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November 13, 1897 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1897-11-13

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NEW.! --Our Furnishings for Gentlemen.- NEW!
We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the benefit of our Special Sales.
We HAVE the BEST to be had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock.
house renown Ascots and four-in-hands-Berliner, Strauss End, and No. 12-The best DOLLAR Glove in the city.
& Denzers in all styles. . .U D R E RS E T R
FINE HALF HOSE.-SWEATERS! Wool Combination Suits, $256 and $3.50-All Wool worth $2.00 for
Fine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose. $15o8 a suit. Wool Fleeced, Cotton Fleeced, Camil's Hair, Etc.
seamless Maco split soles-see our two-for-a-quarter line. TeSles h etBado olr n uf
Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. E. & W. Bodie Narkette, Keleta, Niota, Etc. Barkers, Souix, Mahopac,
Don't miss our UMBREILLAS. Cluett Collars and Cuffs.
Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them.
N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty ITiIAGK&CGO.. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty

Notwthstanding the 40peec Parker
cent raise on striegs owieg to Foun
the change in the tarilf we re- XO _f- - a I
t' use ulfurmionw price.
Ban jo, 1st, 2d, i3d,5th. 5c. tam = -
Mtasidolln, E and A, 21,c.
Mandolin, 1) and G, 5c.
Violin, Out, each t0c. IPn
Guttar, E, Bi, G, gut, each 10e. Pe
Guitar, 1). A. E, t0e.
l5ctoi:ceach.spcoyrm NOW in the time to join the classes at 0 .D A TN
205-27 E. Washngton St. S~aQ~ r chool of ancing 1 Embaling a Specialty.
\~ O. 090 FOURTH AV .NUB
TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Anmhulance night or day.
Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GRANGZER'S ACADEMY. Rtesidence, 352 Fifth Avenue.
Time Table. Sunday, Sept. b, 1897. 5iIt s lstr t uteri'. Is 20 },'acs1+li. hI lir11si yea o'stry for te'asity. HEADAR~TSuORo
TIMYE TABLE: s 0hs 15) poulnds anti1is to feet ill- Is 5 feet 11inche's "5tall 1111ait i S0 'iti~unks, Valien. DresSuit Canes, a]11
Trains leave Ann Arhoc by central Standard cliis taill. Plounlds. Telescopes.
NORTH. Tm. SOUTHn -V. 1H. Tslcots'01, (i. s is ntilcc Esigl e-'T.1I'.". 1(4'.lll.'0(0, of .leiisliie.', Trunhs and Valiues repaired neatly an+
8:43 a. m *7:30 a. in 0w 1)d3Toy11111wssfor Ithree ;yeas -iis one of the' 5511 ilst Ii ll cheaply. No. 3n7 5. Male Street
012: 6 a. en. 15:25 a n.. quaolre on flie Ihig hol t e Iam111G lacks anioin:glt'eIReserves 'snd ottgiitE
4:40.m. :40p.m. Hlii]ER'
eRas between Ann Arhor and Toledo only stalke atvlulelilqcillrli'r-lilck. Is 19) Is a lllellller of thie' ra(ssi ck i 1111i
*Runsnhetween Toledo and Howell. ThisJE LRST E
train Sunday only. All other trains daily veal's old, weiighs 150 leouls ansd is 5 onse of t' best hisrdlers gatl: tihe.JwW LRY TOR
except Sunday. OLOEAetfeel it ilics tall. Is 5) fei't 15) ilIli'Sill ,11(1lil h 1i50 '.of N But~stons and.
W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. IF. N. :ttagse, '9)8. (y'1:iesso. IlI. lists lioitll.
MU IGA b N I(3'T f haingtplay)edtiiio1n ts' Iccitig 1:rk il titti ittn the 'r'is. aittiitt ll itIt. Lowney's Ch~ocolates
"'" ls sett1' 1 21., l sso tr Eait two tels, . 51511 t'as thse etitasi sf attF II.ll liG TO
The liagarcaFalls Route." ndli2 a to t o ltiyear's'\'at. work has nit e up o sandad.l We WI G0 TO''
Central Standard Time.U V TU T E StaiS.
TRAINS AT ANN ARB. Il~e ttlays titer atndtseeitts Itotowust litte if.' juts Iortck 111n'dttwil ,It AA stat e S
es.W5 .Mt' galmte, buttis tlit titi. eighgIills t1) wll itt itttsiler ar'ar. ii 'iglti :, fe'et ALLEGRETIS, if you wish.
PaledE ..37 BN . cii .. onesly '175 pountld,. Is 't ys'ar's otl: :isd1i )tts, 'sseiogt 100 tstlis A
