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November 15, 1897 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1897-11-15

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--Our Furnishi ngs for Gentlemen,- NEW!
N EW 1 We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the benefit of our Special'Sales.
WeHAVE the. BEST to he had. Good values °moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock.
Fisk,,Clark & Flag, line of fine String, and Club Ties=-Rufus Water- Adler's swell, English walking Gloves - Werthiemer's, 411 West
house renown Ascots and four-in-hands--Berliner, Strauss End, and No. 12-The best DOLLAR Glove in the city.
& Denzers in all styles. . U D R E RS E T R
FINE HALF. HOSB-S 1W EATERS:! Wool Combination Suits, $2560 and $3.0-All Wool worth $2.00 for
Fine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, $115 a suit. Wool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Camils Hair, Etc.
seamless Mace split soles--see our two-for-a-quarter line. T eSles h etBado olr n uf
Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. E. & W. Bodie Narkotte, Koleta, Niola, Etc. Barkers, Souix, bMahopac,
Don't miss our UMBRELLAS. Cluett Collars and Cuffs.
Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them.
N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty ]VIAO1K& G0., N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty

the change to the tariffs
tate ourouniform tow prit
Banjo, tt, 2d.,itt, 5th, 5c.
Mandolin, E and A, 2%.t
Mandolin, LD and G. 5c.
Violin, Got, each 10t,
Gitar, E, 1, G, got, each
Gitar, LD,'A, E, itt.
Floe strings a spetias
15 o2cec''ANN ARBOR MtUSIC
2051-207 E.. Washington
Time Table. Sunuday, Sept,
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Coni
8:43aitm. *
*12:11 am, 11
4:45p. m, 8
#9:10 a. in. 58
nRun between Ann Arhor and
*Runs between Toledo and
train Sunday only. All other
except Sunday., E. Iit
W. H BENNETT e. F. A." Toli
The lNipra Fal; 1?
Central. Standard TlI
Mall ad Ex-1__347 BaN
N. v. Special----. 4 t8 Staill-
*N. S. Limited.-- 6 d5
Eastern RE... 150us Wester
AM, G. R. &
0. N.Expressi--., 510 c1, Nt
Atlantit Ex--.7310 Paejilt
G.R. Express.__11 10
'North Shore Limited ls an ex
to he a tharge of $2.50 to New7
other trains.
0. W. Ruoo:s,, .
G. P. & T. Agi., Chicago. Ag
U. of L Shaving Parlors and
Ladles' artistic Hair Dresi
Old friends tall again. We
ones. J. t. TROJIA
Telephone , 0. A
Calls Attended Dayor Night
No. 186 East Liberty Street:
Sooth Fourth Awe.
Call and See Uf

