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November 19, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-19

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Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Zing of New WipesI
Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents
for Hsyler's and Williams and Weruers Co.'s
Chocolate Bon Bons.
Rz. E. JOLLWy .&ftCO.
308 south State Street.
Special Company In
....ZEN DA.#...
n.:.., dmh'e nnvt il ,

Mr. Frederick Warde on "The
Actor and His Art."
Yesterday afternoon 'in University
Hall Frederick Warde, the celebrated
exponent of the histrionic itrt, was
the guest of the Oratorical Association
at the fourth annual reception given
in honor of famous actors and orators.
Prof. Trueblood made a very happy in-
troduction, congratulating the associa-
tion on its good fortune in securing
such an honored visitor. As soon as
the eminent tragedian had risen he
was greeted with the Michigan salute,
our historic yell. Appreciating his op-
portunity, 'Mr. Warde .strode forward
and in eloquent tones shouted, "I
heard that yell at Detroit"; pande-
ironiam reigned for the next few mo-
ments. The speaker then proceeded
to deliver his address, "The Actor and
His Art."
He first traced the evolution of the
drama from its primitive beginnings
to its present high position in the
world of art. The influence of the
drama upon civilization was next
touched upon; the claim was made
that theatricals arise from our own na-
tures, that they are part and parcel of
of our being. Their moral influence
upholds the right and fights against
the wrong.
The art of the actor, he said, is the
greatest of all arts. It uses and hac-
tonizes the carven beauty of the
sculptor, the color of the painter sod
the melody of the musiciall. The
sculptor creates lovely forms ffron the
rough stones, but there is no move-
snent or breath in all his images; the
pointer puts upon the canvas the most
exquisite creations of lis fancy, but
no wind rustles across his beautious
landscape. The stage gives life and
soul to the creatures of the mid.


and the various opposing interpreba-
tons of Shakespearean characters ren-
der this the only reliable means of im-
parting a true conception of the auth-
or's works.
"Yes, I heartily agree with you in
saying that the presentatisn of his
plays would aid greatly in the studyC
of Shakespeare. In a novel the long
descriptions serve in some measure to.
bring the characters before us; but ing
a drama the dialogue is not sufficient n
to adequately portray the personal0
character, of the persons concerned.v
The play is needed to bring the char-v
acters into relief, to impress their in-b
dividuality upon us. I firmly believe b
that Shakespeare wrote si plays from
the standpoint of an actor, and in my1
opinion only an actor can fully enter
into the spirit of his characters.
"I think that the facilities for pre-s
sorting a play at most of our collegesr
are very ample. While there will beI
no wonderful acting, still each actorN
will be fairly good, a fact not in evi-
dence in most companies, and this en-
sures a harmonious rendition and a
moderately high class performance. t
"To what extent should the study of
oratory enter into a college man's
course? That depends greatly on the
(Contnued on Second Page.)
Prof. Graham Taylor, D. D.
On Saturday evening, Prof. Graha n
Taylor will speak 'before the students
in Newberry Hall. He is the founderI
iid director of the Cicago Commons,
one of 'themost successful social set-
tlements in the country. He won an
enviable reputation as a scholar and
speaker in New England, and five
years ago accepted the professorship
of Sociologyin the Chicago Theologi-
cal Seminary. He tis recently assuan-
ed the pastorate of the only English
speaking church in a ward of 0,000
people, in addition to his already heavy
work. He is in great demand as a
speaker and the Students' Christian
Association is fortunate in securing
Changed Alpha Nu Program.
Some changes of more or less im-
portance have been made in the Alpha
Nu program for Saturday night, since
it was prind in Wednesday's Daily.
the program as corrected follows:
Music, Mr. Hadzits; impromptu, Cor-
win; debate, "Resolved, That the
United States senate ought to ratify
the proposed treaty for the annexation
of Hawaii," affirmative, Hoppe and
Simons, negative, Carmody and Paul;
'sibyl, Fiebach; speech, Itoedy; music,
Mr. Hadzits.,
Important Meeting.
The senior law class will hold a class
eseeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock in
the law lecture room. The choosing of
a class emblem ad making arrange-
ments for the celebration of Wshing-
ton's Birthday will be the principal
business to come before the meeting
Over six Rund dollars was real-
ized from the 'Minnesota gaime inD+
toit .

