THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SALE SALE SALE Here is something, boys, that will get you. U. of M. Pins in both light and dark blue. BlockM ---, to be given away Saturday, Nov. 20 and Monday, Nov. 22, with every sale, of $2.00 or more. Watch for- our bargains. SIUX.' Our window shows fine Colored Shirts for Nto worth ~~$1.25. The Barker Collars are the best dress collars. We have a 3-ply all linen collar for 9 cents. 222 and _224 IIVA OIK 30L 0 0 .9 St. MAIN. Notwithtanding' the 40 per4 cent raise on trings owing to the change in the tariff wee re-4 tain ourounifornm low price. Banjo, 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th. 5c. 1 Mandolin, R and A, 2lit. Mandolin, D) and G, 5c. 4 Violin, Got, each ito. Guitar; , 1,3, G, gat, each i0c. Guitar, Li. A. B,Ito. Fine strings a specialy from 15c to 2ic each. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 2S-207 E. Washington St. .ANN ARB0OR Time Table, Sunday, Sept.0,' 189 TIXtRTABLE., Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stat Time. NontTn."SOUTH. 8:43 a.m. * 7:0 a. m *115 la. m. 11i25am. 4:46 p m 8S4dp.m. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo E. S. GILMORE, Ag W. B BENNETT G. PA. Toledo 0. The Nliagara Fails Route" Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex ...3d47 B., N. Y., Chi... N. Y. 8Special..._. 4'50 Mail_:.-_. *N. S. Limited- 68 di Eastern Es.l..__ st 0 Western Ex ---. AN . G. R. &R. E.. D. N. Expres--- 5 50 Chi. Nt. Ex.- Atlantic Ex.7 30 Pacific Ex. G.R. Express ...ll 10 *North Shore Limited lo an eatra fare to be a charge atf$2.50 to New York tha other trains. 0. W ." UGOLEe, B. W. BATS, G. P. & T. Agst., Chicago, Agt.,; Ann A L of X. Shaving Parlors and Bath A 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing opF Old friends call again. We wecoms ones. .J,SL.TROJANOWSS HENISCHLERTHE PUOTOGRAI Telephsonje t. AfN AR] ENOCHI DiEERLE, EniBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRE( Calls Attended Day or Night. No. 1it6Est Liberty Street: Rlesidenc South Foorth Ave. , Phone Geo. B. Parker Foun- tain Pen,______ NOW is the time to join the classes at 0.K ARTI Em~rbalmig a SpecaI8 Wrallger's School of Danacin0 [UNRA WHENYOU O. K . r EOUBJ)H AV F. TERM BEGINS WE OUD.Ambisianenisgt ordsy. Ground Floor, Maynard Street. wRNE' CDM- leieeeEiitsvsu ' Athletic Notes. I At the Athens.. 1.- I The story ot "The Prisoner of Zen-) I MUAM O5 au dard Wsosnwl lyaantataa do," as every one know who ioas.rood ruksVfss-Dss tc,%gL+. comiposed of her alumni next Saturday. Acihony lirpe s entertaining novel, or Tnh niVlssrpie ei' MihganwilplayWtebrgS- teen tho play, relates how a young cbea py:. 51, 3w75. s= vm- trd y, reports to the contrary not'ills- Euglishmian traveledl to distant Stuni standing. tania to witness the coronation of an cvea arafl ol John Phililip Sousa and DoWolf Slop- IRlph'herg, a distant cousin, to wxho'llofw P ;et per have each composed stanzas for in the (course of heredity it olire a See ear windofw. - Yule-to hbe sung _to the music of "%l striking resenihiance, 'and that wiion HAI ~sJeer Ca ptin,' at Saturday's Tale-i'rinte- the opportunity to 'act in his place :$ ton game. was offered, the Eiiglishinan did so FCI_. . The Carlisle Indiantsoill airrive iii with small fear of detection. 'rho to- L w e ' h c l Chicago today and will he in prime ba monarch heroine a victim of Illt 0To shape to meet Illinois tomorrow .night appetite ;for drink, and the dupe of an nrqwqq~, ~a the Coliseuni. With the exceptioni(envious cousin, a lahck Elpllherg, dis- W. W *8 12 of .the center rush the team will he qualifying himt for tie coronation, ALL.EOdRTIS, if yesuwiws&_ .P.m. the same that defeated Wisconosis last while this young stranger fiinds him- .155- 51 year. self theo plaything of chane, tHe is trainte edrth QigAanrlesfo ..12 40 he final game whiich derides the s8htiu' d orte in, ndrueso inter-class championship will hbe play- three manths, assuming in his own stane oIf tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. person the Itore of Ike Princess i'lavla. f A LLF A NYEL A OF at Regents' Field. It will he hetween1 the promised bride of the king. At SX1KLT FS COALS krbor then Fresh Lila, and the winners of to- tse Athens Theater next Tuesdlay, thie AND £O K1. - day's game 1between the '985lilts andl23d. ________ 8rA BL. 001115'0 'Omedims.. SULBIFS°T C IFRE«CHfl. 1'9 W. Wsl8~tu Street. Phoes Ee stairs MAr. ?Granger cordially invites all stu- S8,uhscriptions open Saturday, Nsvor-sm k esasa at ne dnt of the University to participate 20), at 9 a. m. in the SRegistr-ar' office- - in the Thanksgiving Day aftermoon See the conditions on tii bulletinro70 aRllsupplies yT v P HER dancing party, 3 to 6 o'clock. Gentle, hboard.EvrReustfo j men, 50c. Orehestra mu.sic intu'day Tanagers will do weV t ;BOIL evenings fter Thanksgivlug Day. Be,- . A -AOD CEDIT IN ' 'taMJAN',fo sraland sjperlni ta~ ginnersaclasses now ope Thursday 'The fourth seosion for a.djuieut o 1 ;TOR. cvertung;,tun day moruing and -fter- advancocredit in Herman will ;ehld hFotiBal neon. Gs1auger's Academy. in Room B, Satrday. Nov. 20, from If- Adsotd by Yale, Prleceton, Pennslwair ________ to 12 m. 44 Barvard, Cornell, and all other leat ce, 5i3 verstles. Each bali tested and packe '42t.' iW NTBID-30 lady boardera at spec- sealed in separate lat with brass Iadat laSia rates. Enuire at 215i S. State s1. Subscribe for the Doily. Price, Sss.e_ tEQR. _________________________ BO. nivers ity .School of D an.cing, 7 atslgae of Fall and WinterSoreX= usssl State Street, oppositeS Law Building. A." 6. SPALUING & B : Terms $5.00 a semester - - SnleeeinS.,U nta -ie Wahinge1 . .Offce-427- Thompson Street. eeig et.CisoWnseg - D~~~~'o You. speak Greek? You eaN IENWLTO 'lb lea___________rn it while buying i b s sih ot s.-tQA PHOTOGRAPH K; ANN AR l(NE QUART] NI0 2 B. Hsroi ISee Us, CAIN FU IN