2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Coliege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OFFzce: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Ste. SIANAGINtS EDITOR J. IF. THoMfAS, '0S L. BUSINESS SMANAGER 0. 11. HANS. '0S L. EDITORS II,1. SnIsMAN, 'SO L., Athletics. E. Lt. Geesio, '03 Lt. - - - Monday BUTLER LAMB, 'S, - - - Tuesday G. D. lUDNUTe. '03, - Wednesday T. tt. Woooisow, '53, - - Thursday A. CAMP'IELL '50, - - - - Fiday i. A. Caurusit, 'O, - - - Saturday The sbscription price sc the Daily is $2.10 for the csllege year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- foee S p.mi., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stofiet's Newstand, or with Business M31anacer. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promoptly at this office anov failure of carriers to deliver paper, ,Tis is thit'annual Dstroit footall editioni of thie Datily. Two tiiotisaid extra copi's W('i1'iprinltedlfor flee dis- tributioni oin the traiisiss in at t11 galIn e. Now Charges Framed, It is ruinored thattailtanfswer 1toIll chsarges mtde by Oberlin 13 respect to1 Mtichigain's altitude in the late golilo has been framietd, lbllis now ofil tck because of it new set of aicemsiiioii from the preacnt'rs. No doub~t the3 new elharges will lo' thoroiighly col- sidered blyItie "board of control sod on early ainswer mode. Other Groat Games Today. Besoides te Aii".i1g.1i- Minnesota goosle, the oils great gamie to be Played 3i5 tiel' ttv-ot~dayiys t131t) betA-en I'll- sago andlti iscoilsii 1111('r0:les iIll Compulsory Gym Work. Yale tUiiversity h1111 istiltlt'd aliO teatuire'in aithletics. Si orb in tie- for tile'fresiiiilii 11a1s. sii11111 for 01-terallyears 11111 is In 811- 1131111ionin near~ly aliitill'cllege's. The Iloirse'is required so sO tl o' 1 .1i )lllbaftiorotughi a11d1systliltic phiysi- of 1tw1)litiurs a. 511'ei, It'e cls It'- log helil at 7:l3() frolli Not. I1st tiiroogli te firsthbfol th le siecondtlernl. for 111the lill athl 'icteas still tii'iexcusi'd uponlii presentinig a sI'It'ell stateel'n 10111thit'apainliliof the tln 111. Alsi, As ini iny Ithlr requtlired i luirsca salisficlortand111111110 11'1111t 11itnd stuchi condliltin1(-anlilly be reliiosi'lIby 1t1e sainl I 10'l'5 as inithe 1111. courses. Attenidanci' s relillrldi 1111 ai ermi for ail subtjec'ts. Tfhe chosses tswil ll'e orge11111 still Ill prlofll'iecy. for te heavy vt-Il-. Ti10 class tworbkItililconsist iiri ly of dtumib- bite ll' oranid exert-iseo 11111 hoter healvy- tNlik 11n21tle 5-ariouis gytiiionti(- a111a1- to thii'hicvy gymnsislet od it is hopeli dottgreat pilrtsiiiltiy still lbe acqireild by the aldvanledl pupiils. At the Athens Theatre Tonight. The Evening Record, Pittsburg, of November 2d, 1097, speaks of te new Southern play, "At Piney Ridge," ats follows: 11 'At Pi ney Ridge' is undoubt- edly the best drama that has been here this season. The themor of the play is old, but tinder the skillful gold- an~ce of an oble playwright the old story Chas developed into a ployy011 be adiiirsed. The ply is ncv here antd scored a decided liii Before Havin~g 'Your TEPoosTkn ISE;..A.WR The Berryman Studio (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. WAHR'S F_____ 300HSORE. Students should ty us boforo making any purchase. We are bound to sastisfy and please. Oui large stock of Law and Medcal Books, in short, Text-Books forW hTSMWAU_:° every department in the University,MtnSOW iiew and second-hand enables us j to sell at the lowest price. UO I'~I Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- toeyat low prices.AN Make our stores your headquarters. The Washburn is the one and only make of world-wide reputation, Sold by