)pened the Choral Union Series
Last Night.
A brilliant concert by the Thomas
)rchestra last night opened the Choral
Union series for this season. The pro-
ram contained a pleasing variety, be-
ng about evenly divided between the
'd classic and modern composers, and
was rendered in a masteful manner,
which the Thomas Orchestra can well
boast. The famous director, who has
become so familiar a figure to Ann
Arbor audiences, conducted with his
usual grace, dignity and cosmand.
The concert opened wth a Mozart
Symphony, which was rendered with
stately grace, the themes being car-
ried 'through with beautiful clearness.
Perhaps the feature of the prograi
was the symphonic suite, "Schehertz-
ade," by ismsky-Korsakow. This
abounded in picturesque passages and
dramatic climaxes. The rAythie of
the opening movement imitating the
rocking of a ship at sea, was brought
out with artistic effect. Several violin
solos with harp accompani nent in this
and the two following movements'
justified the high reputation that the
new concert-mester, 'Herr IL. 'Kramer
enjoys. The last movement, repre-
senting the storm and the wreak of the
ship, was dramatic in the extreme and
fairly roused the audience.
T he overture from the Flying Dutch-
msan and the Hungarian dances were
well received, but the theme and var-
iations from 'Schubert, given by the
strings, was the most heartily applaud-
ed 'number on uthe program. The last
number was the "Festival March and
Hymn to Liberty," by 'Hugo Kaun, a
German composer of Milwaukee,
whose works have come before the
public within the last few years.
Football Prohibited.
President Fetterolf, of Girard Col-
lege, has issued an edict against foot-
ball, and henceforth .the students of
the institution must keep off the grid-
iron. The ban on football was the re-
sult of a boy having his leg broken
last Saturday during a practice game.
As soon as President Fetterolf heard
of the accident he issued an order
prohibiting all future games. There
are nearly 1,500 students in the col-
lege and the stoppage of the game has
caused great disappointment.
Will Play Hockey.
This year will witness the istito-
tion of ee skating rinks at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, and hockey will
take its place among other sports. The-
West Park Ice Co. have completed a
magnificent rink, and a movement is
nc foot to form a Hockey League to
be composed of teams representin
the various athletic clubs prparatory
schools and colleges thrtaghout Phila-
deliphia, including the University of
"Varsity practice was again secret

rces:S1.50,'.00,7, c M.l Warde then dwelt upon the
'1/1/1/1M k% wl4 proper province of the ntor. Tie
question is, lie said, whether the play-
er should pretend to be, or be; whether
THOSE NOBBY-SUITS! he should simulate the passion of hisi
characters or enter into their character
and feelings so heartily that for the
tine being lie is absorbed in them.
MILWARD THE TAILOR, His opinion was that the actor must
STATE STREET. put on a mask, must tside ,iis true
The lecture closed with passing re-
Q umarks upon Shakespearean characters,
and recitations of some of the more
r~otd passages. Katherinia, Miranda,
DOOESTLdORE. y Macbeth, Rosalind, An-
tciny, and many other of the perso:n-,
ages created by the immortal bard
students should try" us before were discused. The speaker remark-
'aking any purchase. We are ed in closing, I must be back in De-
'bound to satisfy and please. Our troit this evening to change the map of
large stock ofrLaw and Medcal Europe .by tearing Greece front Tur-
Books, in short, Text-Books for key." The reference was to his new
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us play, "Iskander."'
'to sell at the lowest price. In an interview with 'a reporter for
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- the Daily Frederick Warde made the
tionery at low prices.. e.k at
Make ourstores your headquarters. swig interesting remarks: What
is my view of the study of Shakes-
pware in the American coll .es? From
W AHR'S BOOK STORE personal knowledge I consider that its
Up Town . Down Town method, one of analysis and discussia1,
8. State St. Opposite ourtHouse .is the proper one. The subtle plots,
Ann Arbor Main st.

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