ie. t*"f A. a . VOL. VIII. No. 41. ANNaIARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 16, 1897.- Foul PAGES. W I DDR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. atXIuso rinnhfln. Arrangement for Chicago Game. W IL Dice. The hypothesis of a Polar eon- The Celebrated. Hero, Scientist tint is disproved; a nwy light has aagr Hughes returued froiit a Has received a full line of Novelties leria tiawia upon urre its, enier- flying trip) to Chicago ,yetray, but for Fall and Winter in and Author Speaks Ton ight. tire,atmoshleri, linnr and onar wa s ale to get a chart of thei see- ilienonsaena; and a vast asinsnt of 11 huon in the tolise mnghtntare to die SutTo srDr.Fridltjof anoen, swtinitoto le-..!rely newv scientiic data iso e e'n issereto-MIsaiatictan- torle ini university Hall this evening. isimassed givisg Day gaue. It Ns exis-td is ar- a Overcoatings is-Ar ive todaiy and rill lieopolened at noon and ~ ~ ~ ~~~oi i 'rtc travels ad exii ricises, niverity Valuation statistics. isuroWa sehn. isirtlid owill arrive in Ansn Artir late this Few stdents, itsaiy, ever sto n ission tit-kets will sell t $1, ese vd NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN morning, vrth tian eta.coisimer the aisout of iioey Iivestedlsa 0cst xi.Bxs ites Pronm the depot'le sille issiediteig i i te gronds, lssildig, stsiaot iesint eta.nt Boie dls, r conieyed to Presiient tthiss home. fsrnisliiis, etc., of the 1 ssiersit3. rsngeskniis have cn -udo wills te fle afternoon will probalsah e spou lsl vrsseiiyhaeasor ci-MihigastCentral for a spealtraiii to - { in loskinig over isc u'niverity caanpslpreliensive view of the advantages eii- eavci e it ) o clocln a. iin. wedses- A l leg rettis and its buildings,. ,Joyesd the Daily has roiiiisied tie tl-slyNo.2,pvie 20otdis Dr. Nansen is acknowcledged as le lewisig estimate of le vlaion of thie will gasrantee to go, thes-tare to bIs geatest lesrsof the cenx~tn that usiversity property: $ o h on rp ikt ilh C hO~ la eS " is sot inly aless lit si scientist sin-i tIs the tresrers reiort to tielst $5ooretusrigond y raip Ticktowilnh isaautor f wsll-wie aise. ewlegislstuseue camnpus, cosmpirisisg Fresh every week. al uhro ol-ietm.Fwi h-urtefloig3oia.1h Only in packages- msodrn inidenstocomie -nearer the ta crswsP001a $000 o-slieial train, lesiils te sly casciese 60e a pound. solte les-i-- tisasteideparture of iial grounsds, 0 acres, at $3,0010; the aill consist of a baggsge. isirios-ansis Lowney's if you Ntssse a assilJohansenifossse aeathletim- field, 10 acc, at $,)01; anismitessiedsiig ca. Oeoscis will be resetsr- prefer. sand conforale lFraiii at tie first the obsevatory grnnd, 12 acres, 5aet fr.ais5sdecrs.Alci miss PARAY a-si of the A'rctic day i 105 anid ${,t0 nvriy ili 1t,0ttesplatisg goisg niihis strainsrsic 5--- PALMER' PHARMAY. - lestis the list for bulinlsgs, mamldiis estedt to deosit $2 witialymissy ' closely followsed- y the librsry at ,er cif(le fitiletti tborior at Sle- "$(X),000, andthmlsasw ssslhusgsat $57. insissor Wahrsi i osdermlia it tie 996. rTie laoratoris ieiusituig r anagemset nisysertinmay iiy Just Received a Large and Elegat heYii:tsiialt$880,vsyal i will go. wasy to $52,600, te vsluaions of te hc-sr lsaso ii.ih Line of New Pipes 1 cthemicmal snd iyshsir tlabstortories. iseesciosens issusisire fr ftee -am, ntad cold Lnches at all hers Agents - -- - siteriisi yssasisiistld thntserfreisistytes - fer Huyler'sad Williams asd Werers co' fa u h eeeehsntytbe Chocoate Ben Bns. r ;$55014, aisdfle woas m u.sehilding at dmimem upo.she isinesen aill bh esn R. iJ VY( tie tisse of te reasussers co-rt at not onecotel avths either limhiissior 008 Suth Slate Street. s F $0, hI. ie president s risil~et- is C Isiesgo. J. C. tKniht, Princeton, hi2,, cosideredt-l uorths$2,0, mnd .alih555 uill epresest 1shitaii / -ll$7, .Temuanagessente lass in prepirationm 4i ~ ~ The highest valuasiton ssthit of the as-ry neat sotveins-core cirileos- Lew-hewsrt colecuhoss. at $200000, whisie timuing histories of bohstoa use. ete, ATHENS THEATRE the statuay aue, pesessd lay lie sandm illustraed as-hh37 cust. qis awill tnhsversity heIs.ot to e hamfor les te giens to every- persoss a ussdislir he THRSAY NY:($thensi$tii,973. Thuelboose is the generii gcame. th ei imarct ostird over etfoe0-in lihr yarae estimateud atsitb ah)05,and5 ol ivauitmrofthe aittnnpt ts rahshte lite. nor those a rcosisprisig tie lwlsibhtrary at Football Notes I sote lely aherishass iti-+$1,88. I-ton eatsrussee quetly rcorded hthian Ifixsusarthe ronssda tre vsluemd Al- Ipri'mit-he varity pltsycre not5s Cnsta s sosclve to turn tback ashess at $13,500, the ooks st $140951, te out for ura eyeterdy and tose Klarney and the Rhine itude Sti degrees. 