THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. NEW! --Our Furnishings for Gentlemen-- NEW! We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the benefit of our Special Sales. We HAVE the BEST to be had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock. OUR NECKWEAR IS THE BEST! GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, Finearth. house renown Ascots and four-in-hands-Berliner, Strauss End, and No. 12-The best DOLLAR Glove in the city. & Denzers in all stytes. : : UNDER WEAR-S WEATERS FINE HALF HOSE.-SWEATERS! WoN t Combination Suits, $250 and $3.50-Alt Woot worth $2.00 for Fine Silk, Lisle, Cashmere, and Cotton Hose-Fancy Lisle Hose, 58 a suit. Wool Fleeced, Cottor. Fleeced, Camil's Hair, Etc. seamless Maco split soles-see our two-for-a-quarter line. Night Robes, Bath Robes, Pajamas, at unheard of Prices. E. & W. Bodie Narkette, Keteta, Niota, Etc. Barkers, Souix, Mahopac, Don't miss our UMBRELLAS. Cluett Collars and Cuffs. Our Telephone is ready to receive orders, and our wagon ready to deliver them. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty MA0K & GO.. N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty Notwithstanding the 40 per cent raise on strings owing to the change in the tariff we re- 4 tain our uniform low price. Banjo, 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th. 5c. Mandolin, E and A, 2%c. Mandolin, D and G, 5c. Violin. Gut, each 10c. Guit r, E, ti, G, gut, each 10c. Guitar. 1. A. E, 10c. -' e~ru gs a specialy fernm 5LO 25Ic each. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 205-207 E. Washington St. ' Athens Theati lks 'f One Night On E; FRIDAY, Charity NOV EMB Benef it. 12 A High=Class Vaudeville Entert ment by Professional and Ama Talent. U of M. ShavingParlors andBath Ro 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up s Old friends call agaln. We welcome anna. J. at. TROJANOWSKI RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGR4A Telephone 5O. ANN ARI ENOCH DIETERLE, EflBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREC Cals Attended Day orNight. No. 116 EastLiherty Street: Reidene South hoarth Ave. Phane RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPH WASHINGTON BLOCK. AhN AR KINDERGARTEN, 10 3 Call and See Us, CAN FU-NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLAS Orders for all Fraternity parties, dances, etc. Leave order,. as Ann A Musics. or asienc,17J 0 GOdde P. S.- Will take pupils on Piano an sight reading at above named Places, A. J .Johnston POLITIOAL ECONOMY III. Examinations for removal of ditions in Industrial History ofJ land will be held Saturday, Nov at 11 o'clock in Room 11, Tappan1 This will be the only opportu given for the removal of conditioe this course until the close of the se semester. FRANK H. DIX( Subscribe for the Daily. ' i I I Geo. S, Parker Foun- tain Pen B O ' DRUG ST R.0. M. MARTIN, ROWN STO E.~ FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREFU EA DI CTR Embalming a Specialty. Is the place to Register. This Register is always consulted first by the NO. :oo FOURTH AVENUE. Messengers-It's F .] E . Ambulance night or day. MsResidence, 302 Fifth Avenue. re FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES. At the Athena. ANTON TEUFEL Right into the pine-clad hills of Ten- HEADQUARTEes ron ly (Continued from First Page.) nessee, where people spoak in sot Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases, and the first American student to obtain drawling accent and where they love Telescopes. either of these degrees. The English and hate with an intensity the cold Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and universities are d'vided into various Northerner knows not, David Higgins cheaply, No.307S. Main Street. colleges; each college has its own pe- and his company will take the audi- 3ER ollar customs and social life. It is al- once at the Athens Theater tomorrw H A L L E RCS ways well for the foreign student to evening. ____---- JEELRY STORE put up at one of the colleges instead of at a private dwelling near the uni- The next attractiona ftert"'ey U. of M. Buttons and versity. In the latter instance te Ridge" at the Athens Theater will beiPins, loses much of the college associations. "Eillarney on the Rhine," with J. E. POR ain= T.l sledn a teur The French universities are tile larg- -ole ao leading nan. Lowney's Chocolates est and the most chaotic in EunOpe. It is only within the last year that MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE - O TO- ims foreign students have been offered de ASSOCIATION. W .* W. TUTTLE'S, t St. glees. The strongest department at Membership, includig publicatiln, ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. tairs present in the French universities is open to students at $1 per year, ois- new that of philosophy, in which subject half the regular fee. Apply to T A N 1 E S - there are many very eminent profes- CHARLES H. COOIhiiv-TA N D E M S HER sors among the colleges scattered Treasurer. r1o I enti11 about the country. CHAUCER. The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun- BOR At the American classical school at The members of my class In Chaucer dries and Suppiles at Rome Miss Mary S. Williams, Ph. D. will, for the present, provide thei- M, STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM '9, holds a fellowship given by the selves with Sweet's "Second Middle- TOR., Telephone Na. 5. One dnor East af Ameri- T cllegiate Alumnae, and Clarence L. English Primer," Hempl's "Cliacer's can Hose s e. 5 Meader, instructor in Latin in the U. Pronounciation." The class meets 110. of M. last year, captured one of the Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 in Room The Name the Guarantee. ® fellowships offered by the school itself. L. GEORGE HEIPL. SPALDING'S Li. ss Ruth Gentry, '90, recently did ex- FOR ENT-A very desirable suite ll lie O te. FOR rENTaAchewyrkestrthe Bsrlin Everv Requisite for the Game. BOR. tesive reoeareh work at the Bern of front rooms with stationary bowl, Managers will do wellto write University. hot and cold fater. Ret patc heat fer le s aarnd special rates SRS)hotandcoldwatr. ot gate het-tefore purchasing. n St, All literary students desiiing to en- and all modern conveniences. I The Spalding official quire 439 S. Division. Foot Ball ter the preliminaries for the Michigan- Chicago debate are urged to report in Chrysanthemums free for football Harvardr Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania Havr, Corsnell, and all ather easis g ni- S. Room B, University Hall, Saturday, at game Saturday. See advertisement on vers ies. Fach ball tested and packed, ned sealed in separate hex with brass inflator club 8 p. m. sharp. last page. Price, $5.eo. Ano Spamaing's Official Fot hail euis ave.U n v rs t pmr ad 8ho07 an i g pa Edited by W~AITER CAse. Pnst- In U paio cents. Catalogue of Fall and Winter Sports, FREE. . State Street., opposite Law Building A. G, SPA LDING & BROS., Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. New York Pwhinlgphia con- Ofgee-427 Thompson Street. 4 90g D[ You speak Greek? You can PINE NEW LOT 0 . l0,Y Iearn it while buying i Hall. ruit and candy at the Greek Store, ".W as IJI r1ns.. 6 unity 203 North Main street, opp. court Just received. ns in house. Pure home made candies Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM- and ice cream, fine California fruits, MINGS for all instruments. cond very suitable for presents, and we )N. J A know you will want them for that SOUA EERLE S MUSIC STOR E L T E H party you are going to give. ~V 4 west Liberly st., Ann Arbor. UNMQU Ds ONs FO " ANwUET lCJAMES KOSTAUS. j