kept their own gal from danger'. Abott ill of the Ite-cirves antd Selb-litites "ero given will otpportutliy to play, t~e line'-up in tilt se"ailti htlf, 0t11 thllee- e-xceptions, billg ei'i t y ltaiiged from that of tile firsti half. A feature of the g~llne -was the kit-king of twot field gtoals ity todgi-nl. The work of alt1 the Miciiga.aitacks was of. a tighi ortder anti-tthe line imen 'hoAdt well anti ofteit tackied the visitors far a, loss. The Wittelihergers, wrhile' clearly otit- m~atehied, nevertheless playedt a plucky gamile. "OisT toiuchdowns u-cre ceeellthIle first halftf'oim which ni rgeals wone kicked, making the score 16i to 0. tn 1110 second 'halt, two hield goals. ti touchdown and goal dioubled tile scar-'. Mharks (2), Thlomas, Juttuec,, Paglesoli ndKennedty1h.-ve Itie.ia~or tifniak- ig; tine touchdiowns anti lotigiaii1 the pleasure of kicking tilefielid goals. Thim1110oftte hltirrawas 115 inuiites. Joltu Duffy andti Teeiti wtrere tile sili- ciatIs. 't'he tine-up follows: Michigan Wittenherg. Ayers- - - Ic.........lBill.......Ring Juttner -i.......lt....... .Kyer Lehr and Alien-1....Ig.....Laffblam Savage and Hampton.c ....... Gardner Egan and Moore-...r g -........Haumne Marts and Symons. . .11-......J. Erhard Ganochaw - 0. ...re.......D. Miller Kaspar and Tlcott. .........Ort MleLean and Gordon. 1llh.........Meyers Thoms. Brain and tr he - ... Miller Kennedy and + e.....an Hodee an - fb..........Ias "Pa," tienninlges'atitendedthe110gillne and will remain here tis week lto as- sist in the coIahing. "flutiie' aic olf Uhicago, is expected today. The Pronouncing Content. Prof. Taylor in University Hal. I First of the S. C. A. Lectures, Sunitay eveinilg Prof. Taylor againl Te filt letre 111 the erie. a ad- Adilesed tn Ain Arber atldienice. idtesses to lit given by tie S. C. A. 'is huh' it wasla nio1101 tetitig ittewas delivereitStultrday evenuisng Ia 111 thhucheits, ii'ltllr tie otus-Newerhtry thail. Te speak-, rf. Iies of thie S. U. A. t'niic esity flail GiulaamTtyor, dwelt tupon a 101110 tas pat-edi-ti;tetrowd alniost alt- iniitat'ly onnettei uit ilt lIft troaciing in sieth1a1 t.wichLisltelli-d wok, 'The 'Social Aseit of Peronal a N>aust-,la : s-ctek. Tile .subject of ItProgress" The t1ll1k was uf at.ill i- 'ref. Taylrs adiress eas "Thne Basis tesely pracical chr'ctelr, anti en- or PersotiltRtesptotsiiltiy." I Ilasicetl the need of social reetlera- The emiine-lt soialn reformer-frt do- ion. hknete in'creasinig ipesimismn atilaig iPrfsTaylyor egan isfie iistlsion Il1 -lases. lHe gave sonme of the ten- -witi a hisorical prisiltatitn of lthe lteii")'sof teliii mii-ec-hich wrire the devehpmetto Inidiividiuatl osesis imbjeet f soi Iuchl criticismTlI.'Ie e lL' iri- the tnelitcicof'Itheil'i-inependntt .1110 esekr tie-lipaisedliw O 111rutb- to turnl Ii)interdeitelaece,Itt tieIi Ject of1110 sot-ial lift' it tie coleg. iiidtiiil totlecime merged in tie- c- "The college worli--how wilike the iertlive. More favortuble is ilt' relwldii it is! It is a utitie'esiintg 'Illange -fr10111etlisilIues to11syopatli-'. iprocess'. tIaate it as by noi ltlsthe 11 w-lic-luSlteitcr cls the maark of 11:0 iast of the avttnages of at universiy -cntury ci-arier,te 'belnging toealch oiler ito Prof. "Taylor- nelxt fixe-td diie lilie this little repttublic of liters. But it is. fo urrsoniiit.W ms1b e temsslvngI tevrybut fpnsbefi' a sial ideal, tot' an ii- batit' ithle otiside worl til't makes iative ani d ~l fr copoate action,tHe it posiblitiforus5 ite hiere i hfi' l- dwieltpatilialy tipon the first point, v-irity geting tilt' 'ery 'riai and that of reepaniilily tot asocal ileatl; sweets of lifi, andiiililkt'5 it ort intl gave mnalty ilustlratins of the sehle for tie to behere." anner ini which college mn louhd ty in cosing le eait: "it is our dly iringtelia l~gintionlt ipired an }#to raise the indiviutal 11nd1 iareseeth ideal ithIle udeatd tnt alintit v'lt's power of the ommitliy. 1-anls- hody poltic. Willard has sa: 'Pls grat hlus- At the closer of tPiof. Tlayhor's ad-jtril problem is so alie that yous 'an- idt-se'rof. A. C. McLatglii mltade It hant touch it anywhere wifluot it bleed- tew r t ri.