hc tt "Of .............. VOL. VIII. No. 40. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1897. FouR PAGES. VO.V,.o 0 N ABR IHGN ODANVME 5 87 WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers,. and Ovorcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant 'Lmne of N4ew Pipes!I Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and Werners Co.'s Chocolate Bon Bons. R. B. JOLLdY & Co. 308 South State Street. ATHENS THEATRE THURSDAY, NOV. 18 Mr. J. E.0bol -IN- Killarney and the Rhine PRICES: 25C, 5ec and 75C. THOSE NOBBY-SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. MICHIGAN 14, MINNESOTA 0. 'Varsity Won Easily Before a Large Crowd at Detroit. Probably the largest crowd that ever accompaniedAt Michigan team to De- troit was that of last Saturday when for the third consecutive time Minne- sota went down in defeat before the right guard, also played a strong game and had no difficulty in handling the man opposite him. Few were the gains that, were made through him. Both Lockwood and Baker, at the tackle positions, showed up in excel- lent form and time after time broke through Minnesota's line in matchless style. At quarter Felver, as usual, played a great game. He gave the signals rapidly, his passing was fault- less, he got well into the interference NASEN TOMORROW NIGHT. Will Tell the Story of His Trip to the North. An unusual interest i being mani- fested in the appearance her of Nan- sen on the S. L. A. cours e tumorrow night. He is the most tallked of man of the year and it is but natural1hat all wish to accept the opportunity to see and hear the man who has done 'Varsity. and when on the defensive stopped ,Michigan's playing was not as stroug more than one play. HIs dodging runs as it was expected to be. There was were a 'feature of the game. Captain still a noticeable albsence of team work tHogg was the best of the backs, and and the interference did not seem to often times, unaided, bucked through be an improvement over that of the the line for his gain. Both Barrabee Prrdue game. The backs, for the and Pingree, who replaced ,him,played most part, were slow in starting, but in fair form, sect were Glow. At full- this may have been due to the more back, Hannan was ehardly up to lis or less slippery condition of the previous form and his punts, while bet- ground. There was much individual ter than those of his opponent, were R - 'TB ' Yej -AM u A WOODWARD AVENUE CAR. and for y recep ever 1 The the .S clispo not s "Dr one 0 it cowa, to be "Th ets t s'houh "Hi Bosto chuse enthu "tH: li notlic in thi in an fully "H dared so much for scienco. Not ears has a lecturer recried scih tions as those given himN ; here- he has appeared. following letter to a me-cber of . L. A. 'board is of interest and ses of the rumors that he does peak Englishfluently: . Nanseu spoke in Music Hall, f the largest halls in Boston, and s packed, not even standing rooe:: had. ere was such a demand for tick- hat it was decied that ie d speak again in December. e was introduced by the mayor of n and the governor of Massa- tts, and was received with great siasm. e is a fine looking man, tall with hair and complexion. tIe spoke sh well. Occasionally you would e a difference in words withl 'th" iei and fortunate' lie pronounced odd way, but he spoke wonoler- well. e was very modest, said very little t himself, but much about bis anions. The pictures re good, of them beautiful." e sale of single admissions and re- A seats began this morning. Saturday's Games. urday's iniportant games resulted ollows: Purdue 30, Missouri 12; onsin 23, Chicago S; Nebraska 10, as 5; Yale 0, Harvard 0; North- ern 25. Alumni 0; Browni 1d, In- 14; Physicians and Surgeons S, Stedies 0. e quizzes posted last week for the r law clas hove been canceled. n, James L. High will lecture los postgraduote and senior laws this provement shown, especially was -weak. Keena, who played the latter this so in the cases -of Teetzel, Bennett part of the gamc, punted in 'great omp and Gunningham. Teetzel and Ben- shape and hit the line with force. The 300 H ST O R E. urtt got down the field in perfect form tinnesota's playing was cveak. due serve on every punt and invariably downed perhaps to the fact that two regular the runner in 'his tracks. Their de- players were prohibited from playing Students should try us - before fensive work was superb, tco, and they because of delinquency is studies, and making any purchase. We are tackled and smashed up interfe-enee that Loomis, the best punter and hard- Sat bound to satisfy and please. Our as never before. Cunningham simply est worker on tle team was early as fo large stock of Law and Medcal outdid all of his best previous efforts forced to retire with a fractured ankle. Wisc every department in the University, and outplayed his opponent, the The best playing was done by Captain Kans new and second-hand enables us mighty Fiinlayson, three to one. Caley, Harrison, who often skirted the ends west: to sell at the lowest price to the surprise of all, was back in the for comfortable gains and tackled sure dians tioank Boo an i.. of M. prts. game, and played his position at guard and hard. Close behind him, cae hIush Make ourstores your headquarters. as though ihe had been in training all Scandrett, Gallagher and Cole. The _ season. He easily outplayed his op- reipa.ining players showed up only Th ponent and when on the offensive, in fairly strong. senio W AHR'S BOOK STORE the "guard-back" plays, hit the line in The' game itself was entirely fre Ho Up Town Down Town a way that Minnesota will long reneen- from even a semblance of s ugging. lb S5 st.' . Opposite CourtHouse her. His gains were sure. Snow, at r (Continued on Second Page.) e aAte Arhor Bale at.