N. Y. Speciat_....4 58 Mal __ s__9 8isis(.ifeet tall. ftcss-tlit'ei-'lislI tt tt * A li II I M
*N. S. Limited... 6 45 P.M 1. I~lo'. tsy'i slstc l ae i15il1..kt't, tsl 1 1 ~ ... V
Eastern Ex------.i0 u5 Western Exs..... 1 56 .
A. a. 0. H. a K. Ex.--.55.' tlysescrslid tis. atiis t fsticlsl'. 1"slrst t'stckesi, o4,'tsiss, ICetis itt ! r7 .Expres --550Ci t E ---9 0o R n ! !
Atlantic Ex..,,. 7 30 PacificEx-------.12 30 RletooissIssliglshtItisis se. Oweigls K'ts nttt'3.Th ags ln fBcyls u
G. R. Express --1. 0"..iTeLagstSneolBcclstSi
*North Shore Lmted is an exira face train Spittedttiasld is 5 fs'eIitichess tail. Minnenota Statintion. dries and Supplies an
to he charge of $2.50 to New Vorh than on 1V'. Etssttc.quticer', is aitts'tsderff'r'le Dily'isnuitiscsed tis Sir. lMntl MTABE'CYEEMOIM
O.theRealnu, H WItYE te '951. class stnt catain of tills' Itot J. Iests'.atlt'ic e'ditscrof 'rti' Aridt,
e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agl.. AnnArhor csset's-is. Is 5 fe'et 21intttll. tt'ctlss te t'ilis'stiy sf Mistosslsa's istficialTei po 'eNo'ca neooEstue me
145tpoundsi15andtlaya o ga~- tts~i 7. 1'.I srt'.for ills'fsllsstin; ctcecti v'
. of M.Shaving Parlors ald'Bath Rooms! Ilis lhomttts 5illt'ieits.tinniote ls : th~m h urne
322 SOUTH STATE STREET. J.. 5.Il'sssIs.'SSIiclit> t'sSi Wiikjr.'0ceitr t ot :i '< SPALDING'S?
Ladies' atistic Bale Drrssisgup stairs l;Fcsssi e.lts o taei:t-t hssisettl. uitI~yI ~ -~ Foot Ball Supplies For '9
Old friend', sail agaln.5cWewelcome new ,konsrneht o i ,ie t obascutMn. l dsb(i :
fnes. J Rt TSROJANOWSKI, his year11. ii:',ssisl: g ttof il i:'inItte'9,i teatst. Ilit' 'ias c i"1)15'ilto sI 2 Every Hequstdite for the Gam
p B.esioilldo well tomwri
coss-tiltheli's:ctibs. Ii~'iI e1twisleavest'chIool adsis d lstsot Irs'l rssta:it eI - for samples and special rata
RENTCHLE, TH PHOOGRAHERhefore purchasing.
R~~~~~~~~~~ yeSaLrTE on~fAIW 15' 11 hli$ lass lealsi. '11'citlti1115 this fall olsets its' easily 111.1(1e t'theVat'-
Telephone I . ANN ARBOR itoundts,iheightis feel 1I.'114tie's. il3'. El~tlasiis Si feit 4 iscitleshs1, The Spalding Official
DN.i ITELI. I ageloi't, '0981L., (Slrsstil llav('n. seigits 204 isoutislasld is 20's-tars itl. Aot yvlFoot Ball.
ENCHDETRs'_lils.. is tills of tli' list r'se'rv'e 111)'- Samith,(N, ' 1 gisrl, isas toessIill BHarvardt, Corntell, end all other leadsior us
-- .E N UEA DRCO.esadi ahr okr lyd a 'nsl la adpeae o -l sealed in separate box with brass inalate
Calls Attended Day or Nightiscls lti.Ii y't .Oit s, siIg al S siisMltayA' ~'13Price, Ss"oo.
No. 1i16 East Liberty Street: Residence,: ____________533__________________________ Spalilng's Official Foot Ball Oul,
South F'ourth Ave. Phone i129S hol.V paid. is cents.
RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. IUniv'ersi1ty Sofool of ancing, Catalogue of Pall anti Winter Sports, >rn
WASHINGTON BLOCK. ARNN'ARBOR. State Street., opst Law Building A, B. SPALDING & BROSI,
-0Ternis $5.00 a seniester - - Single eveiings 50 cents. Ciwiorko washingt i
KINDERG6ARTENI I Offic--427- Thompson Street. r . r.,.l o .- .
Call and See- Us, jIDoYo u speak Greek? You can IENWLTO
lanit while buying t W s b n
bFruit and candy at the Greek Store,? v" W a hb sris-
CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. 243 North Main street, opp. court , t2Ps eovd 1
t utrcie.:Orders for all Fraternity parties, club _ house. Pure home made candies Lw eso TIO a RM
dausc. ev res n ro and Ice cream, fine California fruits, MINOS for aillostruments.
Music Co. or at Renltlenee,ilO Oddcseve. very suitable for presents, and we
1 Wladingattael boenanaed P lanso and in I* * know you will want: thmfor that SCHAEDEJIES MUSIC pSTUi
A.3 Jo nsonT - * . party you are going togve 1 uWest Liberty nCnaArer1.


I I !tN-MlVLTa J&VW.L'JLUM- - 6

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