THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 MAICHIGAN CENTRAL, " THE NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE." --------------------- A First-Class Line for First-Class Travel_____ T _ ROUTE OF '5roo T,""s *HE NO "RTH SHORE BLIMI'TED And other Fast Trains between Chicago, Ann Arbor, Detroit, New York, Boston and New England Points, via N~kTNN011&L MNEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER, AND BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD It is solidly constructed, magnificently equipped, vigilantly operated, and spares no pains or expense to secure the comfort, convenience and safety of its patrons. ______________________________ 0. W. RUGGLES, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt., Chicago. H. W. HAYES, Agt., Ann .Arbor, Mich. @ smbotz @ EL PRINCIPE DEGALES ALL HAVANA CIGAR. About the otly ALL HAVANA Cigar on the market. P. S. & CO's, 10 CENT CIGARS Perrectos, Concihos, Union League Club 5 CENT CIGARS Smokettee, Chief Battles, Lu-mt-num JNOI T. WOODHOUSE & CO3 DISTRIBUTORS For sate by alt dealers 75 Woodward Ave THE -FOR- YeIlow, Chisaothemvms, MICHIGAN-MINNESOTA. (continued from First Page.) easily nurde the 'Var'sity lust year. ptlaying htalf-back, and as a line bo('ker !!sood lwithout tilt equaliniithe West. Wihat Iiittie timete hlets beenialto ' plthtyfits year' has brett al guard, and ie ias yet to t tee I his equal. Is 22, years old, wveigbls 18 lpoundis andelis (> feel 1 int lltall. B. B. 'Sno~w, I), dlyed tuckle on the ':tit sernbs andi was te reserve c tltiti1. His hosime is at. Detroit, witete lbe p lared toe esllege antI played tot tho htigli school teant. 'This year be' has platyed regtltarly at guartd on tihe 'ar- sity tatdlhas developed in t a sutpertb player, }both offensive atttl defenisive. lie is 19 yta rs old, oveighs 157 ptils aid is I6 feet t/a ebbhtll. 1Ifiwarti Felvet', '98 E, uof Batatvia, Ill., hits developtedin il to .star lttttrt- bactk. le pisses the btall ftast attil-n pitvfect Iforiiandilgets ovell its tilt'in- terferetne. lie is the best dodgitng gatme tireeted tie teamt'stplawith ntilsi- nelleni itudgmnt. Ie ttts (taluitittl attewe of tnerve, bttteighs otnly 1-5 jIpotttlls. lie is 5 feet ttinches till antl is 20 yeatrs old. 11Pltyeut ont iis class ttitiforIctoyetars andovtas qutaret' ott last year's 'Vttrsity. F. 'C'. littnnattn, the 'Varsity's futtl- battk, is tilt'best Itttntr ittschotoiltantd hats Iten stiperiuor tuo any be ha~s op- posethfits yetar'. Fotrthe t-tost literte hats tdtote sery good work, bitt does 'ntt. lilt the lintet with tenoutglh fore.Ie played on list year's reserves tiedsoats fttr ttvo years a -mtemtber of htoicltass tea~nttt His hottme is in C'hiceago. Wili gradttie in '9t8, Weighis 10t8 pound:,, to 5 feet 10t/o inchetsItl andti22,yearto old. W.ItC'nniha, n, 1f1hev iAI OODW ARD list cteecrushes FStieiiganttter, itd. I, frlini'Grove ('ity, Fen,'t w'hvietei1 pilaytid fotr too ye'ars ottl(Grove Cl'ty R S A R N y'il;tr a~l He'vl )Cltstlat ea its Ii,,layitng ttosof a.very tii t riter.Ile Chas rievelapeti oititl"- AND Ite Am fually Ihis year,',is lprobabtlly ite tito;i tagi 'siti'ldyer o tilete I tlt ind oO vster "-'o 'se ( t oif siretigili seoliithe ttdo-" itisivi1 '. Ii a is iititiht'cof the' itetit- tnt 'ctiss ofl'99, is 23, yetars oll, stauts 108 Woodward Avenue feet 10 iitthes till atol treigits1 (IH. ..n~~'' pountus. 'C'lyto T. eetel, 00 . isanohorProprietor. flayetoirtaki.e lthe'asidty ' t5 tutu tod itts. itt the patst towtovweeks TRY OUR 25G DINNERS. Best in the city stsoo'tititellvatiimnpr'ovemtet tt het is looikedl uponti is aetuttilig stalr. it' Ot'EN DAY AND NIGHTI. 15 a. Oltitty cittntet'tuu io ow ire ts o tvit ite fitelottillns in trui' 'Vttrsity formi. Steaks and Chops to Order. ei' nteit'' ollt'ge floutn('tietgo,ovliu' for thr ee yeitcs lie ltlttyeil half-ittuik ott Cigar Sniokers Say: thet Entglewodullghottol teattt. kit' owts tilsit a tiettitec01' The basebal inl The "No. 8" Five Cent Cigar trtaek tettotto. tunh eartitl for ltittiself has no equal. te disinct'tiion if eitg lthe lbest ath- ittrDealers Sy lit' ttthotite Cotok coutynn igbil ertiottis. tie is 2(0 yea rotuil, ts 5 feet The "No. 8" Five Cent Cigar li0 incteis ii 1It andi 'tgts E158 titeir IBEST sellers. It. S. tuockwood, taekle, woho for fitr Cigar Dealers Say: yetarslaltyedtacttkle oiltthte Slitttuttk W.e cant match the "No. 8' B ilitaty Atotdenyttileamt, is inttoetiltgt Five Cent Cigar for duality or ftr'. Wiil .' si iatttuek prce he madtetansitxexreelt'ireptattione andi his piayintg on the WXarsity siotoostint lie is a play-er of more Itnotrtttina ry luroniise. An ijttty rceivetd itrly itt FOR SALE BY tiie-settooti itas rofac'u his work: in R. E. JOLLY & CO. sittie tiegree ie is "mtheroilic litiis- MAC WHITE. hitl, eoliitttgtromt Kttuuke. Is )5ftetSCHUMACHER & MILLER. 7 incest'still titui teighis 172 Ipounids. :I. tDt+'. iitards, of Douglaso, Wi'- A. M. MUMMERY. otliitg, is otte of the oltIpl1(1rs t.t the WM. C. GERSTNER and others. THE FRANKLIN HOUSE!i Corner of Bates and Lamned Streets, DETROIT.- -MIGH. OFFERS EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS TO Ann Abor Ezcursoz0Mst The Best of Board, Good Table Service and all modern conveniences. Rates, Per Day $1.60 to $2.00. Meals 36 Cents. Centrally located, Only One Block from Woodward and Jeers on Avenues