THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY ., ,t r fL Citificexpedition. Said Dr. Nan TL JJ , P a e r l cnsytiyhiat I inever enjoyed ai thig as initel as my irt wasi Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Takot itls house. Remaiig her the Colegs ear. at _ i At. 7th, they set511a11)11 that ( THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. for home, reahinig Nrway on Oricz: Times building, 329 S. Male St. be- I ll. Six ays fter arriving in H twteen Liberty and William St. aoarfest. Dr. tnseii re eesIa t MANAGING EDITOR ~raglait atiig tnt teFrinhamd1 J. F. TnoMAS, '0 L. lthe lee flow safe and( sotiid :Is ever BUSNESS MANAGER "'Ttus," said Dr. Naiisrt. wa 0. H. HANS, 'tO L. greatestfiet'nlaviigtioni of te won EDITORS andd now anter Anre, is peetrat .. 1. . SKItLisAN, '00 L. Athletics. those iunkowni regos. Let s E. L. GIEsun, '050L.- - - Monday l BuvLiitLAM, '00, - - Tuesday nipe tat lit'is sfi and( will et G. D. HeDsUlt.'O, - Wednesday it, atttler yeartt reliei'hIllstale T. B. WOOROow, '9, - Thuriday aivetitre." A. CAMPnELL, 'hO,- - -Fiday TDr. Natsetiloset with anillarglli, 1. A. CAMPEniL, 0, - Saturday fotieiolar iexeitionils, siyitg tata itieed nwlii'ld i'is far tiillee.o The subscription price of the Daily ii$250 mliaity is eefit(c1. Tl' letre 1 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- caesilianiell by exeelimt ereopti tlon, and other matter intended for publica-. tion must be anded is at the Daily office be- VOiews which illisraiedl lt'iriy s-i foin d p. in., or mailed to the editor before 0 nie~ j i oae ~trr p. i., of the day previous to that on which tdito t olg' ie they are expected to appear. sta1ll as pakt'd to is Imits by :t yr Subscriptions may be left at The Daily office, 31Meer'sanaor Stoiet' sewstal end, oreiitive auidie'icei. 'i'ie leel ihfer a favor by reporting promptly at this n ,as eermainy ionei'oftI le hs ever nfice anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. liveedi)oti ti intlAi-rbr ia lirti DR. N'ANSEN. Chemical Apparatus. yt'olitllettfronat (rt Iagi). I (11e )purchiasesuofit'e splites1 silibelt) her o1. in New yetrstill' illeil labo105ratory 'fothliiipiris day, 1895, tile Frailipassedi iihritgl yar tler' hve lsen dimet(111110 her'' tiost tryng ('Xpeiile. ,whichlitons f lapparatus15ali et) iclts fr forced Dri. N ilsel tn lse tll 110111'ndtiveti't'ropea l-tiouses. four f tIll to snake prearations to aouaniloii ter; hossalei' tltlltifitlliirs of tei'a yet tile strity little sripl agai roke ceis they sell, oei' Is a idealr ill ht lose froun the flow 011111wa15focatet111 tleillandilitaplaratira. andal til unltil she 11a111thirty feet f ie un11er dtiret to Ann Arboir. lily lre isaBH her keel. 8Su111ceatittinoedltohetie inli,Gitritz, 'Millitll. Drmstad, a tils iof Dr. Nansen, 011111oil :Mare). ''ildniniel. E ureliases Have lie 1, 1895, lii',lvithl 01.'eompailo, left I'made fro'tlin11110Amesriainakrsa thle tFrailliinthle etre of liii'relmlillinTdealeri's fol'tils yetnsrschtmiclal Iwti iortioni of 1'the trty aniistarstledt north- dtrainWlg frotmmNesv Or, T'tlllsteill sval 1(111th t'iityeight log, tw 'E,slon, ta.; Aroin, 0..n Ar, st'dge'.slid ol ull itlndled days pro- 'I-urtviiie, ltd..anica'li-'go. Thlea far mnorthm as potssibl ttiIls liler 1fir lihe suppllis ofthe11'follin ltg y5, land. 