14 msinute Nituns at $801,380, applarausn sd that did sowv sts wee in po om nealy 200smile neafrer t pl hash Isansstumssest at $253,83, furnishinigs at As ma oseulneie te srub- plasce pRicEs: %sc, socand 7I s i.ayone ishad ver been before. $9,220, and buldins -at $4"2,2, marik- isvor aivitis tesm hueand scorcid hirci V1/N 0* Thelonly wnte sonan nmswvn tugnmm totali of $,777,406, h, aichi if tmncidovns. -Bths cLean ans !.lansd of Franak Josef Landm. isa a bsut changed iuto one ollr blls adi Thomaas, the sermbs huivs lye d 535 that scarcely affordemd roomast stietchi llsicemd end to endm wol resschsisaer brilliantly, as slmid Stekis, at tackle. THOS NQB Y'SUTSC the liuus, aithi sarely anyfoodd'husht20f7siles. alley, siolilteryemlin tie Almisnu THOS" w*alaruss asd i-a, mndio rsosuce ut gasne, aill e hes-cths as--k ho coscs seeip, is ia flng tia antno as A Vauabe Contribution. the line uWen. freoms fle mind of the eader. MPajor Soule has *recived a letr Fle 'Yirits next gasses awill Ile M ILWARD THE TAILOR, tn the tooths of exprt oppsoiion he from the Hn. J. M. B. Sill, late smi- awithi Wttefbrg net Ssturday. STATE STREET. - -Ching firmnly to his ownsihesores and tter to 'Korea, who is on Iis aay Coachis ebrt ain Managesttughe ideals, and repudiaed tie vencraub, home, saying that le has shipped a aill go to Chicago Stturd-uy to see the. siR ' xionsefand methods of Acic explesm- ase for tueenaseun of the Univesity t1llnots-tjnrlisecIdians gamse isite o- A lT[ion The reoultbas betic haflisohas containing a set of fgre s-icihi the ienum. sis ownncslusons; ard iaets lite IThese Imags are abot 14 incies high Varsity Practice. i 1r7iii d'1" moe thn atechnical nicairulatton and reprresent a Buddhist ail hus t- i - , that lead to the driftimng of tie ran tendants on their way fronKceat Beaginiu oa nd cutni aross the Polar area oni a track smne Ceylon to bring bark copies of tis-ron ensa si hnshy the aviat noe t tle out uhanava org-sard 'books. Th~e fgnrsrclrsent YVarsity awill hasv scret uracice. Fri Students should try us before daal otmltd u ne a hrpis n Ii tedn co-msy aftenoon at 4 sock el.tere aill e maig any apxorchasee.a We Atleiarehlb- bound to satisfy and please. Our dhown that the centre of the tolar piantred by a monkey, a fox, a pig, swetchsge 0 lat the Athits-te ieldh large stock of Law and Medcal spiiere an bepenetrated. lHe bas sov- sheep and a hose. They re unisuetweths0 tad SLi.ess. Books, in short, Tet Books for Oil the problemu of expediinary equip and have nver efre breen obtaned to Tdy Eat the Fair Grounds thepost- every department in the University,,pnc aebten'1Ltad 0L new and second-hand enables tus susrt and organization. Ite hiss mpet sed out of rtfxri. tasofiher ase ri psedgcebta-on0 Ltan 00L to sell at the lowest price. the coclusions of the bet a nnoonitals tw6c Korean z'iggies, on of wshich millbe playd at 4 p. uls Oswing to a Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- valiant Arctic exloers, and hie hs is for the Nornmal shoo. L fhey re mssadertasiin heFesilaefal tionery at low prices. rikncrmstr.msael=aso porys 'gra Make ourestoresyour headquarters. ue laryany es tbisthd uĀ«ihe fart-fltat th e ueruliar prig fae.tu ete t hwu o etrasguu ara rondte -olr xi s ota hnii vrinveted, onahsich o- with te *01 its. - shllow sea covered by an imutable ran pak coolis carry their essr- W AHR'S BOOK STORE smuhd olid i~'-maritle5 but tat it is sur- muous lad. 11dllS1 writes fro mSass Rsre etsfrNne' Up Twn Down Tows rouznded byv a deep ea, over" thensrancro oveber 3, and bops to oer e at Wafredwnto n 8,St aremor ppse~oo ms isre of hich is cotinualy driftiuig a -arrive shortly in DetroitO at- ? ipr's, State street.