first-class dealers everywhere from 'WAHR'S BOOKn STORE sss.oo upward, Imitated extensively, Up Town Dawn Town sn be sore that the name "George S. State St. Opposite CourtHouse Washburn" is burned upsn the iiiside. Ann Arbor Main 9t. A beautifusl Washburn Book contain- tog portraits and letters from the De Reszkes, Calvet, Eames, Nordica, Scat- THOSE NOBBYSUITS! clii aiid inoiliter famious artists aiid teochers, mailted free spun request. Address Dept. U, LYON & HSESLY, M ILWARD THE TAILOR, Csr. Wabash Ase. and Adams St., Chicago. STATE STREET. Stvdo~Dts' Lectv[oAssociatioo,. FORTY -THIRD SEASON. TIE. UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE. DRi. FRIDTJOF- NANSEN-- - -- - NOV. I6 [IoN. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee---------e.3 LMIANI3 T. POwiiotb------------ -- -- --Jan. 22 BooxiiR T. WASHINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number-----Jan. 29, SOUSA ANI) Ifits BAN)- -- - - -- e.25 ORATORICAL.CONTES-r- --- --- March 18 HION. BtURTON----------------------------April148 Season Tickets - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 THIS COLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN tNDICATOR; INDICATING THAT fOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARCEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, REVER & CO., ly tdividetd in tflirtforecasts is tit'e Aet'ys pfttiel1115 111: 1111111g5 outcome of It'e g;ai e. '111' pratce-'s-l ~ lalt )1sit i'lte'l1 wvork ofthit'btt)wee1k for 'bothi tanill e placeiiohlt, lt nit t:elweel I] leas beuenhandlsiIootfast,.aodtShit'n 1 o111s1eo fl frt ,X) ope test is sure to Ib'etttose. 'bictgo,onorugtoWi. wil,1111 vma' mnsu: In this east Yaole antd ttort-ortts'ltfundil.'Ihetrce' silt 111'0 et) 1g1. for the first lime sititie 1894. Soldii.'i-$jIF YOU WVANT THE BEST] Fiteld is to be the ssilt' Iofhillatle. -- Yale hs reported as lition ftetbest FRATERNITY STATIONERY, teamshl ie has tu~rnied outu in ': tl BADGES OR PINS yea'irs, an hillte Ilorstird coa ce s sayis Send to mluchl of thie t'ambridgte teito .Yalt' is SMITH3, STURGEON & CO., favoied. os the winnter. '237, 2)0, 2'10loodard Avt'., Detroit. Tti'sitis d estims urisedontll workl All Arrangements Made. olthis kint. Tehiaoliis.lrlofday said: "A.ll arroingeunts tot thise l ~ lPlA E Tlianksgit-ing Day gtsiie it tielli111 HOTUICHOUCOLATES 9 Osumlbetwteen ttheUivrsityofh tti9 eagoandhitsluiersio- ll tn tghtOurs Is Good Becausey ar's conmpleted. A digl'tsntitt t.hefiteldtI -W s h 9s hclt was iiatde out yesterdloy iidlresetlld1 l-We e he es hooat L ho thitsChicasgo hhaiioge oeint for its 1a- 2 -We heat it just enough tt provtal. The fieltd will be left tusit- bin usteflvr liellIly as it watstduring thll' lor te r slcst', Tliel ilstli te a ptroniehihtsll'to'- y 3-We use Cream-not nilk~i hween the boxes along lie tide liiies y or starch. ali te ridro tI~pr flt' leti 4-We :add Whipped Cream y woill be about tour feet 'belo thislietel last. of -lbs floor in the boxies. The pro- 5 -We serve it HOT. gramls, 5which 'harelau's ied asninlilit-9 ed amount of trosuble in pasth yeairs, 9 5C.9 will be handled bytyhue iiminagemoent99 itself this year. Mt-cery tiecket lbolder' CALKINlS' - PHARMACY, will be given one tress of chiarge :atnd they will not be for sale," 0 ' 1 201 _and 203 South Main Street. = Ann Arbor, lich WE BUY 'BCD BACK------------------- Whenever you hue a pair of shoes here that do not fit, do nut wear as they should or unsatisfactory in any particular bring them bach. Is every case where a sbus falis short of our promise we make. It right either by replacing it with a better one or by buying it bach. WM.i. J. APRILL., 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. I