- emarks, adotating iii' 1ig.' Ihet utielsni iair i'itrts to help tneedthof a. cholarship at some social- slve oetti'of tflu' vilal ocial irb- settemenolt aiid tecommllending the atid- iiIis wcithwichh e p110irs'nt cenury li'iiceto repoundheatily o that soniciis s r dtl." stutiiiitgifht e sent t Chicago ('o111 At 4 o'c-lioek mi Newersry uHal liof. lions for the ftill colege year. Thayai' miet those evilscre. st-ciallyr It ougli iilauy ceas trised to nitieotine rstis inIlloialniselaintet wvork ie, amaintining of the sholarship foand10h pi-nt smtlimef11 in answerintig te. thils yin. qetis that wes-treeelted at film- his thorotighiknowted-ige of stcisogi- May Festival Prospects. -cal suliy madi'tisi an easy tsk for himseli'f, anitftrnisid healthy anet It 1isimpiei10tthliii]risint swit srrlutitfat~l in toi 111se0who nt- ig to attouettdi'tisiofthe collitngItlee. Maly Festival. It ciiilit'e5se11 oiire- fierrisigIo the formeitr feativals that iii Saturday's Games, every ins-tance'liie expecations1is h(svt' iiuuis eas defeaed 2 to 6 by the- teenu moe luan realizedi, andtthe tat- Carlisle Ieiast-Satuday night.fle vrsity'Mtusical iScietyy glaratclei' first half entdedh withithe score facoring that st'hecouiisg fsival wilcr11 epsent t1liluois 6 to 5i, but un the second halt tile greatest artiste avaiale. NOonoue the Inians tre the tlliftios line to tail form anl tea fthe amuount of peces and won easily. The audenc- labor necessary ha sucli an undetak- was ovrwheintgly partal towart Inug as giving a series of concerts of the Indians. tht' magnitude of the Choral LUlon ale fooled thptophets by dofet- tories. Were it sot for the fact that ing Prncen Saurday. The seere- all the work iti conection with the was 6 to 0. Reports say that with lusanagement is done without any re the exepton of McNlBride te ale muneration, 1110 seres wossld be fn- players out-played Princeton man foe- possible. The mnaagement hopes that msaR. The physical conditonof Yale the response in the way of sale itf was vastly superior to that of her op. tickets isill be such that exensive ad-' ponents, also, which speaks well for- vertisng throughiout the state may snot Fitzpatrick, Michigan's old trainer. In hie necessary. Reports from outida Itin game, as in that wha Harartir indicate that larger numbers thanlt o'tevery Yale pilayer played througout year from out of town may be eix the entire game. peeled providing there is -room. The As was generally expected, Hurvad' numbher of tickets sold p to- Jan1Ut was defeated by Pennsylvania, the wialde toecrm modahtreffth lae en- re(Oter igame1rsted asfoo willde tercomine w e the effrts ca b1, ter ams regs1tod s ollws iole throughout the state. {Pudue 0 Alumnin 0; West Point 42r Brown 0; Annapolis 28 Lehight; WI- The Ann Arbor tHigh Schrool team' c-isn 0, Alumni 6. iturne,'ithe 'tables on Orehar4 akes by a score of 14 to 4. . .a omeetig tomorrw atA . in. __________________________________ Tiae "wite ut" of thto ulroahiuucisui contest and several other articlecrvre W A H R 'S crowded out of Saturdauy's iDaily by W A U I\3 the lsog reply of the Blord of Control to the charges from Oberlin. 3 0 3 ST 0EN The pronouncing contest eras a sue- ~~eess. A-s ats lnte r-deusartusaent contest _____________ it wan won by the lacy depar ent, lad the prize to the individual wsinner, Students should try us before a'tWWehsterts Internationtut Diction- making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our ary." wan awarded to C. tO. !.anw'hls, large stock of Law and Medcal eg L. Books, In short, Text-Books for fThere were 26 contestatsh froint thej every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us law department and 21 fromn the litr- to sell at the lowest price. ary. Mr. T. A. Berkebile was capttain Blank Books and U. of M. Sta. of the laws -and -A.It. Stuart served tionery at low prices. in a like capacity for the literary sie. Make urstoes yorheaquartrs.Pesident Hutchins presided and at the - close presented the winner with the VW &HR'8 BOOK STORE prize. Prof. Truebloodt officiated as Up Town Down Tewn , jdge, and Prof. Mechem, Prof. Walter 8. State St. Opposite CourtHousoe I and 11ev.:Iiilroy an :referests. Alan Arbor Main @t.