'Chetrils 111111 laeriles t 0V55 c T11ii lito rter for ((11' yea bet'tod)with justice'blit tiullselvt's. tte'ytar'btefoli, lst atfei' 111 tlil ,t155'liilg i clothinig wet fotmlithe ier- 'iiiov alitl iill"i suiati~li of Ilhe'da"sasoir. i liliits l llis Itiat'wi t att ldvifiltlrs Iithl thei tolr tbetl, hey itlltimllllt'ir 11'jouirneiy totwardtl li- WAN'TD-0 ldy botudrs at se III n th, 4t, ofApri. a tertvinglg rts'.Enquire at 215 S, Sae si, l'ealellGSt tegre'e, 1(0 11111l115n101h1,,TFFYOU AWANT TilE BEST uty Chansedire fitliureltdi en - FRATERNITY STATIONERY, It11wa5 011tile 2411 tt.f1July1t.a1thy BADGES OR PINS firsttaught a glimpilse of tollglcil' Send to i-hired islantd. Reacigi 1t 'i-t SMITH, STURGEON & CO wieeks itter. Dr. Ntiuseu -said1(ha'i.iat 2,239.10,Wdotodrd Ave., Dtroit bitrren slot with11its fie 11-ii fltowers fDeinsan11111siitltis furiedo all ies sot on dihe glibe.lit.leng too ltto0 et ii.vessel i'illig 1to Torlvl5 iy that'HOT CHOCO LAES thill- ,te tna-riedo Ie!,lnellinig (it a 1-hatIlmtdee biydigging a hole in the grounld andtirotitng it withi, Ous Is Good Because waaruis hide. 9 -We use the best Chocolate At this po11 int i is letre.tDr. \ in-9 to e had san'rmath frot ili-s diary udaeL (i s- arias eve. Inlharntle rutad as follows:y 2-We heat it just enough to "Fis is (thrstinas ive.. cold, liltd bring out the flavor. blowing omt f doors. 1 -im ear the 3-We use Cream-not milk bells ringing iow at ioile, ainil see9 or starch. tse chldrkhenigithierimg anound te 4-We add Whipped Cream tapered lighted tree. We are asscerie- , last., lbeating thie festival, for oitanisoit 5-We serve it HOT. has tunted iris shirt iiside out anti I have done tese ut." On the 1th of 5C. May, they again ofrted south atilt lii - tie over a.anotli laer retitited t. CALKINS - PHARMACY. .aepi's lud, where theiyied li . Joeheon, tie leader of an Eingli s'I- oe weS oei Seml (DI NTER saSHOESi it -OF- ate Every Description. th A LARGE LINE OF* loft 1E0 OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SliOE STORE, till -109 N. Main Steet. Opposite z11 --_ he Conet House. '" I ELASTIC RIBBED UNION SUITS Are comphete undergarments ce the body like an additional skin fectly eltistie, fitting like,'a glove, b and. without pressure. Most cone ho put on or off, being entered at t and drawn on ike trousers. No I down th~e front. $2.00, $3.5o and $4.50 Pe 'v ering a.Per- )ut soft venient (he top buttons hr Suit ;il nO ------- - - ----- Iti N0. eybord sltntl5,t w BhCke sderfeir.. Typewriter Madjr"s hI.~~ ± 1*Cqsn soy oh the bihl-priedh maclines is capacity' a ~ ndquliy f workane d e m t c oonhscs ae e-c4f of) ~ , - sie* aass-~fROs gAND Ae?es.~ I2 o Ribon".- - Pited wehS tIuestlfeeoff A NOISY NOISE ANNOYS AN OYSTER.. ... Bnt Sarg's Corn Plasters nox the corns of-SOMETHING NEW-get: a free sample at J. L. SKInNNER'S, 3ed Sooth State Street; or at your ' shoe dealers, and try it for yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25e. eb - PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, S255 Rtandolphi Street. Chicago, 1)-l Sole Selling Agents.. I THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE: ?LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. -: CUTTING, REYER & CO., 201 -and 203 South Main Street. = Ann Arbor, lich "The. Xan Who is Born Rich- .. Is luciky right from the start," and the man who Is fortunate enough to own a- pair of Aprill's Osseous f8tting shoes has a "sound" footing" that iilii loch can ever sake from him. - WM.1. J. APRILL, 119 EAST WASHIINGTON STREET.