c he . o'f A', VOL. VIII. No. 42. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1897. FouR PAGES. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- fl0e a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, Just Received a Large and Elegant =310e of New Pipes I Hot and Cold Leeches at all hours. Agents for Huoyler's and Williams and Werners Cue' Chocolate Bon Boos. 308 South State Steet. ATHENS THATRE THURSDAY, NOV. I8 Air. J. E. bole Killarney and the Rhine PRICES: 25c, ~Sc and 751c. THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARO. THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S BOO0STOR E Students should try us before tmaking any purchase. "We are bound to satisfy, and please. Our lare tock t-rof Taw andeliiedeal, DR. NANSEN. He Tells of His Thrilling Adven- tures in the North. Dr. tritjor Nanseit.the geat Nr- wegianl explorer, lead the studntts of lth UniversityotIIgan last eve- tug from 'his honme in the -aota~tinl fastnesses of VNotway acosatate e- bound legions sf the north soQott,(of the most daring exteititost ivet tit- dertaken by ma1n.- In coseuece the namof Dr. Natsi'n is to lit fotl hieadinogfthelist of ftonins uen of this (centuttry. still)."The Fiato." for a loilder 1f swhichi le sart-lid Eulrope' n adnsu-- reeded in havitigbuilt w hat I' consi- crestlte stroligest ii that ever en- tereid the polahr regions. H-et lines wre, tlell that ,whein aught betwen tile efloes, tlii'ipressurec raisedter (it upon the flow tutu-ad of ertsitti lie. !Dr. astetis idea of entering tile le asoil itrfting across lt'e polar st ea sotaied froithe idrifting itf tke rcage fiom tie eannete ex- pedition,ticsreasoinedlthat thert' nost b3 a crret whicith svwioul ary hill from Siberia scents tis white exansel to *Sisirbe-e . Aorittgly liDe.- eenber1, hdle siledl alontg tte oast of- 'ieria utnil le' hadlrisaheillt'e toil of the cst trteb of pet water. wvhein lie fastenedt his ship tta large flowv, ande then began ftat long wvari- sonie voyage of slowly moatilg east- wart toft' ame place rots whithlieli bald ;started. Dr. ,Nanseu spoke at lengih1111011the life spsent on ostel slop, tateithe long witer ilgits aidf five monts of con- t'uual daylight weeepassed in Si'la- In g, eating, aiisilelsfnt5 andttseolitic stork. 'The ay time was ustinly del- votedt to mAtrenointa, imagetital tnt atmiospheical observations, deep seth sunding.soil til taking of the tm- peratiure of teseolar seavwiclie fnod to beconsider. hi anarner st dept 'fthtban that of the north Atlantic. 'l'ii heexpslie s thie eitof the sworm waters of te gulf atreamilint- lug ito0 tileiortherii egisns. I speaking of the lose of fielong sui- iser, he lienedl the fading fiiligi ii hich annoonced'the 1,0 lng of days of elaskess to thes light of dreamland painted iuoost delicate fiuls-if is the last ray of the dlying dty. The otie'h- erin lights Di. ansen said Wemest dur- ing thils period of datkess like the message from another world, is they foamed themlselves into miany fantastic fotin s, appering like great fiery se- Pilts craing aetoss thle sky, or dying out and reappearing as fouitaiis of slver 'pay Thce polar nighit is wo- tetifllybel~atifl, said he, and one never for gts it, and i is te agas en- ticed into those desolate aeginsns by Its magnetic influence on the Imomoin[in- geatloidgsf di a e ThMe exployer then told of hoe he m'11es, exerting a pressuire that woud Plans for Chicago Excursion. 'fite Michigan Cettral Itailait ('o. offers a,$5 rtlcto Cicago titdreturn.a good frotm Wednesday monigNiv. 24. until 'Mondtaty night. Nov. t). lao- vided'201) persots can be slot i-cd in go oii the stiesil exetrsion tanovi ls Si- lll~ay liii-tamis tnd itill leae~ litre oii We'dniesay, Nov.24, at t)i. ai. Tflistromi still carry a 'btus'-ag-' diiingpalior anti snukigcasr, tiint as imaniy ittay-couehisasarlener,.'t. It sill tolp only at Nies, 5i3ed st. adt 39iii S. ('Iictigo. misng flii'uniias quickly as possible. To ittike-sure iof le ixcursiothetlt fooibal timaagemteit lhaplaced at Slicehais, (Gaodyar's. aintllittilt' tisisof he tespetimeteritts it t'e athtleti-eibotrtoptional tickets svorthi$2. svhir-huwill tpply oa thet'ritil- toaut excurisoit ticket, or else bt' re- ltre tacit h ie iue-se. Ifisthopedt that all stun'ttenalfri go to(Chictgo sill inreluise these- tkets, So ie' ttan Secure the iira ttt acd tisttnmdati'le crowdu. WtARII lI1tl,, Matuge. Fresh Life Bet Fresh Laws 4-0. 