40 per Parker
we re- Foun-
' tam
l 1tc
yfrom Now is the time to join the classes at I 0. K. KARITIN,
Sitnn1 of, Embalming a Specialty.
TERMBEGIS WHN YO DO.Ambulance night or day.
TERMBEGIS WHN YO 00.Residence, 342 Fifth Avenue.
Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GIRANGER'S ACADEMY.
aO, IHGA 4 INEOA o the yell-masters for a yell went pat HANT QNATEFEL,
. 1557 ICIA 1,MNST . unheeded. Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases.ad
tral Standard (Cn'ulfo eot ae. There was the usual tpsrade down Telescopes.
SOT> th .etieinuesola team for a ruts Woodward ave. to the Itua sell l~ose. Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and
:30 a. m asd a liberal amount, of chleering alos- cheaply. No.3075s. Main Street
:5a. in. of 65 yards and, a toncdon bthwy
:4p.m. len u h a.E
1:5~. Church would not allow it, paying tltat The Michigan players calie out of r
I Toledo only Minnesota was guilty of bolit ig in ,the th~e game in perfect conlition, wichl - W L Y TR
Howell. Thin EER TR
trains daily iewe h alwsti ly anti speaks volumes for the excellent trasin- . o
ORE, Agent than the bal must, by virtue of thsat, tug of T..rainer 'Cox. The eudt of ti::v U. of i stns an
da 0. game found the rlhn solos in a bit-
su aer to Michigan, ott the spot whereredcnio.
N NIR7 the ball was put in play. To say the The tine tip follows. Lowney'1s Chaocolates
pal least it wassa ecuiarruling113andmosdt Mihian, Mnnesotea. -GOTO
'cte'' unus, s icign tasmde to sf okod le.,".....Sh risn
Ime. tfotr ,vi, committedby Mnie aley ........i g ........Smith W' , St. TTLB'S
Cunningham....c....... binlayson LLERTSifouws
sota. Snow ........r g...ALL.RETS,.I youwish
A. M. In the de of the half Teena was Bkr rt Ncui
Y.,COhl_ 812 mddeBennett....... r e......Scrandrett T N D M
S.....I.Sg1 substituted for Hannan, and he n . de Felver . .C.Ol
10.M.Barabee. I ... ...1h...,.. Evans T D M
0n Es ... 5 frequnent punts of 45 and 50 ya rd s. Hogg ...."..°....r h......t... ones
If. E....55 :o:...fre tebl ygo ieHannans........f b . Lnomis ' O -i
tEe.5..1405 ihia fred-hebllb go ln Substitutes- Pingree for Harshe,Galla- .0 R enit 1
Es-....12 10 bucking to 'MIinnesota's a yard lutle her for Harrison and B Harrison for Loomis, h LretLn f.BcceSn
mevans for Harrison and Bagley, for Evano, TeLretLn rBcceSn
trt fare traink when the ball was taken awtay for Winhier for Finlayson and La Fans for dries and Supplies at
lock than on holding. inst gie ard.Winkjer' Touchdowuo-Caiey.Hsgg, Keena .SALR' CCEEPRU
7.nest Band, a~r oasfos, -don o , cr- we ichigan got the bait on a fun-Mihgn1. ineoaOUmre-W
P. HAYEB.Church, Princnton, '97. Referee - U. G. Tnlephone No. 8. One door East of Ameni-
t. Ann Arbor ble. Pingree took: Harraltee's place Williams, Yale, '87. Linesmen-R. B. Oin- can Mouse.
and made 2 yards, Ifeena nmade 4i, and mans and 51. 5. Cole Tmers-OC. H. Wright
and 5. Reynolds. Time -ai2:18; 5-minute Tan same the Guarantee.
IBath ROOMS then the tatter went over for a totuch- halves. ___TRETdwnfrmhihogkckdPADIG'
rRE. donfo wihHggkce goat. Next Tllursday's attraction at the FotBaSpieGsFo17
sg up tsirew core 14 to. .. Footb Ballerupplles For '97h
welcome e .Ai~sTetr Itir dte Every Requisite for thn Game.
tNWR, Only two minutes more of platy cc- Rhine," is certainly something «new Mtanagers will do well to write
. Dmtined and the playing wats all done under the sun." The novelty consists for samples and special rates
OTGAHRin :Minnesota tenitory. in the scenes being laid in Ireland r The Spalding Official
NN ARBsOR At the end there were nos wild den- and the principal character in the pslay Foot Ball.
onstrations of joy, such ais were seen that of a German. Irish awit and Ger- Adopted by Yale, Princeton, Pnnnsyvania
on previous occasions, and this n-as tn-an coingdy are here interlarded, the Harvard, Corenl, and all other leading uni-
notceale hroghot iie ntie gtis. Toto an th Cot bingintoduedversities. Each ball tested and pacbed, and
AL DIRECTOR.noiebetruhutheniegm.TuoanthCeteignrdcd sealed in separate boa with brs tnfator
_ Near the end of the game the calls of in a" new and ingenious manner. Price, $s.oo.9
Residence,____________________53_____ Spalding'a Officiat Foot Ball G~uide
Pesidne, 128.foa89T Edited by WALTEnR CAMP. Past-
Phone Dusi gpaid, io cnts.
I6 RAPHER. {Jntivers i ty School of l a cng Catalogue of Fall and Tinter Sports, FRoan.
A AO. State Street., opposie Law Building A. 6. SPALDIN G. & BROS.,
ARO.Terms $5..00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. ChicagorWshingo
WQUARS) IOfflce-~42T. Thompson Street.
E. Huron St. '40"____________________________
s,'ito o speak Greek? You can FINE NEW LOT OF
ler it, while buyingI W s bu n
Fruit and candy at the Greek Score, *" , "rns
ST-~CLASS. T9N KU f 203 North Main street, opp court , utreevd
parteslob hose. urehomemad canies Lowest p rices en STRINGS and TRIM-
71ads nabor and ice cream, fine California fruits, MINDS for alt instruments.
Piano and in "* knowyua willf want etem for dtat SCHAEDERLE'S MUSIC STORE
pary ouar gin t gve I 1.west Libeely si., Ann Arbor.

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