l THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 111 . in d tug so he stepped on the side lin I. aria~+ and the b 11 was brought tack to the center of the field. Felver made 30 Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during yards on a neat double pass. After theCollege vear, at short gains by Teetzel, Hogg and Bar- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, rabee the ball was fumbled to Minne- OrrioxTimebu l ing329 Mai St. be sota and then regained when Harrison punted. Michigan now braced and JANATING EDITOR commenced harimering the line for J. F. THOMAS, 00 L. short, sure gains and after 27 minutes O. H. HAeS, H L. of actual playing Caley ploughed . EDITORS through for the first touchdown. Hogg H, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. missed an easy goal. Score, 4 to 0. E. L. GExisME, '93 L. - - - Monday The next touchdown came in short BUTLER LAMB, '00, - - - Tuesday order. Minnesota kicked off 35 yards G. D. IttnDNUT,'t, - - Wednesday and ielver by great dodging came 'T. R. Woonnow,'05, - Thursday" A. CAMPBELL,'99, - - - - Friday back 30 before being downed. Hain- I. A. CAMBELL,'00, - - - Saturday The subscription price of the Daily is$ 55 - - for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and othersmatterlintended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. m.,or mailed to the editor before 3 p. m., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at Tho Daily Office, Meyer's or Stolihet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. SuberiberG willcon- X fer a favor by reporting promptly at this ofiEce any failure of carriers to deliver paper. tichigan clearly ohowoer her super- lority over Minnesota Saturday, yet the r large crowd did not grow endhuslaslic ud seemed somewhat disappointed. I This may have been due to thei fact that the score did not aceumulate fast enough, but it was iore likely 'tle to the fact that the playing was not - .:. fast enough. There seemed to be a - - lack of the snappy playing that has.. been so characteristic of Michigan teams in the past. It has only been at times this season that the 'Varsity ias AFTER THEFIMST TOUCHDOWN. been up to the old standard in this re- uan gained two yards through the line spect and at those times, teams that and then punted 40, Teetzel makinga seemed previously to be playing us great tackle. Minnesota punted 20 even were easily outplayed, the last yards and by good splinting Bennett minutes of the Ohio Wesleya and returned 35 yards. On the next'iineup Oberlin games are examples. If in Hogg went over for a touchdown and this one way the learn sill show in- then missed a difficult goal. Score t provement, the liopes of everyone for to 0. a big score against Chicago will in- The'rest of tre half was evenly play- crease. ed and time was called with the ball oii the Gophers' 30-yard line and .n MICHIGAN 14, MINNESOTA 0. their possession. It took about 33 minutes of plar in CLDINTRSHOESi -OF- Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF aT72 SROMS SEE OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SHOE STORE, 109 N- Main Street. Opposite the Court House. NEW FURNISHINS~.. If you are a man of taste we have the kind you're looking for. If you're a man of economy we've got 'em '' 9,....... a Colored Shirts ! f Street Gloves ! Newest designs, latest crea- The new ideas, silk lined, tions. full pique, or out-seams. Striking effects in Puffs, Ascots, Four-in-Hand, Strings and Bows. Full line of underwear, including the Oneita and Lansing Com - bination Suits. FORTY -THIRD SEASON Single admissions will be sold for each entertainment as {Continued from first page). there was no wrangling and the best of feeling prevailed. Every Michigan player deeply regretted the misfortune that befell Loomis. The audience, which was overwhelmingly coinposed of Michigan rooters, cheered :,innesota liberally. The officials penalized Mican- igan a great deal for off-side playing and holding in the line, while oinne- sota escaped. Other rulings seeied queer to the audience, but they wre no1 protested. Michigan was the first to appear up- on the field, but was soon after follow- ed by Minnesota. IA few minutes spent in practice and the teams took their positions. Minnesota kicked off -40 yards and the kick was returned to the middle of the field. The ball was fAubled to Michigan. Short gains were made by Hogg and then Hannan punted to the 10 yard line. Loomis punted 30 yards. Hogg gained 4 yards .When the Gophers got tire balfor off.' side play. Loomis gained three yards through the line, but was so Isadly in- jured that he retired, Harrison taking his place and Gallagher taking the latter's place at end. 'Behind good in- terference gains of 10 and 5 yards were made When Minnesota was held.' The ball passed from side to side for the next ten minutes, when Bennett got the ball on a fumble and sprinted 55 yards aeross Minnesota's goal, but the second half for Michigan to make a touchdown that' Umpire Church would allow. Once Tecizel got the ball on a blocked kick and dodged past (Continued on Third Page.) IF YOU WANT THE BEST u FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to sMITH, STURGEON & CO:, 237,239,241Woodard Ave., Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on all wor of this kind. jHO'T CHOCOLATES Ours Is Good Because, 1-We use the best Chocolate -to be had 2-We heat it just enough to bring out the flavor. 3-We use Cream-not milk or starch. 4-We addlWhipped Cream last 5-We serve it HOT. 5L. 4AL.KINS'.PARMACY, '' 4 gi Nansen's Lecture-.----$1.00 Reserved Seat -----.$1.50 Sousa, and His Band- 100 Reserved Seat- 1.50 Oratorical Conttst----------------------25 Six Other Numbers--------.50 Reserved Seat----.----75 SAVE YOU R MON EY BY SBOURING A SBASON TICKET. Season Ticket's - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 t. THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REYER & CO., 2Oiland 203 South Main Street. - Ann Arbor, rilch WB BUY "EM BACK............. Wheneve. you buy a pair of shoes here that do not fit, do not wear as they should or onsatisfactory in any particuiar bring them back. In every case where a shoe falls short of our promise we make it right either by replacing it with a better one or by buying it back. W. J 9ig EAST WASHINGTON STREET.