'Tlue FreshmanttitLits coitituted their Mculig sretak yestrdtiy. dfeitua le '00 Lawss by a sior' f 4 iii 0)inia xe-lltlyed ,gatie, the soerbeiing itaite witl oii ne oo-httlf mitei'left to play. NPi'playing wivi thliii' i-ii tioni of tiel'tsipt of tit" game,otis quite even, the bll tics- 't'in;tunitaret either goal than te 15 yardulinie. 'The Lila,;ought nt to htav' esred at tll, as the Ltitssbaditleldltbmisn owitss on5 the fLiss'I3 ytrt line. tninlstead of piatitg out of datget,ilt tic ine fist titagaits suitthebtall atitttwsets it fie fit' ossessiot. It;vstsquiltk- ly hushed oser ht gotl tvas iistsss'i. "At Home." 'Te first of the mothlyiit~ "A-i foits" to lie giveno iy Ithe'XWomta'Leagie isill be 'held at the WNoan'ts Btilitg front 3 to ' aonarSaturday, Nov. 2:51-. .ilThereception ontmitteesill(Ois-t of le followivntg faculty ladies:tis dattnies Martin L. DOoge, A. B. tes- i-nt, -irtreti P. Lmibard, =ftoury S. ('arlart, N. 4S. Hoff, Y. A. Watling. P'aial Freer, It. L. C'opeltndeldite Scott, Iedf .A.Lmn.J .IeihrV. Francois,. McElroy, Byton, Cheevr, Israel 'Hal, ottd the seniotr girls the :Misses 'lfcttauleys-Kahineitbfrown-i and Nachitrieb. Good Government Club. Wednesday night at S tchiek in 'au- ian all let-tre rotm, Prof. A. C'Mte- Latighin will tdlier an adressle- -tore the (tood Goventment 'hlub ott the suibject. 'Civil Service in Jrekon's Titn." Ie meeting is aitnispe ote; it is hopeJ that maniy studnts swilt- Is-ld aislt tae out ueinbhaiips ii thee sciety. W-a hy pracice sassetres ysr.. day. All of tie regltr -en vere ut andl did good wok. All iive recoverr- ed fromx the effcts of the ionnesOa MR. FREDERICK WARDE. He Will Lecture Here Thursday Afternoon. Neettefs-ic Waretethe etimit hiic* suiecotsmin etr andthschtnlar,ishasisao- teaudy beati amoeitees, will Is' gietn a pulic shereeeptoitiby the Orttori-al Assac-ittionT'hurtisay tafteno t 4 o'lot-k ittlttis'-'sihy HaLil ii is ticit only alit of the 1ipest ISiiakspe-ttitit scholars itt this tcouttry, bat le is as sit-aket of gle a powsei'ntointteet. 'To litar hitt let-ure. esiei'istly whtet lie' take's his thtemes'frout the works tf the Itmotft l ard,.is al-ost is great a, tretat as to see huituatte.adh his gilt- -louis tetditess to sti'utfrotm lue stagi' to thue platfoetis to helpxtny sworthy ioh- jeet, is one of the evtuses of his ecef- titnsl plsoatrttyswiti 'te itelgeutt andt ctttued. pceo stofthis cotutuiti- ty. lie is siae of te vey fewv actrs st-io thitk mtose of theit and1 its promtotions thatn of -thetmselvscsatl their iersotnal eovenitinr. On the stage he is a "- mseudstous atis, eser reegiiitg that ue plily is'of higher hmpotncttec thatit the play- er, andi ever 'reaiy to sacrifice hus iteefity' to ft'role hut'assuts. Fsolowitngtre somte pemsts cottotteusia ftromuihis recemnt licture ttur: 'SNT.watte's iersonalm ttguatisium apptaras inohlere stotger tithan he he is edelivertig :alet-ure. Heritnuty bra sal to lie :Mu.'Wiu-el's greatest c-atin a a dpltfor-mtseike-lie hra- fti's siiitfy, sthuch after tll is tnt' of the best of lts, ntl oie of tbi' most diflictlt o maste, io."-Sara- mueuto 'Bee. PMise iroees ofthe' celsti switulhi' gtivcn parly to the Womsan's Gytn - stu'matFundinil a rdl used is trioas' for fle cotimng debatitg ei-hist. Hlftl of the tuonco takent iifromutsingle ad- Oissian sill go to fhelatdies' gymnaui- sltum. 'flue prizesthus yetar for thes"I- hales will prbably he- $71, $)0 and $0ii. isead of $0, $30 amd $0 as was fliii etse lust yeits. If is hopee that ta laet crowd w sill be inatl'tluiuueetoinmsaei Ihus thucease' possibe. D. K. E. Convention. 'lhte 52ad annuasl conventaionu of thus' -Delft- Kapa BEpsilon frttciuiy sill hoilheld with liii-Dellt Delta laut r ini (hiesigo, Not. 22 to 215. The head- quatitees during fle convention wil b' at fle Palmoer -ouse. 0mm Mnasy esvenimng an unformah eettioms wilhe i tenderedthe delegates andetalustnit flue moorns of fle Detti Dela chuttpte. A- ball will lake place at Ioaniuue's Tuesday evening. 'fle regular bai- quet will be ieldl en- 'ideeludy vn- ing. Thusday tftenoon sill be givel up to stitnessimg fle fooball gae bt-- Iteen l tie lUivesity of Cicagoani Uiversity of Michigan. A theate party ems 'huosdty evening nill e te closing feature of file convention. Tie Chicago salutmni will atend thle co- venflon in a:"boy. Augus.Sfilh will rc le en - the K Ilgciia tlpen at Ithe senveuin z )WInI will e out ntxt T usday.