THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SALE SALE SALE a amppm AM Here is something, boys, that will get you.. U. of M. Pine in both light and dark blue. Block M to be given away Saturday, Nov. 20 and Monday, 1 Nov. 22, with every sale of $2.00 or more. Watch for jJ our bargains. SUx Our window showse fine Colored Shirts for 90c worth / $1.25. The Barker Collars are the best dress collars. - - We have a 3-ply all linen collar for 9 cents. 222 and 224.MAOK & 00.'r w__ _ _ _ _ _ Geo. 8, Notwithtanding' the 40 per Parker cent raise. on tringa owing to O n the change in the tariff we_ re- r Banjo, lit. 2d, 3d. th, 5c. ta Mandoiin, DReed A, 5cP n Yioiin, Gut, each 10c. Ie Gaiter, It, B, G, get, each 1c Fine strings a specialy fron l5e to 25c each,.8 ,./Y ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 20-207 E. Washington st. ___________________ Is the place to]I ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TeUle~t TIME TABLE: asliight notle i, Trains leave Ann Arhor by Central Standard day's Daily, is 11t NOnTHes, ie. nOnTH. twenty students]1 8:43aa. m. 07:30 am ton join and the '1211am, 11:2am. tile inovnient t 4:4:p. m. 8:40 pm. t9:1am, t8:05 p. m. persons will be *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only mteetin g. Presid *Runs between Toledo and Howell. Thin train Sunday. only, All other trains daily Ci:t Suited and pE except Sunday, E. 5,GILMORE, Agent. iossible, ton held WEHBE7NETT G. P. A. Toledo 0 s(, ci inomof it is not obtained I 3I PAN ( NT holmd H , din sonichal1 .. .......e Theclubtilll The .Nioara Falls-Route." the fiiaiiipioI~sliii Central Standard Time. neitl fe TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. wtseieafersti EAST WET. P. X. A. M. Cicago, is also Miland Ex.--347 B., N.Y.,COhl.5..1 N. Y. Special..... 4 18 Mail .".... . 918 ieeting will ini- *N. S. Limited... _46 0 t trdlae Eastern Ex.15...10 UWestern Ex...---nextit., AS. G. R. &R.Ex.. . 5105 B. N. Expres-.515o0 Chi, Nt. Ex.5..940 SCIENTI] Atlantic Ex--.7 30 Pacific ExMo...12 30 G. R. Express..-1 10 Snucriptions *North Shore Limited innan extra fare train open Saturdayn to te a charge of .$2.50 to New York than on other trains, a. in., in the I2 U- W.ItUGGLES, B. W. HAY~h course is open i G5. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ast.. n ror ltife students an( U. of M. Shiaving Parlors kindBathi Rooms the order of the 322 SOUTH STATEI STREET. ter the course it Ladies' artistic Hair' Dressing up stairs Itavei had at lec Old friends tail a ale. We welcome new Ijrench. The _P sees. JR. TROJANOWSKT, $2.70; it must be RENTSCHLERJ THE PHOTOGRAPHER 'days. Applicant l _ ~time will lose.t Telephone o. ANN ARBOR wl oamte ENOCH. DIIITERL.E,eis elu EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ,WANT 7'tD-30 CaflsAttendediDay or Night: lal rates. Eilii No. 116Eest Liberty Street: Residenee, 53 South Fourth Ave. Phone 110. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, I.nive WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. Terms $5.00 a KINDERGARITEN, .2 ~ uo t Call. and See Us, CAN FUINISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. s VA.'S DRUG sTORBaS1O.KX. MARTIN, CORNR MIN AD HRON TREFUNERAL DIRECTOR. CORERMAI AD URO SREI Ebialming a Specialty. Register. This Register is always consulted first by the[ NO..09 FOURTH. AVENUE. Meseges-TS PI B .Ambulance night or, day. ~±esengrs-a5 I'IREBesidence, 3HI Fifth Avenue.a ub a Fixture. rWhist Cmu'), of which ;liteared in last Tue.- lowv a Celt.sinty. Over [las-c expressed a.swisti students in, charge oif say that 'iecarly fifty present at ttio', first Lent ttclinstillthbe wrmiission ostamined, if 1the climb- roceeting s ill niversity Halli. tf this the meetings swill he 1 Dr tpriv:e resideinis'. hol a. Uiiraient for O of tile University iii:- lie hllidays. A mlatchl ern college, preferably oiil Sight. The fir ,t ,111 probability be held 110'I FRENCH. for "La Nature" wviii aorning, Nov, 20, at 0 registrar's. office, The in preference to sciel- Id then to all others ini ir application. To en- it is required, that oiie ast eight hours of [rice of tile paper is .paid before the bolt.- is not payinig by that their rault, and othets Iin their places. The to 30. lady boarders at Spec- ire at 215 S. State St. At thu Athens. Last evening at the opera.i'house Mr. J. F. Toole opened to and Ic- lighted.'a large audience in "Killarney and the ithine." 1,Mr. oole, whao re- minds one very nnch, of she late J. K 1' cniet, is sue of .the most eatpabli' actors Iliat has appeared on tile oiiera house stage. His-usiaint humor nesat his auditors constantly .inuseil, and his psretty songs, the kind svliic'h reach the heart, svere thoroughly appire'ciat- ed. M1r. T'wle is ably assisted by ies ~illian Do Woolf iind it comtpany of iieiit.-Dispatc'li, Pittsbtmrg, Oct. 12. At the Athens Theater Thticsday ese-cu tug. POLITICAL ECONOM1Y III. Examinatiens for removal of con- ditios's in Industrial History of Erg- land will he held Saturday, Nov.. 20, at 11 o'clock in Room 11, Tappan Hail. Thi s will be the 'only opportunity given for the removal of conditions in this course until the close of tnc seconi semester. FRANK IH. DIXON. OHIO CENTRAL LINES. The leading passenger liine between Toledo and Columbus. Parlor .car-stin day trains, Wagner sleeping ca rson night trains. 38 Salesmen Wanted-Free outfit. 01ne agent earned $22,40 in Osvc years, sev- eral earn $1,000' yearly. Specially, Hines, Mills, etc. "Factory' P., 0. 1371, New York, 40U N rtiiw-estern UIIneroity swilli.rob- ally havye a15 easten coach liext yeac. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUARTERS rOR 'Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases, and Telescopes. Trusts and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply, No. 307 S. Main Street HALLER'SAW ..JEWELRY STORE U.of ~ Buttons and Lowney's Chocolates -GO TO- W( ,. W .ATUTT 1LEA' fS, te, st ALLEGRIITIS, if you wish. TAND0E MS TiRent!!! The Largest Line or Bicycles, Sun- dries ansi Supplies at M. STAEBLER'S, CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 5. One door Fast of Ameri- can House. The Name Die (Guarantee. SPALDING'S Foot Ball Supplies For '97 lEvery Rtequisite for the Game. M~anagers will do well to write for samples and special rates before purchasing. j The Spaldinsg Official Foot Ball. Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania BHarvard, Cornell. and all other leading uni- versiles. Each ball tested and packed, and sealed in separate box with brass inflator Price, Sss. Spalding's official Foot Bal lnide fur '807 Edited by WALTERn CAMP.,.Post- paid. is ceats. Catalogue of Fail and Winter Sports,FREs. A. 6, SPALDING & BOS., New York, Fhiladelphia Chicago . Washington FINE NEW LOT OF ..ashbnr:i..I Just received. Lowest-prces on STRINGS ad TRIM. I I t State Street., opposite.Law Bilding semester - - Single evenings 50 cent'. Office-427 Thompson Street." 'AUS. -lw&